Home > Spark of Vengeance(2)

Spark of Vengeance(2)
Author: Kathleen Kelly

“Sean MacKenny. Your dad was my sergeant in the Marines. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Laughter bubbles up out of me. I can’t stop it, and I buckle over holding my stomach. Soon the laughter turns to tears and sobbing as I remember the man my father was—strong, tall, tough, and my rock. This man, who claims to know him engulfs me, picks me up and takes me inside the house. He sits on the leather sofa with me in his lap. I cry until I can’t cry anymore, until I’m exhausted. The loss of my father, trying to run the ranch, and doing all of it on my own has been a burden that I’ve had to face alone. I had no idea how much I relied on my dad and how much work he did around the property.

“You okay?” whispers the man whose name I’ve forgotten.

“Shit. I’m sorry.” I try to get off him, but he holds on tight.

“How long has Thomas been dead?”

Looking him in the eyes, I see only compassion there. “Six months. I’m sorry you weren’t notified. None of his Marine buddies came to the funeral. I guess I should have realized you all weren’t told.”

I slide off his lap, and this time, he doesn’t try to hold on.

“No, I didn’t know, and I don’t think the others do either. No one called me. Are you here alone? No workers?”

I plaster on a fake smile. “Not at the moment. We are hiring, though, if you’re interested?”


“Me,” I reply, dejectedly.

“You,” he states and nods. “Beth, I could use a meal and bed. I’ve been on the road for a while. Your dad had a way of sorting my shit out better than anyone I know. I was coming here to clear my head, but I don’t want to impose. I’ll work hard if you’ll have me?”

I stand, and he does too. I can tell he’s strong. He did carry me up the stairs and into the house, but he’s no rancher. I’ve also had no one apply for the job, and now that it’s only me, I’m not sure I can afford to be picky.

“Can I trust you?”

He straightens up and squares his shoulders. “Yes, ma’am.”

“I want your word you won’t steal from me or screw me over.”

“Yes, ma’am. I swear I won’t steal from you or screw you over.”

“I own plenty of guns… so if you’re lying, I’ll shoot your ass. We clear?”

“As crystal, ma’am!”

I grin at him. “I’m going to go clean up. There’s a spare room down the hallway. The upstairs is off-limits, got it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replies with a grin.

I reach out and touch his arm. “It’s Beth, not ma’am. You make me feel old when you say that.”

“Beth. Okay, Beth, and thank you.”

I head for the stairs and say over my shoulder, “Don’t thank me yet. There’s a lot of work to do, and you’ve never tasted my cooking.”

“You’re going to cook for me?”

“Yeah, well, I can’t afford to pay you, so you get a room and food in exchange for work. How does that sound?”

“Yeah. Is there a bathroom down here?”

Turning around, I look down at him from the top of the stairs. He’s followed me halfway up, and I didn’t realize.

I point down the hallway. “It’s down there, next to the bedroom. There are fresh sheets on the bed. Towels in the bathroom. Make yourself at home.”





Beth continues up the stairs, and I wait until I hear the shower going before heading out to my bike and grabbing my gear. Thomas Trent lied about his daughter. She’s no tomboy. Beth has curves, black wavy hair, and the fullest set of lips I’ve ever seen.

When she began laughing, then dissolved into tears, I didn’t know what to do. Scooping her up and comforting her came naturally like I’ve done it for years. Maybe it’s the connection to her dad, although the boner I’m sporting right now wouldn’t go down well with Thomas.

Beth is not plain.

Stepping back into the house, I open the first door on the left—it’s the bedroom. I put my gear on the bed, take off my jacket, and hang it on the hook on the back of the door. Next, I unpack my few belongings, all of which need a wash.

Going back out into the hallway, I open the door next to mine and find the bathroom. It has a shower, a toilet, and a vanity, all basic but it’s clean, and there are fresh towels rolled up on a shelf in the corner. I strip off, turn on the water, and let it run over me. It’s been ages since I’ve felt clean. I lather myself in the Irish Spring soap, even using it to wash my hair. When I’m done, I towel off and wrap it around my waist. As I walk back into my room, I find Beth in there wearing a short red dress, barefoot, and looking through my stuff.

“Find anything?” I ask.

“Oh, shoot! I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be in here. You see, it just occurred to me I don’t know you. I’ve let you into my home, and well… I don’t know you.”

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, that’s fair. Your dad never mentioned me?” Beth shakes her head. “If you look in the book you’ve got in your hand, you’ll find a picture of our unit.”

Beth flicks the pages until she comes to the image. She puts the book on the bed and moves to the window for better light, then a small smile plays on her lips.

I move forward and point at the different men. “That’s Thomas, me, the big guy there is Buck. That’s Harry, Scope, and Steve.”

“You were close? And why Scope?”

Looking into her green eyes, I smile and nod. “Scope was a hell of a sniper, hence the name. Your dad and I went through a lot together. He saved my life more than once and was a good man.”

Beth smiles and looks at my chest. “Oh shit! You need to get dressed. Sorry. Leaving now.” She hightails it to the door. Beth stops when she reaches it, turns around, and thrusts the photograph at me. “Sorry.”

This time her eyes are riveted to my feet.

“Ahh, Beth?”

Slowly, she raises her eyes to mine, and I take the picture. “Yeah?”

“I’ve been riding for a while, and my clothes all need a wash. Could I please use your washing machine?”

“Oh! Yes, yes, of course. Just give them to me, and I’ll throw them in.”

“No, ma’am. I’ll do them myself.”

“Don’t be an idiot. Give them to me.”

“Woman, they stink. Please let me do it.” Beth twists her hands in her front of her as though she’s nervous. “If you don’t want me here, I can go.”

“No! I was a little frazzled when you turned up, and well… I… I can’t remember your name. And I was rolling around in the arena, so I’m sure I smelled like horse shit. So your clothes have got nothing on me.”

I place my hands on my hips and laugh. “You didn’t smell so bad, and my name is Sean.”

“Sean. Right, right, okay. Got it!” Those full lips smile wider, and she nods. “Nice to meet you.”

I place a hand at the back of my neck, feeling a little exposed standing here in my towel. “Nice to meet you, too, Beth.”

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