Home > If We Ever Meet Again(17)

If We Ever Meet Again(17)
Author: Ana Huang

Tendrils of guilt snaked up his spine.

Wait. I have nothing to be guilty about. Blake was single. He could hook up with anyone he wanted.

“I can see myself out.” Mina stood on her tiptoes to plant a lingering kiss on Blake’s mouth. He returned it with hesitation, hyperaware of Farrah’s presence. “Call me later.”

She nodded at Farrah on her way out. “Nice jammies.” She sauntered down the hall and disappeared into the stairwell.

“Sorry,” Farrah said, that strange expression still on her face. “I didn’t know you had company.”

“It’s fine. She was leaving anyway.” Blake leaned against the doorframe. Nope. Guilt had no business here. None at all. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“It’s nothing.”

“If it’s nothing, you wouldn’t be standing here.”

Farrah blew out a breath. “Ok, I don’t want you to read too much into this, but I got you something from Thailand and wanted to give it to you before I forget.” She handed him a small elephant figurine. He’d been so busy staring at the sheep he hadn’t noticed the elephant. “It’s modeled after an elephant at the sanctuary we went to. He reminded me of you.”

Blake took the elephant and rubbed his thumb over the intricate stone carving. A lump formed in his throat. He couldn’t remember the last time he received a gift from someone who didn’t expect something back.

The pit of loneliness that had plagued him for the past week shrank from the size of a fist to the size of a pea.

Stop being a pansy and toughen up. It’s an elephant, for chrissakes.

Blake ignored the warmth flooding his veins and flashed his signature smile, the one that he knew made girls melt. To his annoyance, Farrah remained unfazed. “Was the elephant also handsome and athletic?”

“Cocky and a showoff.”

“I’ll take it.” Blake assessed the elephant. Heck, it was a good-looking animal. “Thank you. This is so thoughtful.”

Farrah looked embarrassed. “It’s not a big deal. Just a trinket I picked up.”

“Well, I appreciate it. Shows how much you missed me.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“I did not miss you.”

“You thought about me.”


“You thought about me enough to buy this.” Blake brandished the elephant in triumph.

Farrah’s expression was priceless.

“You know what? I’m taking it back.” She attempted to swipe the figurine from his hands. He held it above his head, laughing as she jumped to try to reach it. “I’m giving it to Josh.”

Blake stilled. “Who’s Josh?”

“My cousin.”

He relaxed. “Well, Josh will have to do without because Blake Jr. is mine.”

“Of course you named it after yourself. How narcissistic can you be?”

“Very. Now stop trying to take him back, or you’re not getting your thank you present.”

That caught her attention. “What’s my present?”

“Whatever you want it to be.”

“That’s the laziest answer ever.”

“Yet it works. Would you rather have something you want or something someone else thinks you want?”

Farrah frowned. “Good point. Fine. I want dinner. A good dinner. I’m starving.”

“That’s it?”

“You want me to ask for your firstborn, too?”

“If you want to raise him or her for me, sure.” Blake shrugged. “In the meantime, dinner it is, milady.”

“I’ll change.”

“No. You should wear those PJs out. They’re cute.” He tried to keep a straight face. He failed.

“Shut up.” Farrah spun on her heels and marched toward the stairs.

“I’m serious. They are cute!” Blake yelled after her.

She flipped him the finger without turning around. “Meet me in the lobby in ten.”

Blake was still chuckling when he tucked the elephant into his desk drawer. He changed into street clothes and pulled out his phone to ask Luke for a rain check when a message from his friend popped up.

Can’t make it tonight. Homestay fam made dinner for me.

Sometimes the universe aligns.

Cool. Next time.

On Blake’s way to the lobby, he passed by Zack and Scott, who sported dark tans from their week backpacking in Vietnam. Flo was downstairs, surrounded by a pile of shopping bags stamped with Korean characters. She was showing off what looked like a pack of Jason masks to her friends.

Hmm. That reminds me, Halloween is coming up.

“I’m ready!”

Farrah bounded down the stairs in a coat, jeans, and boots. A scarf wrapped around her throat; gloves covered her hands.

It was sixty degrees outside.

“I didn’t realize we’re going to Siberia for dinner.”

“Har-har.” Farrah flipped her hood up. “I’m from SoCal. I’m cold.”

“I’m from Texas and you don’t see me dressed like an Eskimo.”

“You’re a guy. Guys make terrible decisions.”

“That’s sexist.”

“Sue me.”

Blake grinned. Damn, he’d missed her.

“So where do you want to eat dinner, princess?”

She cut a glance his way but let the nickname slide. “Any chance you discovered a cool new restaurant around here?”

Hmm. He’d tried a bunch of restaurants, but none—wait. A slow grin spread across his face.

“Actually, I did. It’s not new, and it’s not around here, but you’ll love it. Come on!”

“Where are we going?” Farrah puffed as she jogged to keep up with him. Blake had a good seven inches on her; every step he took was the equivalent of two of hers.

“You’ll see.”

They climbed into one of the cabs idling outside the campus gates. Blake gave the address to the driver, who stepped on the gas in a sudden move that threw Blake and Farrah against the backseat.

“The least you can do is tell me what kind of cuisine it is,” Farrah said once they straightened themselves up. “Pretty please.”

“And ruin the surprise? No way.”

She pouted. “Fine. At least tell me whether the food is good.”

“I have no idea.”


The driver slammed the brakes as they approached a red light. Everyone jerked forward.

Christ. This man’s driving was the reason they invented seat belts.

“How can you not know if the food is good or not?” Farrah clutched her chest. “Are you taking me to…an untested restaurant?”

Blake laughed. “Olivia’s spoiled you.”

“Say what you will, but the girl knows her restaurants. She’s never steered me wrong.”

“It’s not about the food. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“It’s dinner. Of course it’s about the food.”

Blake smiled in response. He refused to succumb to Farrah’s pleas for more information. Instead, he distracted her with questions about Thailand, which she was more than happy to talk about. Other than what sounded like Courtney-Leo drama, the trip seemed like a blast, especially the Full Moon Party. Drinking on the beach, fire jump ropes, and bikini-clad girls (including Farrah) covered in body paint? Blake regretted staying behind.

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