Home > Desolation(18)

Author: R.L. Caulder

Oh, shit. Here comes a different storm. A shitstorm.

“Lana, are you okay?” Zedd says, worry in his voice. “Are you hurt? Why did you flinch away from me?”

I lower my towel and look into his concerned hazel eyes. My body relaxes from tension I hadn’t realized I was feeling. He’s okay. I lift my hand and caress his cheek for a second before turning to check on the others.

Other than Luke’s previous injury, everyone only has superficial wounds and all the tension seeps out of me. They’re okay.

“Lana,” Ash says, irritation already in his voice as he anticipates my answer, “Why is there blood dripping down your chin?”

Bracing myself for the fallout, I say, “Uh… I bit my lip?”

Zedd sighs, Luke and Leo facepalm and Ash’s eyes narrow, suspiciously.

Though my back screams at me, I take a moment to process the fact that we’re all okay, that they’re all here, behaving as they always do because they’re okay.

This could have been way worse.

It’s hard to find a balance between living our lives while accounting for the unpredictable natural phenomena that plagues our world.

“Why did you bite your lip that hard, Little One?” Hales asks softly.

I turn my gaze to Hale, wondering how to word this so I don’t piss them off. “My back was hit by a branch. I didn’t want to alarm any of you after I made a point about protecting myself.”

I know they heard what I’m not saying because the silence that follows my truth is deafening.

“Lana,” Hale says, a sigh in his voice, before shaking his head like he gives up. “We need to have a good, long chat when we get home about your place in all of our lives. I know Ash told you where we stand on our feelings for you. So, you need to decide on our way home where we stand in your life.”

I still, not daring to take a breath, half grateful that he let the current situation go and half nervous as hell about the looming conversation.

Am I ready for this?

Can I handle all of their feelings for me at the same time?

“Ok…” I mumble, trailing off, unsure what to say.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I get up as quickly as my back allows when a hand falls on my shoulder, pausing my movements. “May I?” Leo asks softly, wanting a closer look at my wound.

I nod for him to go ahead.

When he grabs onto the hem of my shirt and pulls it up, the shirt grazes against my wound and I try my best to hold in the cry that wants to escape. Instead, it comes out as a pathetic yelp that’s camouflaged under the sharp intakes of breath that sound from the guys.

Guess it looks as bad as it feels. At least I’m not just being a little bitch “Lana,” Leo says, concern heavy in his voice. “Your skin has been split open where the branch hit you. Deeply. We need to get this cleaned and stitched up.”

There’s not even a hint of his characteristic humor and that in itself tells me how much he cares about me.

“Ash, Zedd, go back to see if there’s anything salvageable in what we left behind. Luke, Leo and I are taking Lana to the doctor. Follow us with anything you grab.”

“No, we’re sticking together,” I object. “I don’t want to split up in case it starts again.” I turn to Zedd, “Is the bleeding really bad?”

He looks to Hale with unsure eyes before I arch an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know, Lana…” When I arch that brow up higher, he sighs. “No, it shouldn’t be too bad. The doctor may decide you don’t even need stitches.” When he sees the triumphant look on my face, he rushes on, “But Lana, we really do need a professional medical opinion.”

I shake my head. “We are not splitting up.”

The guys turn to look at Hale for the final decision, while Hale stares at me. After a long moment, he drops his head in defeat. I swear I hear him mumble under his breath, I can’t win a single fucking one today, and I smirk.

He motions for us to go ahead so we make our way to the wreckage.

“Fucking hurry up, everyone,” Ash spits, his gaze constantly straying over to me.

We come upon the destruction that was our relaxation spot only moments ago. Disposable plates and cups, torn book pages and the picnic basket are scattered across the open field, some of it floating in the lake. It pains me to see the mess littering this beautiful place so as the guys get to gathering, I get to cleaning.

I bend down to pick up the first thing in my line of sight but before I can even yelp from the pain, there’s a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I look into Ash’s jade-green eyes, alight with anger. “Don’t, Lana.”

I know he’s worried about me so I don’t take offence. Instead, I put my hands up in surrender and take a step back from the wreckage. The fury in Ash’s eyes eases. I know it’s mostly a concern, presenting as anger.

“Guys, can we come back and clean this up soon? I hate seeing the trash everywhere, especially the non-biodegradable items.”

“Yes, Lana,” Zedd says, immediately agreeing, surprising me with the take-charge attitude. “We can most definitely do that.”

The guys split up to search the area and within seconds, they decide there’s nothing to take home, probably speeding up the process because of my injury.

My heart breaks a little when I see Zedd holding a few, torn pages from his book and looking like someone kicked his puppy.

Needing to lighten the mood because we didn’t lose anything irreplaceable—namely, their lives—I say, “Alright, you guys know the drill! Autobots…” I trail off, wagging my eyebrows to tempt them into finishing the phrase.

Eyes roll and smiles follow but they all, however reluctantly, mutter, “Roll out.”

I whoop and punch the air in victory, immediately regretting that when pain flares down my back.

As we make our way back into town, a dark, gloomy mood settles over the group. I try to find something to say to lift it but I’m feeling too shitty. Even the twins are walking with heavy steps and fallen shoulders.

With every step, I hold back a wince, trying not to draw attention to myself but walking isn’t easy. But there’s nothing they can do to help me, so I keep quiet.

The closer we get to town, loud, panicked chatter and the occasional sound of someone crying reaches us. We share looks of confusion.

Yes, the hailstorm was rough but surely, not enough to elicit this reaction.

Still, we pick up the pace, my heart dropping as the sound level grows. What the hell is going on?

Cresting the edge of the hill, we get our first look at the desolation that waits for us, defiant and unashamed. The buildings in shambles, the walls caved in or completely destroyed, the roofs ripped off, lying in the street—my heart sinks. People shouting, crying, and a mother on her knees, keening.

Is that an arm sticking out from under that large slab of cement? I turn my gaze away.

“Beth,” Zedd says, as if he can’t get the words out, his eyes as wide as saucers. “We need to check on Beth.”

Without waiting for anyone, Zedd rushes off, leaving us shocked. Hale follows after him, walking backwards so he can address Ash but not stopping. “Ash, stay with Lana. Meet us at the DCF office. Beth should be at work.”

At our acknowledgement, the rest of the guys take off, leaving Ash and I behind.

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