Home > Our Secret : A College Bully Romance(75)

Our Secret : A College Bully Romance(75)
Author: Belladona Cunning

"Sure did, Biggie M," she retorts.

We both watch as Maverick deliberates in silence. One second, and then two, before he's saying, "I could go for a slide."

Lord, Maverick and I make a sight. We're both swollen from crying and sniffling hardcore because our noses are running nonstop. I force a tired snicker when he giggle-snorts at his decision, probably already thinking of all the fun the park would provide him, putting the pants on that I'd originally asked him to wear without a problem.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I ask, craning my head in Jenna's direction.

She shrugs a shoulder nonchalantly but then shoots me a side-eye while winking. "Only every day. Now, let's go parking!"

It doesn't take long for me to pack a little bag for Maverick, and then we're on our way to the park. Surprise still lingers in my body that Jenna even knew about this place, with it being as far away from our apartment as you can get without leaving campus. The play area is hidden between three gigantic, withered oak trees that seem to span four floors high, and completely encompass the play area.

My eyes widen as I take everything in with wonder. If I knew about this place, I'd have already brought Maverick. He loves sliding on the little kiddie slides and loves nothing more than playing with other kids his age or just a little older. He's big for his size, averaging the size of a three-and-a-half-year-old, rather than a newly turned two-year-old. The doctor assures me it's just genetics, and seeing Hunter, I don't even question it.

Maverick takes after his dad in every way. Size, strength, height, and he's as smart as a tack. Already well on his way to speaking full, complete sentences, instead of broken up phrases you sometimes have to pick apart to know what he's meaning.

There's a sandbox in the shape of a stop sign over to the left, with one little girl and who I assume is her father sitting right next to her, studying out of his text. Every once in a while, he'll flick his eyes up to make sure she's still there. My heart can't help but warm at the sight.

About ten to twenty feet away, I spy a set of twins being pushed in little child swings by their mom and hopefully her significant other, considering the way he grabs her butt and plants a giant kiss on her lips while she laughs into him.

The best thing about this playground? Out of the hectic and crazed campus, this place is peaceful and relaxing and completely fenced in. This is a place that Maverick and I will be visiting often.

"How do you even know about this place?" I ask Jenna as we open the gate and head inside.

She chirps a giggle. "This will sound pathetic, I know. But ever since I found out you had a kid, I've been looking for things the little tyke can do. This playground was a mess and a half when I stumbled on it. One call to my stepdad, after explaining the situation, and within a week, GOU now has this little treasure." She holds her arms out and turns in a full circle.

My feet stop of their own accord, and I peer at her in disbelief. "You did this?"

She nods, smiling so brightly I can't help but mirror it. "Three weeks may be all I've known him, but he's already grown on me. And when he told me he wanted to slide, Auntie JJ made it happen."

I grab her up in a hug, trapping Maverick between us. I squeeze her tightly, emotion burning the back of my throat as I whisper, "You are the best, Jenna. Truly."

She pats my back, and I feel her swallow, probably trying to get her emotions in check, too. But just as soon as the sappy moment falls over us, it's gone, because my little tyke is ready to get some playing done. He shoves off my legs, breaking us apart. We both choke out a laugh, and then lead him over to the sandbox for him to play with the little girl. The dad merely looks up from his text, gives us a smile, and then goes back to reading after a quick flick of his eyes toward his daughter.

Sitting the bags down, Jenna and I find a spot to sit in and give Maverick what little toys we brought with us—a few cars, a shovel, and a bucket just in case he found a dirt pile for him to play in. He releases a whimsical laugh before running off to show his new friend some of his goodies. I smile, sucking in a shuddering breath, an aftereffect of releasing too many emotions earlier.

Jenna and I smile at each other, reveling in the quiet when we see Maverick giving the little girl “the look” before he smiles and hands her one of his cars. I snort, and Jenna bumps my shoulder, mouthing, “Just like his daddy.” I can't help but nod.

We spend most of the afternoon there, watching as Maverick flits between play area to play area, smiling and laughing, and just having a grand ol’ time. He loves it here, and I love that he loves it. Fuck, I have the best friend any girl could possibly have, and I really don't deserve her.

After a while, Jenna sidles up to me. "Easton and I aren't seeing each other anymore."

She says it like it's just another day, but I know Jenna Doyle. If she gets involved with anyone, especially someone like Easton Banks, for too long, then I know this is bothering her more than she's letting on. Jenna can hide from everyone except me. Much the same way I can hide my true feelings away from everyone except her and Hunter.

She takes one look at me and smirks. "No use in trying to shrink me, Lo. It's all good. Promise."

I don't know how convincing she's trying to be, but it's not exactly working with me. However, I decide to put it on the back burner. Jenna will come to me when she's ready to tell me what happened. When she does, I'll be there for her just like she's there for me.

When the sun starts lowering in the Western sky, we pack up our things and start making our way back to the apartment. It's a Saturday night, and it sounds like a good time for Chinese takeout and some old cartoon movies—at least until it's Maverick's bedtime.

Entering the apartment complex, I gather Maverick into my arms and climb the steps. But once we reach the top, I nearly slam into Jenna's back. Grumbling, I step out from around her.

"Lord have mercy. Make me fall, why don't ... " My words trail off into a whisper when I find Hunter sitting on the floor beside our door, head bowed with his chin on his knee, sleeping.

Maverick would be throwing a fit right now if he wasn't doing the same thing, trying his best to fall asleep before dinner, bath, and bed. He looks hollowed out, tired. So tired, in fact, I can't even bring myself to ogle him, with his long, thick lashes, and strong angular jawline. His hair lies askew on top of his head, and his clothes wrinkly, like he's been wearing them for a few days.

Jenna's eyes meet mine. An unspoken conversation moves between us before she takes Maverick from me without asking. He's all too happy to go to her, and instantly puts her head in her neck.

"I'll take him for some pizza across campus," she whispers, trying her best not to wake Hunter up.

For a split second, the selfish thought of making him stay hits me. But I know that's more because of my misgivings of being alone with Hunter rather than wanting my son to miss out on what has become his favorite meal.

Instead, I shove all my anxiety back and give her a nod. Hurriedly, she disappears down the stairs with Maverick's bag, and out the front door. Stepping the rest of the way onto the landing, I swallow my pride and nervousness and hedge my way toward Hunter's sleeping form.

God, he looks so beaten down and tired. His restless spirit seems broken, even while he's asleep.

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