Home > Alpha : A Rough Shifter Romance(8)

Alpha : A Rough Shifter Romance(8)
Author: Sara Fields

It was enormous and very, very hard. My pussy clenched as I imagined taking a man of his girth inside me and even though I feared how much it might hurt, I was terrified of just how much I would enjoy it. Of how much I might actually want it.

I wasn’t that girl. I couldn’t be.

I’d always worked hard. All my life, I’d been exclusively career minded and focused on nothing else. I’d been the good girl. When there was homework assigned, I’d always been the one to turn it in early. When there was a group project, I took the lead and helped everyone organize. I’d never gone out on the weekends and partied, nor had I ever let myself stray off the path to success. I had always met my deadlines, no matter if it had meant an all-nighter or the entire weekend spent in the library.

I’d never let myself get distracted by sex.

This man was different. He seemed like he knew how to make a woman fall to her knees and that scared me, but I was also horrified that it made me wet.

There was a certain primal intensity in the way he stared at me, almost like he would devour me whole in a fraction of a second, as if he could undo me with a simple twitch of his fingers. Underneath all that though was a certain tenderness as he looked at me. I imagined those big arms enveloping me as he raised my chin and kissed me like I wanted to be kissed. I licked my lips, finding myself unsure of him.

I shifted back and forth from foot to foot, uncertain of my next move. He didn’t appear to be in any rush to be the first to react either, so the two of us appeared to be in some sort of standoff. I sniffed the air and my tongue watered as his scent carried on the breeze.

It was masculine and strong, complete and utter perfection.

Unexpectedly, my core clenched hard, twisting in on itself with pain and unwelcome pleasure. My pussy tightened and I cried out silently in alarm. What the hell was happening to me? I’d never been this aroused in my life simply at the sight of a naked man. I wasn’t sure what to do.

“Do you feel it, little omega? Do you feel your body answering to your alpha’s call?” he murmured, and I could feel my shoulders rounding forward, almost like my body wanted to submit to him. I froze once I realized what I was doing, horrified at myself.

I wanted to run. I needed to get out of here.

I couldn’t do this. I wouldn’t. He wasn’t going to take me as his. I belonged to no one, least of all him.

I remembered the Taser in my back pocket. I had something to fight with just in case things went badly for me. He would pay if he tried to touch me. I would make sure of it.

I took one step back and then another.

“Don’t you run, little omega. You won’t like what happens if you do,” he warned gently.

I highly doubted I would like it if he caught me at all. As soon as he got close to me, he’d probably take exactly what he wanted and by just how hard his cock was, I could guess that it didn’t involve just a simple handshake. He probably wanted much more than I was willing to give. I had little doubt that he wanted to fuck me.

I wasn’t going to let him catch me.

Without hesitation, I started running backwards, pivoted and darted away as quickly as I could. I put everything I had into running down that path, ensuring that I didn’t catch my foot on a wayward root or a loose rock. I bolted like my life depended on it because right now, it very much did.

I heard him running behind me, his footfalls soft in the brush unlike mine. I didn’t try to hide my escape because it was no longer necessary. I just ran. I didn’t look back either.

“Keep running, little omega. I’m going to enjoy teaching you a lesson about hierarchy once I inevitably catch you.”

His voice rang out in my head like a siren and my body reacted on an almost visceral level to its call. My pussy clenched down hard and my nipples pebbled with desire. For a moment, I contemplated letting him catch me just to see what might happen, but I pushed that thought aside almost as quickly as it appeared.

It was just arousal. I had to stop thinking with my pussy. I had to think with my mind.

I snarled loudly, voicing my displeasure at his presence in my head.

“I see you’re a feisty one then. I’m going to enjoy making you break for me. I’m especially going to enjoy the look on your face when I make you scream my name as you come for me too.”

Fucking cocky bastard.

I ran harder, giving it all I had. I looked back and I saw him chasing me. He was in his wolf form and my face fell. He was gaining on me far more quickly than I anticipated. I had to do something. Fast. I approached a clearing and when I reached the opposite side, I used a tree trunk to swing around, grabbed the Taser out of my pocket, and rounded back on him. I was ready to fight. If I was going to be taken, I wasn’t going to make it easy on him. Not even in the slightest.

He stalked closer to me, taking one step at a time until he was a scarcely a few feet away from me. I gritted my teeth as he shifted back into his human form so close to me that I could feel the prickle of magic on my skin. I swallowed heavily and lifted my arms, preparing myself to fire the Taser, all the while trying not to rub my fingers on my tingling flesh.

It was similar to a gun in shape and form. I curled my fingers around the grip, pressing a single finger against the trigger. I cupped my other hand beneath it, holding it in place just in case there was any kickback. It was simple enough to figure out, but I’d never fired one before, so I believed it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Don’t come any closer,” I warned.

“Or else what, my little mate?” he dared me.

I aimed the Taser downward.

“Or else you’ll know what it feels like to get a Taser directly to the balls,” I threatened.

Instead of backing off, he fucking laughed at me.

I growled back at him. He needed to take me seriously. I was going to make sure he did. I pulled in my core and carefully aimed at him, taking his hard cock and his balls right into my line of sight. He was going to pay for that.

My pussy clenched hard as I stared at him and I tried to remain as focused as I could, even if his nakedness was both thoroughly distracting and embarrassingly arousing at the same time.

I was a pretty good shot with a gun. I’d probably be pretty good with this. It wasn’t like I was packing a heavy 9mm bullet in this thing.

I readied myself. Then he stepped forward toward me and I simply reacted on instinct.

I pulled that trigger.

The tiny darts shot forward, arcing until they connected straight into his balls and he grunted with pain. A thin wire remained attached to my gun and when I pulled the trigger a second time, electricity propelled straight into his most sensitive place without a moment’s delay.

He pitched forward and I was delighted to hear his high-pitched cry of pain as a result. One knee fell to the ground followed by the other as he crumpled in agony, cupping his hands around his balls as a terrible electric current coursed through his body. He’d left me no choice and I didn’t give him any mercy as I flung the gun aside and decided to make my escape right then and there.

I turned and ran, using his downfall to my advantage. I sprinted hard and fast down the trail, following it until it forked. I took the left-hand path and dashed into the heavily wooded area, feeling twigs slap at my arms and branches snap against my face. I lifted a single arm and blocked their assault, although it still hurt all the same. I put everything into that escape because I needed to.

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