Home > What a Spinster Wants(42)

What a Spinster Wants(42)
Author: Rebecca Connolly

Lord Radcliffe smiled at the girl before raising a brow. “And does your friend think sneaking out of the house is a good idea?”

Molly looked up at Edith, and Edith gave her a knowing look in return. Then she pouted. “No, and she said as much when she found me.”

Edith squeezed her hand and winked at her, then looked up to find Lord Radcliffe watching her with interest. “She did, did she? Seems to me you were lucky to have Edith be the one to find you, Molly.”

“I think so, too, Gray,” Molly told her uncle with sageness beyond her years.

Lord Radcliffe chuckled, the deep sound giving Edith a falling sensation. He ruffled his niece’s hair, stroked her cheek, and said, “All right, back to the house. I’ll come see you later.”

“Yes, Gray,” she said, smiling despite her previous attempts to pout.

He looked at Edith once more, and she could see gratitude expressed in his eyes.

She smiled in return and nodded once.

His smile lingered, something he saw clearly amusing him, then he turned back for the house.

“Whew,” Molly exhaled heavily, and with some relief. “That could have been so much worse. Come on!”

With a tug on Edith’s hand, Molly resumed her skipping towards the house, and Edith, not to be outdone, joined in, though skipping had never been one of her more accomplished talents.

Molly surprised her by taking a small door just off the kitchens to reenter the house, pulling Edith past the pantry without disturbing the kitchen staff in the slightest. They moved down a long, narrow corridor, surprisingly well lit, and then up a particularly narrow set of stairs.

Edith stumbled once on the hem of her skirt, snorting a laugh to herself at the thought of tearing another hole in her gown, this time unintentionally.

It would be only too perfect a picture for Lady Edith Leveson, who sought connection and protection at this very house party she was at present avoiding.

Her intrepid guide opened a door that Edith would have completely passed, letting them both into the gallery. The walls were filled nearly from floor to ceiling with grand portraits and sweeping landscapes depicting soldiers in battle and fine horses running wild on the land.

“Heavenly days,” Edith breathed, looking around at them all.

Molly, however, was far less impressed. “Come on, Edith! We’re nearly there!”

Edith found herself tugged along again, moving down one corridor, then another, then somehow still another before ultimately reaching a quaint, comfortable nursery.

Molly finally released her hand as they entered the room, twirling a little in the center of the space. “Gray says I can change the furnishings for my next birthday! I want everything to be blue. No, green.” She frowned, her lips twisting. “Blue and green, perhaps. And gold. Things that sparkle, too.”

“Sounds marvelous, lass.” Edith smiled at the child, still so full of energy. “Now, let us change your frock before your nanny or a maid sees you. That way, it will be our secret.”

Quickly, they switched her gown to a checkered green with a simple pinafore over the top.

“There, Lady Molly,” Edith praised with a teasing wink. “Much more presentable, and none the wiser.”

Molly curtseyed. “Thank you, Lady Edith.”

“I must change my own frock, lassie,” Edith sighed, “and return to your uncle’s party.”

“Oh, must you?” Molly pouted without shame. “I never get to go to parties. Gray has never had one, either.”

Edith smiled sadly. “I am sure ye have lessons to attend to, and I have tasks myself. I dinna much care for parties, but it is the polite thing to do, and so I must.” She made a face to indicate how she truly felt about it.

The girl giggled at the expression. “Could you come and see me later? After I’ve finished my lessons?”

“Ye’ll have to ask your uncle, Molly, lass,” Edith told her. “But if he agrees, I would be delighted to.”

Molly grinned at her and nodded. “I’ll ask him! I’ll ask him as soon as he comes! Thank you, Edith!” She dashed over and hugged Edith tightly around the waist.

Suddenly awash in emotion, Edith patted the girl’s back, swallowing with difficulty. “There’s a good lass. Now fetch a book and sit yourself by the window for Nanny. I daresay she’ll come ’round soon enough and be surprised to find ye here.”

“Not that surprised,” Molly told her with a dry laugh. “She’s grown accustomed to my doing all sorts of things.” She waved and darted over to the window seat, picking up a book from the floor.

Edith shook her head as she left the nursery, shutting the door softly behind her.

What a delightful surprise Lady Molly Hastings was turning out to be! Lord Radcliffe would certainly have a time of it as her guardian; there was no doubt about that.

Chuckling to herself, Edith turned to go back to her rooms to change, if she could remember the way. She had not taken more than two turns before another set of footsteps met her ears.

Lord Radcliffe turned down the same corridor, coming towards her, his head lowered as though in thought. He stopped when he saw her, then looked her over, his mouth working as if he did not know what to say. Then his focus remained on her skirts, and his mouth quirked.

“Why is your dress torn?” he asked without premise.

Edith looked down at the hole she had made and laughed, cheeks flaming yet again. “Molly was so upset about the hole in hers, I tore one in mine to match.”

He shook his head a little. “Why would you do that? I was told you did not have much by way of worldly possessions.”

Edith shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t. But I can mend this well enough, and relieving Molly’s distress was well worth putting a hole in my frock.”

That seemed to surprise him, and he looked quite as if words were beyond him.

“She asked if I could see her later,” Edith said, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “I told her to ask you. I willna do anything without your consent, particularly if ye do not wish her presence to be known.”

“I’m only protecting her,” he murmured softly. “I don’t hide her. I don’t speak of her, and I probably should. But I just… I can’t seem to find my way around guardianship without…”

“Her parents,” Edith replied, her voice very low, her heart suddenly pounding too hard.

He nodded once, looking away.

“I am so sorry,” she murmured, not knowing what else to say. “I canna begin to imagine.”

His throat worked on a swallow. “It has been difficult, it is true.” His attention came back to her, and compassion radiated from him. “I understand you have been separated from your family for some time. That cannot be easy, either.”

“It is hardly the same thing,” Edith protested weakly. “My family… Well, they would still be there if ever I were permitted home.”

“Permitted?” Lord Radcliffe repeated softly. “Do they forbid you?”

Edith winced, wishing she had chosen her words with more care.

“Aye,” she whispered, looking down at the rug beneath their feet. “From the day of my wedding, I’ve been cast off, ye might say. It was hoped that my marriage would last a bit more’n a day, but there was naught to do about that. Unless one takes the view of my father, in which case it is my fault.”

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