Home > Tied Up (Thieves and Liars Book 1)(6)

Tied Up (Thieves and Liars Book 1)(6)
Author: Shaw Hart

“Where does she live now?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t find addresses on any of them. That fits with their reputation. These guys are the best and when they want to disappear, they do.”

“Can you give me the old addresses? Maybe they forwarded mail somewhere.”

“I thought of that and I can but they didn’t. I checked with the postal service and they never filed a forwarding address.”


“Hmm… but I did track that car from last night.”

“You got an address for me?”

“Of course.”

I grin, my heart racing in anticipation as I grab the pen and pad next to my bed and scribble down the address.






The house is abandoned and dark when I pull up an hour later. The sun is just now coming up and I idle a few houses down as I survey the place. It’s still in construction, or it was. Finch said that the company ran out of money so the construction is on hold. I figure that’s where they’ve been living for the last few years. That’s the only way that they could have avoided having addresses all this time.

It’s a nice place. It’s actually not that far from Boker’s mansion and I wonder if that’s why they picked to stay here. It’s right on the water which makes it good for quick getaways. I spotted a boat out back, docked close to the back door when I first pulled up.

I know that I should make my move now, while it’s dark out and everyone inside is probably asleep but the spy in me wants to get more intel. Where are they sleeping? All in one room? On the second floor, or the first? Is the house rigged or do they have surveillance set up?

My brain can’t process the thought that Lark would hurt me, or allow her team to hurt me, but that’s only if she actually remembers me.

I need to make a decision now though. If I wait much longer, it will be light out and someone could be awake by then.

As quietly as I can, I slip from my car, checking that my Sig is loaded as I sneak through the bushes and around to the backdoor. The house looks quiet as I creep around the side, checking in a few windows for any sign of light or movement.

I pause by the backdoor, listening as the sun rises over the water. It’s quiet, the whole neighborhood is. I take an extra beat by the back door, double checking that there are no security systems up that could be catching me right now. It’s clear. Makes sense. Who pays for security on a house that isn’t even being built?

I take a deep breath, sliding the back door open as silently as I can and slipping through the crack. I close the door after me, looking around at the empty room. It’s hard to see inside without any sunlight and I squint, taking in the layout of the bottom floor.

It’s bare, clear of furniture and clutter. The walls that are finished are white drywall and the rest is open with wires and beams showing. The floors are black and white tiles but they’re dirty.

My heart beats hard in my chest as I pause and listen for any sign of movement. The house is dead and I move stealthily around a corner, gun drawn as my eyes move back and forth, scanning the dark hallway.

I pass by the kitchen and a fancy room that looks like it was meant to be a dining room past that. I move further down the hall and into the foyer up front. To my left is stairs leading to the second floor and I pause. There still isn’t any movement and they’re probably asleep upstairs but the military training in me forces me to clear the first floor before I move upstairs.

I move to the right first and peek around the doorframe. The room is empty so I spin around, moving down the opposite way. It’s another hallway and I clear two rooms before I come to a room at the end of the hall. The door is cracked open just a smidge and I reach out to push it open so I can see inside.

The sound of three guns being cocked meets me and I tense, my breath catching as my heart jumps in my throat. I look to the right and see three people standing there and one sitting in a folding chair in the center of the far wall.

It’s Lark.

She grins at me as our eyes meet and my heart ceases to beat as I stare at the girl who stole it when we were just kids.

“Hey there, Ryder. About time you got here.”






“Hey, Lark. Long time no see,” I say as I step around the corner, raising my hands over my head.

August and Tristan both keep their guns trained on me but Lark lays hers on the small table next to her. Sage leans against the wall in the corner, watching the scene unfold.

“You’re the one who left and never came back,” Lark says lightly but there’s something in her voice.


“You mind lowering your guns?” I ask August and Tristan.

They both glance to Lark for guidance and part of me is proud. Proud that the tiny, sad girl that I knew when we were kids grew up to be so confident and in charge.

Neither lowers their weapons and I take stock of them in case I need to fight them.

August is younger, probably a few years younger than me. He’s thin, almost gangly, with sandy brown hair that’s just a touch too long. I’m assuming that he’s the one who pretended to be an awkward high school prom date when they stole the diamonds. He’s got dark brown eyes that are locked on me and as I watch him, he winks. Cocky bastard.

Tristan is the polar opposite.

He’s got black hair, cut short. Probably a leftover habit from his time in the military. Dark blue eyes watch me blankly. He’s built with thick muscles and I know that he’s the bigger threat between the two. August is the grifter. He would lie or con his way out of trouble but Tristan is a hitter and he’s used to killing or hurting people to get out of a tight spot.

Sage hasn’t moved from her spot against the wall and I spare her a quick glance, taking in her curvy form. Her blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun on top of her head and her intelligent blue eyes watch me from behind a pair of thick glasses.

“Or not… to what do I owe this warm welcome?” I ask as I move a step into the room, leaning against the doorframe. It probably looks casual but really, it’s just the best spot tactically. If they start shooting, I can duck behind the door frame and either run down the hallway or duck into one of the rooms next door.

“Had to make sure that you weren’t a threat,” Lark says, watching me closely.

I hold my arms out wide, watching her just as closely.

“Are you here for your wallet?” She asks and I see it lying next to her gun on the table.

“Yeah, that and the diamonds that you stole from my client.”

“Randy Boker?”

“That’s the one.”

“Hmm. You should pick your clients better, Ry.”

“Why’s that?”

“We weren’t stealing the diamonds. Well, yes we were, but really, we were stealing them back.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, apprehension filling me.

“Your client, Mr. Boker? He stole them first.”

“And I’m supposed to just believe you? No offense but you did just admit that you’re all criminals so you probably aren’t the most trustworthy people.”

August and Sage chuckle at that and I want to roll my eyes but I keep them locked on Lark.

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