Home > The Prince of Broadway(48)

The Prince of Broadway(48)
Author: Joanna Shupe

“Perhaps someday, then. Today we are here to discuss you. I thought you might tell me your idea, the one you wish to pursue in lieu of marriage.”

Florence watched the tea leaves circle in the bottom of her cup and pondered on how to proceed. What if her grandmother said no? There was no alternative plan, so if Florence bungled this then a casino might be out of reach.

No fear. Show confidence until you feel it.

Palms gone damp, Florence set her cup on the table. “I wish to open a casino just for ladies.”

Granny’s brows shot up and her lips parted in surprise. Florence remained still and let the information settle. No need to rush in and overwhelm her grandmother with reasons and ideas. That would come later.

Her grandmother collected herself after a few long seconds. “A casino for women?”


“Gambling is illegal.”

“Says the woman who hosts a weekly cutthroat euchre game for jewels.”

Granny waved this off with an elegant twist of her wrist. “But those are just for friends. You are talking about going into business for yourself. As a casino owner.”

“That’s correct.”

“Forget what your father will say, you must know what this means for your matrimonial prospects.”

“I am aware. I do not expect to have any prospects, which is perfectly fine.”

“You could keep your involvement in this venture a secret.” Granny’s shrewd gaze took in Florence’s face. “But I am gathering you do not care for that idea.”

“I want to do it. I think I’ll be quite good at it, actually.”

“But, Florence.” Her grandmother set her cup down. “This means more than having a space where women can gather and play cards. This means shaking down people who owe you money and punishing the cheaters. It’s not a noble profession.”

“Only because gambling is illegal. If it were legal no one would look down on owning a casino.”

“I think you’re wrong, but let’s move on from that argument. How would you even know what to do? It takes a huge amount of time to learn the various games and how to run them. Doing the books and managing employees. I cannot even begin to think of all the details—and I plan the Forsythia Ball each year. Let me tell you, there are always complications you don’t foresee.”

“You’re right, it is a huge effort. But I’ve been studying for almost a year. I know all the games and how they work. And, for the past month or so, I have apprenticed with a casino owner. He’s shown me—”

“Apprenticed! Goodness, you are serious.”

“Very serious, Granny. I go late at night when the casino is open so that I may see how it runs.”

“That must be tremendous fun. I don’t suppose your father knows about this.”

“No, absolutely not. He would lock me in my room if he found out.”

“You are not wrong. He may never understand your reasons for wanting to do this. Are you willing to sever a relationship with him, possibly permanently?”

This was one of the things she loved about her grandmother, the ability to see things from all sides. A quality Florence wished that her father possessed. “I believe he’ll come around.”

Granny chuckled. “I wouldn’t bet on that, pun intended.”

“Wouldn’t you like to have a place to go where you and your friends could play roulette or craps? That’s all I am attempting to do. Why should men have all the fun?”

“Indeed, I have long said the same. Yet, our world remains conservative, despite the protests happening downtown. Are you not worried about the police or City Hall shutting you down?”

Florence thought of Clay and Big Bill. The mayor’s chamberlain. “There are ways around that.”

“I sense there’s nothing I can say to dissuade you.” Granny refilled her teacup and added sugar before stirring. “So are you interested in my blessing?”

Florence exhaled slowly. Here we go. “I am hoping you will come on as an investor.”

Her grandmother had the most unexpected reaction: she burst out laughing. Florence tried not to fidget while she waited. Had this been the wrong approach? She’d never asked anyone for money like this before. Perhaps she should have written her plan on paper, given her grandmother some concrete figures on the amount required.

“Oh, you are too much, Florence. I hadn’t expected you to ask for my help.”

Florence’s stomach plummeted. Her future loomed like a dark hole of living at home, attending the same society parties and balls with the same people at the same time of year. Same, same, same. How would she survive it?

No, you will find a way. Even if Granny refuses, you will find a way.

“That’s fine, Granny. I understand. This is a lot to ask—”

“I never said no. You merely caught me by surprise. When are you thinking of carrying through with this plan?”

“Daddy is anxious for Mamie to marry, so once she is settled he will undoubtedly turn his attention to me. I have a short amount of time, perhaps a year. Maybe more.”

“Let me think on it, then. I am neither agreeing nor am I refusing. But this does deserve more careful consideration.”

“Oh, I have. Given it careful consideration, I mean.”

“Yes, but I have not. So allow me to sit with my thoughts and I shall give you an answer soon.” She edged forward on the sofa to retrieve the papers on the table. “Do me a favor, will you? Give these papers to your father.”

Florence accepted the stack. “Of course. Are they about the building development?”

“I couldn’t say. I haven’t opened any of the letters sent here in the past few months that appeared remotely related to this building development. That is everything I have, so let your father sort through it. Perhaps he’ll find something useful.”

“All right, I will. I shall keep my fingers crossed.”

“Me, too. I want to see my great-grandchildren raised in this house.” Granny gave her a pointed glance. “Even if their mother runs a casino.”

“I know you do. Though I don’t think any of the neighbors will invite me over for tea.” They both knew society would turn its back on her if she followed through on her dream.

“Good thing there are no neighbors left, then.”

The grim reminder caused Florence to wince over her previous choice of words. “I’m sorry.”

“No apologies necessary. We mustn’t hide from the truth. Now, run along. I’ve got ten ladies coming in a few minutes to discuss the guest list for the ball.”

Florence rose and went over to kiss her grandmother’s cheek. “Thank you for hearing me out. Take heart. If you do sell the house then you may always move in with us up the street.”

“Me, live with your father? I love him dearly, but no thank you.”

Some days, Florence felt the same way.


Clay stared at the blond head angled over the ledgers spread over his desk. He then considered other things he might soon spread over his desk, and his body reacted swiftly. Heart pumping, blood racing. His palms itched to feel her soft skin and make her moan. Florence had arrived only an hour ago and he was already thoroughly distracted with the want of her.

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