Home > Riding for a Fall(24)

Riding for a Fall(24)
Author: Sam Hall

“Sounds like a promise for court, Jakey.”

“Damn right it is.”

The hum of the amp, the thrashing coil deep inside me, rose as I got faster, and something else answered its discordant call.

“Grab each other’s hands. This is gonna be a cunt to ground.”

“Fuck! She’s—”

“Everything I knew she was and more. Hold on, this is about to get hairy.”

My sense of self was lost in the swirl of sensation. I was something massive, rising from the depths, I was the slip of wet skin on wet skin. I was the ache in Johnno’s balls, drawing up tight, the shake in his forearms as he held himself back from forcing his cock down my throat. I was the regular rocking, sucking, pulling suction of my mouth, the stark corrugations of the veins standing out along his shaft. And I was the ache.

I may have been on my knees, but I controlled all of them. My clit throbbed in time with Johnno, a pleasure of frightening proportions spreading through my veins like a landslide. It swept me, him, the band, everyone connected to me in some way or another, pulling them along as I did Johnno, making them ache like we did, making them want to hurtle down that point of no return along with us.

And then it happened.

The power pulled from me always came away pure and clear and shining with a startling clarity, and that was what this felt like. His cock thrust forward, his fingers cruel against my skin as he jerked spasmodically, blasting cum down my throat in long ropes. But it was so much more than just a simple physiological reflex in response to stimulus—what we’d summoned blasted out in waves.

“Hold it!”

“Oh fuck…! Oh fuck…!” came the breathy, exhilarated moan.

A completely animalistic roar filled the room in answer.

“Do. Not. Let. Go.”

“No! You can’t fucking…!”

I stroked my hand down Johnno’s hip, then got to my feet, feeling like a motherfucking queen. I pulled the near delirious Johnno to me and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, just so he could feel the bruised puff of mine.

“You’re mine now,” I said.

“Yes…yes…” he sobbed, trying to pull me closer, unable to tolerate the small distance between us.

“Skin to skin,” Aen said, having appeared beside me. “He’ll be fragile for some time.” He drew me down onto the bench, taking Johnno with me. I wrapped him in my arms and looked over at the band, as they were suddenly something I was aware of. I stared over Johnno’s shoulder like a lioness with her prey, willing to fight all of them for him.

I needn’t have worried. Jake shook his head and then laughed, a sound of pure joy, then threw himself down at my feet, wrapping his arms around my legs.

“Mmm…” he purred. “You’re tasty.”

Billy was destroyed, staring down at the two of us as he wavered on his feet. If I’d hit him, I would have gotten less of a response from him. Lucas looked away as soon as my eyes trailed to him, but I saw the answering glow in his skin, in his eyes. And Liam. If I’d thought I was a lioness…well, he was the lion, sitting on top of his rock, surveying his pride and liking what he saw.

“Welcome to Hartley, Kira,” he said with a slight bow.

Was that what had happened? I felt the connection to them, to many people buzzing at the base of my scalp, and not just members of Hartley. As if summoned by that thought, Marlow arrived at the open door of the rehearsal room.

“We’ve got a bit of a problem. Massive power stones erupted on stage when you connected. Luckily, the house lights were down, otherwise the crowd would have seen the lot. I’ve got the crew doing clean up duty—”

“No! No one touches those stones except those I approve,” Liam said. “I’m sorry, Mar, but this is important.”

“OK,” my lover said, tapping the blue tooth headset he wore and relaying the orders. “Who do you want on this?”

Liam gave him a list of names, and Marlow relayed that to whoever was on the other end of the line.

“You also need to do an encore. The crowd’s getting restless.”

“Not with Jonathon,” Aen said. “He’s in no state to stir that kind of energy, and gods know what he’ll summon if he does. He needs to stay close to Kira until the bond settles.”

Marlow’s eyes went wide, but he quickly mastered himself, a look of concern on his face.

“That true?” Liam asked him.

“It’s intense,” was all he would say.

“He’s mine,” I growled when I watched him question what was said. “You can’t have him.”

“Fuck it, acoustic set,” Liam said. “Let’s do it.”

“Not me,” Billy said, shaking his head and not stopping. “Get those fucking drainers in here. I’m too fucking full for the second time today.” His fingers scratched great red tracks down his arms. “We’ve got to find a way… We have to stop…”

“No, we don’t. You just need to adjust. We’ll start tapering the power transfer in the bus during the day. Alright, Lucas, you’re on guitar, I’ll play rhythm, Jakey can give us a beat on bongos or something.”

“Mmm…” The red haired man gave a disgruntled grumble, squeezing my knee before getting to his feet. “My lady, I am your knight, your paladin, your lowly pawn. I would be happy to do any and all things you want for another taste of that.”

“You’ll be my proxy tonight,” I said, not knowing exactly what that meant, but somewhere deep in my subconscious, I did. “Show me the lengths you’re prepared to go then.”

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it with every damn breath. C’mon, let’s go before I rub a quick one out here and collapse in a heap.”

I watched them go, snuggling down lower in the puppy pile I had going right now. Marlow approached slowly, carefully, and I held out a hand when he got close enough. A lost little feeling of discomfort settled when he did so, a sigh escaping me as he joined us. I closed my eyes and summoned that living, humming thing inside me and surrendered to it.







“You say that word an awful lot now. I’m not sure it’s an improvement,” Marlow said as we sat on the orgy bed in the back of The Changelings’ bus. He had yet another bloody outfit held out for me to look at. It was a gorgeous dress. Long, slinky, and black, it was red carpet ready, but I wasn’t going anywhere near somewhere like that tonight. Despite what they had told me, it sounded a whole lot more like a battlefield than an A-list event, and I wanted to be suitably armoured.

“Pfft… Give it to Aen. She would rock that dress. All that pale skin and bright red hair…”

“You’d like that, would you, flower?”

He smiled down at me, brushing my hair away from my forehead, then shifted into female form, wearing exactly that dress as Marlow looked blankly at his now empty hands.

“Give us a twirl,” I said, and she appeared in the doorway, striking a dramatic pose. “See? Damn girl, you’ll be fighting them off tonight.” The dress hugged her curves like a lover, the halter neck plunging to reveal acres of creamy flesh. Not quite as blessed as me, she’d be able to wear it without fashion tape, but people would be peering down at her décolletage all night. Her hair was like a river of flame against all that black and white, her eyes glittering and now sporting the most perfect winged eyeliner. Damn, she could do mine if she was that good at it.

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