Home > Jilted Jock(6)

Jilted Jock(6)
Author: Rebecca Jenshak

“What about the shelter?”

“Nah, Chance called Aubrey before you. They’re completely full.”

I’d taken animals home with me lots of times. With Aubrey working at the animal shelter, there was always overflow or special cases and I was eager to help. I liked taking in unwanted, unloved things, but this felt different.

“Why don’t you both stay at my place tonight?”

“You want me to stay at your place?” He almost smirked, that dimple in his cheek making a brief appearance.

Annoyed that he thought this was about him, I met his gaze head-on. “Trust me, I’m a bigger fan of hers than yours right now. But she’s clearly attached to you whether you like it or not. You can’t just hand her off to some random person. You and kitty can stay at my place for the night. I have a spare room and I’m not allergic. Now, get in.”

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and stared straight ahead. I was quite proud of myself for speaking so firmly. Finn didn’t know what he needed or wanted right now. Decisions made in his current state of mind were skewed at best. He needed someone to step in and tell him when he was being an ass, and here I was in the right place at the right time. I could help him, stop him from making rash decisions like giving up the most beautiful cat I’d ever seen.

He sighed and got in and I drove away, determined to shove any frustration away and be considerate of what he was going through. Firm, but considerate. Exactly like taking in a stray puppy, though I’d never say that to him.

When we arrived back at my house, I pulled the car into the driveway and killed the engine.

“Come on in and I’ll help you get settled.”

He nodded.

Inside my small house his presence was odd and a little overwhelming. I pushed on, showing him to the spare room. It was on the opposite side of the house from the master and had a bathroom across the hall. Perfect for guests, though I’d had few use it.

“If you need anything, I’m at the opposite end of the house. I’ve gotta get to bed, but make yourself at home. You can watch TV in the living room or if you’re hungry, help yourself. There’s not much, but you’re welcome to it.”

“Do you have any Macallan?” Finn walked into the room and set the carrier and his bag on the floor.


“Scotch, liquor, beer, wine would even be okay I guess.”

“Oh, uh. No.”

“You don’t have any alcohol?”

“Nope.” I tried for cheery and upbeat but didn’t quite nail it. “There’s some sparkling water in the fridge or I could make you some coffee or tea.”

He ran a hand through his dark hair. “Who doesn’t keep any alcohol in the house?”

I took a deep breath. “An addict.”

He studied me closely and then nodded slowly.

“Let me know if you need anything else.”

I was two steps down the hall and out of view when his gruff voice followed after me, “Thank you.”

Before I could respond, the bedroom door shut.




What the hell had I done?

I closed my bedroom door and leaned against it. Finn might have been on the other end of the house with two shut doors between us, but I felt him everywhere. In the walls and under my skin.

It was just one night.

My phone chimed with a text alert from Richard. Instead of texting back, I called him to say good night.

“Hey,” he answered. “I was just getting into bed. I’ve got an early meeting.”

“I know. I just wanted to hear your voice. It’s been a long day.” I started my nighttime ritual as if it would trick me into believing it was just any other night.

“Oh.” Richard’s voice was laced with concern. “Everything okay?”

When I was done telling him about Finn crashing at Chance’s last night, CJ being allergic, and then driving Finn around and finally ending up back at my place, I forced my mouth shut and waited for his response.

He was silent for several long seconds before he spoke. “So, he’s staying at your house?”

“Yeah. Just for tonight.” It felt like I was repeating it to myself as much as him.

“Finn McCash is sleeping in your house and you didn’t think to talk to me about it first?”

I pulled my hair back and turned the faucet on. Staring back at my flushed face, I did my best to reassure us both. “It’s no big deal. If Chance trusts him, then I do too.”

“Chance was okay with this?”

“Well, actually I haven’t told him yet, but I don’t see why he would have a problem with it. The guy was in a bind, what was I supposed to do?”

“He’s a rich guy with lots of friends, I’m sure he could have figured something out for himself.”

“His fiancée just left him at the altar and ran off with his teammate. Have a heart.”

Richard sighed loudly into the receiver. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to come off as cold, but I don’t like the idea of you being alone with him. A guy like that is used to partying and doing God knows what. I worry about you around someone like that. He probably goes through women like underwear. Be careful.”

I snorted, put the phone on speaker and set it on the counter before I rubbed the peppermint-scented soap on my face. “I’m perfectly safe. You’re the one who’s always saying you don’t like me living alone.”

“I meant I wanted to be there, not that I wanted you to invite strange men to stay over.”

I bit back a smile. Jealous wasn’t a side of Richard I’d ever seen and as misguided as it was, I appreciated his concern. “He’s not a stranger. He’s a friend of my brother’s. I’m getting ready for bed and I’m sure he’ll be gone by the time I get off work tomorrow.”

“Lock your bedroom door just in case.”

“You’re not serious?” I giggled, but he stayed silent until I relented. “I highly doubt Finn McCash is going to try and slip inside my bedroom tonight, but if it makes you feel better, I’m locking the door right now,” I spoke flippantly over my shoulder toward the phone as I padded across the floor.

But as the lock clicked into place, my heart raced at just the idea of Finn on the other side – no matter how ridiculous.


The next morning, I tiptoed through the house. I did my morning gratitude list while I drank my coffee and all the while a nervous energy hummed in my veins knowing Finn was just down the hall.

I was rinsing my mug when I heard a quiet meow. I walked toward the spare room, pausing a few steps away and waited for the sound again. When it came, much louder this time, I winced and quietly shushed her.

An adorable white paw appeared under the door. She stretched as far as she could and felt around on the wood floor and then did the same with the other paw, all while meowing at me at an increasingly loud volume.

Caught between invading Finn’s privacy and stopping the kitten from waking him, I finally opened the door just enough to let her slip out. She showed her appreciation by rubbing against my leg and I picked her up and headed to the kitchen.

“Good morning,” I cooed at her.

I grabbed a bowl and filled it with water and then set it and kitty on the floor. Last night when I’d texted Aubrey to check on CJ, I’d learned that kitty was supposed to be a wedding present to his fiancée. I felt a little guilty about not agreeing to take the cat initially and letting Finn forget about her. A constant reminder of his ex as a pet – yeah, that was hard even for me to swallow.

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