Home > Reaper's Wrath(7)

Reaper's Wrath(7)
Author: Jamie Begley

“I was waiting for him. He just doesn’t know it—”

“And he won’t want to know.” Trudy sharply cut her off, seeing her warning was going nowhere. “You’re not Taylor, and she’s all he cares about.”

“You’re not Oceane, but that didn’t keep Dalton from falling in love with you.” As soon as the words left her lips, Ginny regretted them. Trudy’s hurt gaze at being reminded that she wasn’t Dalton’s first choice either effectively grounded the euphoria of finding out the identity of the man whose soul had connected with hers just minutes before.

“Taylor is living, not buried six feet under,” Trudy said reproachfully.

“I’m sorry.” Ginny reached out to grab her sister in a hug. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.” Ginny wished she could take it back. She didn’t want to ruin Trudy’s perfect day any more than she wanted her own excitement crushed.

“I know you didn’t.”

Trudy’s assurance didn’t make her feel any better.

“What I was trying to say was that Oceane had her time with Dalton, just like Taylor had her time with Gavin. It doesn’t mean they can’t love us just as much. You’ve proven that, Trudy. I can do the same for Gavin.” Ginny wasn’t ready to be brought down to earth. Unfortunately, Trudy was determined that Ginny’s feet would remain planted firmly on Mother Earth.

“It’s not the same, as much as I wish it was for you.” Pulling away, Trudy’s concerned brow emphasized just how serious she was.

“Let’s forget Taylor then, Reaper isn’t stable. He’s a one-man wrecking crew. He doesn’t fight to win. He fights to obliterate.”

Ginny didn’t want to hear any more negatives about Gavin. She couldn’t understand why Trudy was so adverse to her being interested in Gavin. Before, anytime his name was mentioned, it had been about his kidnapping or his rescue, even a few details of what he had gone through afterward. And anything she had been told was imparted with sympathy and worry about him. Now, because she was interested, it seemed as if Trudy had made a U-turn to lead her away from his direction.

Undeterred by the warning or the shiver that ran down her back at Trudy’s words, Ginny had been preparing herself for more discouragement when a knock on the bathroom door ended their sisterly talk. Ginny had made sure to avoid any more alone time with Trudy before she and Dalton left for their honeymoon.

Finding Gavin actually existed had her walking on air. Trudy, even though her concerns were meant with good intentions, was trying to tether Ginny solidly back in reality. Reality had always sucked for her; for once she wanted to be brave enough to reach for the stars.

“Yo, you don’t have anything better to do than sitting there, staring into space?”

Ginny was pulled from thoughts of her conversation with Trudy to see Killyama striding toward her from across the playground. Intuitively, she knew Trudy sent Killy on the mission to check up on her and make sure she was nowhere near Gavin.

Killyama sat down on the swing next to her, giving her the once-over at the way she was dressed. “You look nice.”

Ginny wasn’t taken in with the unexpected compliment. “Trudy send you?”

“I’m her second choice. She wanted to send Sex Piston, but she’s working.”

“I see.” Ginny used her foot to turn the swing toward Killyama, facing her directly. “You can report back to Trudy and tell her that Gavin has no intention of getting further acquainted with me and to save herself the bother of keeping tabs on me.”

“Chill out, little bitch. T.A. just wanted us to watch out for you.”

When Killyama didn’t pull her off the swing and beat the living crap out of her for her snarky attitude, Ginny sent her an apologetic smile. “There’s nothing for her to be worried about. It’s not like Gavin is beating down my door to get to know me.”

“Heard you were at the club this morning. I take it, it didn’t go as you wanted?”

Killyama wasn’t her first choice to bare her feelings to, but she was there, and Ginny couldn’t contain them any longer. She desperately needed someone to confide in about Gavin, and her feelings for Gavin would be the last thing Trudy wanted to hear. And if she confided in Willa, she might tell Lucky, who was friends with Gavin.

Unable to stop, Ginny exposed herself to Killyama’s ridicule. “I’m pretty sure he thinks I have a screw loose, which Trudy probably thinks, too, but that’s okay.”

“It is?”

Ginny nodded, giving Killyama a pleading look for understanding. “I touched him, Killy. I actually was able to touch him.” Ginny bit her lip, trying to stop the flow of words but couldn’t. “It was liquid silver, like reaching out and touching a star.”

“Were Gavin’s socks blown off?”

“Not hardly,” Ginny admitted with amusement before turning serious. “Gavin’s special, isn’t he?”


At the soft tone in Killyama’s agreement, Ginny felt an unexpected twinge of jealousy.

“You care about Gavin, don’t you?”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Killyama waved her hand with her wedding ring pointed toward her. “Gavin may be special, but he’s not the star in my sky.”

“He’s mine.” Ginny made her claim out loud, not so much as to warn Killyama off but to stake her claim to the universe.

“I’m glad T.A.’s in Florida and can’t hear you say that.”

“I don’t understand. Anytime Gavin’s name was mentioned to me before, it was about how he amazingly survived. I hear nothing but respect from all of you, yet when I show interest in him, it’s like I’m going after Jason Voorhees.”

Killyama started laughing.

Ginny pivoted her foot in the dirt as she grabbed the chain of Killyama’s swing and tugged her closer. “I’m serious. This isn’t funny. I am meant for him, despite what Trudy, Sex Piston, you, and even Gavin think!” she snapped. “I know what I felt yesterday. I know what I felt when I touched him today.”

“That’s why I think it’s fucking hilarious.”

Rising fast, she set the swing jostling behind her legs. “Enjoy your laugh.” Ginny started to move around the swing, needing to get away from Killyama before she snatched a handful of hair out of her head and jinxed her to hell and back.

“Sit your ass back down.”

Ginny started past her, only to find her arm taken in a firm grip.

“Sit. Down.”

Ginny sat.

Killyama was an expert on chasing fleeing felons; Ginny had no chance of outrunning her or taking her on physically. No, the best way to handle Trudy’s friend was to listen to what she had to say, then, when she least expected it, show Killy that she was no laughing matter. She might not be an expert on kicking ass, but she was at making people regret getting on her bad side.

“You can quit giving me the evil eye. You’re so hot for the dude that you don’t even see what’s in front of your face.”

“I’m not a child. He was held captive for almost ten years, his fiancée got married while he was gone. So, yeah, it makes sense he would have several issues stemming from what he went through.”

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