Home > Kissing The Hero (The Dangers of Dating a Diva, #2)(61)

Kissing The Hero (The Dangers of Dating a Diva, #2)(61)
Author: Christina Benjamin

We’d had a good talk after I finally convinced him that I didn’t blame him for getting me disqualified. Rules were rules and I’d broken them, inadvertently or not. Besides, everything I told him was true. Even before the winners were announced I’d realized I’d achieved my goals and then some.

It happened when we were standing backstage waiting to go on, me wrapped in Wyatt’s warm embrace, realizing I’d found where I belonged. Making music, with Wyatt by my side. I didn’t know exactly how that was all going to work but figuring it out together would be the fun part.

I knew his heart was still tender from feeling like he’d let me down. But I certainly wasn’t upset about reassuring him with extra affection. The boy’s lips were my kryptonite.

I felt the lyrics to another song about kisses bubble up. At this rate I’d have an entire album about kissing Wyatt Nash.

I smirked. There were worse problems to have.

“What are you smiling about?” he asked.

“Nothing. Come on, let’s go congratulate the other singers and songwriters.”

We spent the next half hour chatting with some of the other performers. Everyone was super supportive about my situation. Even Jenna congratulated me. She was in a stellar mood considering she was getting some special attention from the cute boy I’d spotted her with.

By the time the lobby lights dimmed on and off, signaling it was time for the next performances to start, I was grinning from ear to ear. My face actually hurt from smiling. I didn’t think that had ever happened at a competition before.

“Shall we go find some seats?” Wyatt asked, offering me an arm even though he was using his crutches.

“Actually,” a voice called from behind us. “I was hoping you’d have a minute to talk?”

I turned around and nearly fell over. Tessa Hart was standing there looking like a tall glass of water. Actually, make that a tall glass of champagne. She was much too classy to be plain old water, with her effortless blonde waves and stunning gold dress.

I stood still hoping I wasn’t standing in the way of whomever she was talking to, afraid that if I moved, I’d bump into her and make a fool of myself.

“I’m Tessa Hart,” she said. “I really loved your songs.” She smiled at me and I nearly passed out, but Wyatt gave me a gentle nudge in the back.

“Shhh,” I whisper-hissed. “Tessa Hart is standing right there.”

“Yeah, I know,” he whispered back. “I’m pretty sure she’s talking to you.”

Tessa grinned. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

All I managed was a wheezing giggle.

“Sorry,” Wyatt interjected. “Normally, she does know how to speak. She’s just a really big fan of yours.”

I elbowed him.

“Well, I’m glad to hear it,” she said. “It might make you more open to my proposition.”

I found my voice. “Proposition?”

“Yeah. Like I said, I really liked your songs. As far as I’m concerned you were the best one on that stage today. I’m sorry you didn’t win the scholarship.” She smiled and lowered her voice. “I’ve never been a fan of following the rules.” Then she winked.

Tessa-freaking-Hart winked at me!

And I’m dead!

But then she continued speaking and I came back to life so I could catch every single word.

“I hope you won’t let that little technicality stop you. You’ve got real talent, Layne.”

“Thank you,” I managed.

“I wanted to see if you’d be open to selling me some of your songs.”

“Um, o-okay,” I stammered.

Tessa turned her grin up even brighter. “Well, alright. Do you have representation?”

Wyatt stepped forward before I could reply and extended his hand to Tessa. “She does. The name’s Wyatt Nash,” he said shaking Tessa’s hand.

She batted her eyelashes. Did my boyfriend just make Tessa Hart blush?

“Any relation to Bradford Nash?” Tessa asked.

Wyatt nodded proudly, something he wouldn’t have done a few weeks ago. “He’s my father.”

“Well, I can see an eye for talent runs in the family.” She pulled a business card out of her purse and handed it to Wyatt. “Give my manager a call. I’m in town for the next few nights. We should set up a meeting and draw up some contracts.” She looked back at me. “You’re from Northwood, right?”

I nodded.

“My parents live there.” Her smile grew. “I’ve got a lot of fond memories of that town.” She looked lost in thought for a moment before something seemed to dawn on her. “You know, I have a few spots left this summer on my tour for an opener. I could get you in the lineup for the Northwood shows.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah. You interested?”

“Yes!” I practically squealed. “A thousand percent.”

Tessa laughed. “Good. I hope you’re ready for this, Layne. All your dreams are about to come true.”

I looked at Wyatt, knowing they already had. But I smiled at Tessa and thanked her for the incredible opportunity.

When she was gone, Wyatt squeezed my hand and I melted against him.

“Pinch me,” I said. “Because there’s no way this isn’t a dream!”

“What did I tell you, Penny Layne? You gotta dream bigger.”

“Am I seriously going to perform with Tessa Hart?”

“Not only that. She’s going to sing your songs!”

I felt myself tearing up. “Hurry,” I said dragging him toward the exit.

“Where are we going?”

“Outside, so I can scream at the top of my lungs!”

And that’s exactly what we did.

Me and Wyatt screamed and jumped up and down, kissing until we were delirious, because why the heck not? Dreams didn’t come to the timid. They came to the fearless, the bold, the daring, the courageous, the confident, and I was all of those things!

I always had been. And I would never forget that again.

Life was about putting yourself out there, being willing to risk your heart to chase down your dreams and picking yourself up to try again if you failed. But most of all, it was about living each day to its fullest.

Before I met Wyatt, I’d been waiting—for what I didn’t know. Maybe for the stars to align, the timing to be right, my chance to finally come. But while I’d been so busy waiting, I’d been missing out on living. I’d been so afraid to put myself out there that I’d only ever let my real emotions out on the pages of my songbook. And even though music was my life, not sharing it with the world was like living a half-life.

Now that I’d felt the power my music had to connect me with others—to touch, to heal, to spread love—I couldn’t believe how long I’d gone without experiencing those emotions fully.

My music could change lives. At the very least, it had changed my own. And as I looked at the beautiful boy celebrating alongside of me, I had a feeling my music had a whole lot of great changes in store for the both of us.

I wrapped my arms around Wyatt’s neck, still squealing with elation as I looked into his sparkling green eyes. “You did it, Penny Layne.”

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