Home > Lucy's Great Escape (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 11)(31)

Lucy's Great Escape (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 11)(31)
Author: Rosie Green

Then she grins at me. ‘Go on, then. Your story first. You deserve the spotlight after almost plummeting to your death.’

‘Yes, thank you. You don’t need to keep on reminding me.’

‘Sorry. But it was quite traumatic for me as well, you know. I mean, your life was in my hands. That’s quite a responsibility.’

I smile at her. ‘It was. And honestly, I’m so grateful you were here.’

‘Welcome.’ She shrugs. ‘So…your tale of woe?’

‘Right, well, where do I start?’ I heave a sigh. ‘Maybe with the part where my dad’s girlfriend, Eleanor, was trying to make me think I’d flipped my lid, and I punched her front teeth out and fled hundreds of miles to get away from her? Not that I knew she was manipulating me at the time. I’ve only just found out. So now I’m living in a camper van on a horrible woman’s driveway, and practically skint.’

She stares at me. ‘You punched her front teeth out?’

I nod sadly.

‘Wow. Sounds like she probably deserved it, though. Did she really try to make you think you were going crazy?’

‘I think so.’ I give a despairing shrug. ‘I don’t know. Maybe I do need help, like Dad and Eleanor kept saying.’

‘But why would you think that? You seem perfectly sane to me.’

I shrug. ‘Mum died last year and it was very sudden, and it hit me really hard. Dad and I helped each other through the first few months, but then Eleanor came on the scene.’

‘Oh, Lucy, that’s awful. About losing your mum.’

I nod sadly. ‘I miss her so much. She would have absolutely loved being down here with me. It was her camper van. When she died, I thought Dad wouldn’t want to go on, he was so devastated.’

‘But then he met this Eleanor witch?’

I nod, a grin breaking through at Madison’s directness. ‘She seemed really nice at first and I could see she made Dad happy, so when she moved in after a couple of months, I was okay about it, even though it happened really quickly. I hated seeing Dad so distraught and Eleanor made him smile again. But then…I don’t know…’

‘Were you jealous of Eleanor? For getting all your dad’s attention?’

‘No, of course not.’ I look away. ‘Well, maybe a bit.’

She shrugs. ‘I would have been put out if that happened to me. You said yourself, you and your dad helped each other through at the start. It must have been really hard to feel like you were on your own again, after she arrived.’

I stare at her bleakly without replying.

‘So what happened to make you think Eleanor was messing with your mind?’

‘Lots of little things. And some much bigger things. Like she put spiders in my bedside drawer.’

Madison’s screws her face up in disbelief. ‘She what? Can you run that by me again because I thought I heard you say this witch woman filled your drawer with…spiders?’

‘I didn’t know it was her at the time. I’m still not certain. But it’s looking that way, from other things I now know she did.’

‘So what else do you think she did?’

‘Oh, she bought a ring exactly like Mum’s and made me think she’d taken it from Mum’s jewellery box so that I’d accuse her and I’d look like someone deranged. And I think she pretended to burn my mum’s favourite dress on a bonfire, again so I would accuse her and Dad would imagine I’d totally lost it. She stopped my allowance as well, without telling Dad, which is why I have no money.’

‘Bloody hell. She sounds like a proper bunny-boiler that one. No wonder you legged it.’

‘I’ve no proof of anything, though. I tried to talk to Dad, but I think he just imagines I resent Eleanor trying to take Mum’s place.’ I shrug. ‘He won’t believe me when I say she’s not who he thinks she is.’

‘Oh, poor you. My problems seem nothing compared to yours.’ Madison sighs. ‘If it’s any consolation, I think Eleanor’s the psycho. And I really don’t think you’re loopy.’


‘Definitely not.’ She gives a firm shake of the head.

I look at her, hot tears pricking my lids. Hearing someone say I’m not crazy is actually such a relief.

‘Oh, God. You’re not crying, are you?’

‘No.’ I smile at her. ‘Well, yes. But only because it’s so good hearing someone telling me I’m okay.’

‘Well, you are.’

‘Thank you, Madison. I must admit, I’ve been wondering.’

‘Mind you, I think if it was me, I’d be tempted to go back and show this Eleanor monster that you’re not going to stand for any more nonsense. You deserve to be there, Lucy. It’s your dad’s house. Don’t let her scare you away.’

I pull a face. ‘I get what you’re saying, but you don’t know what it was like. She was really threatening on the day I left.’ I shrug. ‘I guess I’d be scared of what she’d do if I went back. And then there’s Dad.’

‘What about him?’

‘It can’t have been nice for him, seeing the two people he loves most not getting on with each other. With me out of the way, I thought he’d be happier.’

‘Well, that’s rubbish, if you’ll pardon me saying it. If he’s any sort of a dad, he’ll be worried sick about you and want you back.’

‘He was. And he does.’ I shrug sadly. ‘I spoke to him on the phone yesterday for the first time. Maybe you’re right that I should just go back, whatever happens. But…I’m scared, Madison. If she’s that evil, I don’t want to be anywhere near her, especially because I know for certain she’s got it in for me.’

Madison sighs. ‘Christ, this situation has really screwed you up, hasn’t it? So are you going to get a job and stay here?’

So then I pour out the whole story about Mrs West offering me a cleaning job and everything that happened afterwards, and Madison listens, agog.

‘So now, because the floor cleaner wasn’t working properly, I’ve probably scuppered my chances of getting any more work from her,’ I finally conclude.

Madison blows out her breath. ‘Lucy, you do realise she’s just been taking advantage of you, don’t you? What a horrible person. She obviously spotted you were in trouble, knowing no-one. She set out to exploit the fact that you’re alone and needing help.’

‘But she did help. She gave me a job when no-one else would.’

‘But it’s wrong. You know it is, Lucy. You haven’t signed a contract, so she can pay you as little as she likes, and she knows you can’t complain because you desperately need the money and you can’t afford to lose the job. You know I’m right, don’t you?’

I nod, feeling sick. I’ve been excusing Mrs West’s treatment of me for the exact reason Madison said – I can’t afford not to do the work, so she has me over a barrel.

‘But put yourself in my position.’ I hold out my arms, appealing for her to understand. ‘What would you do if you had no money?’

She sighs, acknowledging the awkward position I’m in. ‘I’d probably still tell her she could shove her poxy job where the sun don’t shine. However penniless I was.’ She grimaces. ‘At least, I’d like to think I would.’

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