Home > YURI (Her Russian Protector #3)(44)

YURI (Her Russian Protector #3)(44)
Author: Roxie Rivera

"Yelena," he said, his voice husky with regret.

"You wanted to know everything about me, right?" I started to dig through the dossier in search of the sealed juvenile court record I was sure Anna had uncovered. The evidence of one of my deepest shames popped into view. I slapped it against his chest. "Well, there you go, Yuri. Now you know something I've only ever shared with Vivian. Go ahead. Read about what a messed up thirteen-year-old vandalizing freak show I was."

He refused to look at the page. Instead he crunched it in his big hand and dropped it. "No."

"What? Now you have a conscience?" I tried to hold back the tears burning my eyes but it was impossible. Fat, hot tears splashed onto my cheeks. Confused and hurt, I asked, "Why?"

"I don't know," he admitted finally. "I did what I always do when I want an answer. I assigned the task to someone else."

"I would have told you everything in here if you'd only asked."

"I know."

"Do you?" I shook my head. "I don't get you, Yuri. I really don't."

He tried to touch my face but I smacked his hand away from me. Gulping, he whispered, "I'm sorry, Lena. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you did."

Tossing the folder into his chair, I made my way to the French doors overlooking the back patio and lushly landscaped yard. Desperate for some space, I walked out of the office. The flagstone pavers were cool beneath my bare feet. Hugging my arms, I tried to figure out what the hell I was going to do now.

Through the open doors, I heard Yuri shut off the music before shoving paper into a shredder. The machine whined noisily as it chomped and chewed up the sordid and mundane details of my life. Rubbing my face with both hands, I fought the urge to scream my frustration.

Even as angry as I was with Yuri, I sensed he hadn't done this maliciously. He was so aloof when it came to things like this. I didn't doubt that he'd simply given Anna an order as a quick afterthought before jumping onto a plane. It was so like him—and he had to change.

Our relationship couldn’t be conducted like a business. If he wanted answers, he needed to come to me and ask the damn questions. In the same way I was trying to become more aware of my hang-ups with money, he had to stop thinking of our relationship as a neatly boxed transaction.

Sasha's frantic barks met my ears. They were muted but nearby. I realized he was in the solarium. No doubt, he needed to be let out. I decided that if Feodor or one of the guards didn't let him out to do his business in the next minute or so, I'd go get him myself.

Behind me, Yuri continued to shred the file he'd had prepared. Not wanting to think about that anymore, I descended the steps and walked a few dozen feet across the patio. The burbling fountain in the middle of the yard drew my attention. The grass was cold and damp against my toes as I walked farther away from the house.

Overhead, the tiny sliver of a moon didn't lend much light. The old timey gas-style lamps dotting the backyard cast a warm glow on everything. The white limestone and marble sculptures looked so incredibly beautiful out here, almost ethereal.

From the far left, I heard the solarium doors open. Sasha's ear-splitting woof seemed even louder out here. I could hear him bounding toward me and rolled my eyes at his overprotective nature. Turning toward the sound of his barks, I tried to hush him. We were far away from Yuri's neighbors, but with a bark like that, there were sure to be complaints.

"Sasha! Sh!"

His barks grew more frantic and almost panicked. I realized something was wrong the moment he launched himself into the air. Sure I was about to be crushed, I turned my back on him and screamed. "NO!"

Sasha hit my shoulder with his front paws and took me to the ground. My head narrowly missed the beveled lip of the fountain. I screamed again as Sasha's snarling face crashed toward mine. I braced for a nasty bite but he simply nuzzled me quickly.

Before I could try to process what was happening, Sasha started to bark again. His quick, panicked barks rang through the night. With his paws on my chest and his big body covering me, I could hardly breathe.

What the hell is wrong with him?

The snap of a bullet ricocheting off the fountain made my blood run cold. Another bullet hit the fountain and then another.

Sasha wasn't trying to kill me. He was trying to save my life.

Grasping the dog's fur, I jerked him down against me, desperate to put as much of his body below the fountain's profile as possible. The last thing I wanted was for the big beast of a dog to catch a bullet.

Praying that I would survive this ordeal, I shouted the only name that mattered. "YURI!"






Yuri had just discovered an interesting piece of information in the dossier when Sasha's incessant barking got his attention first. Even over the noisy whir of the shredder, he heard Sasha losing his mind in another part of the house. Moments later, Sasha's barks sounded like they were coming from outside. Apparently someone had let him out of the house.

When he heard Lena shouting at the dog, Yuri groaned with irritation. The dog had to learn to treat Lena with more care. She was much too small for him to be jumping all over.

But when she screamed, the sound so high-pitched and terrified, Yuri dropped the folder and rushed to the still-open doors. He scanned the backyard and found Lena on the grass next to the fountain with Sasha on top of her. At first he thought it was the dog hurting her but then he saw the unmistakable red flash of a sniper rifle's laser sight.

His heart damn near stuttered right out of his chest. "YELENA!"

A bullet ripped through the door next to him. The glass and wood shards splattered his neck and arm. The door behind him burst open and one of his new bodyguards raced into the room. Kelly slapped the light switch, plunging the room into darkness, and hurried across the room to Yuri's side. The sometime Faze bouncer pushed a gun into his hand as they crouched behind the slim safety of the doors.

"It's loaded. Jake is working on killing the lights. When it's dark, you provide suppressing fire and I'll get her."

"Like hell," he growled. If anyone was grabbing Lena, it was going to be him.

Leaning out the door, Yuri took aim at the closest lantern lighting up the backyard and popped off a round. He hit his target and killed that ball of light. Following his lead, Kelly stepped out just long enough to fire at another lamp. Two by two, they picked them off until the yard was dark.

As if reading his mind, Kelly shoved him forward. "Move."

The former Marine moved to a better position and fired into the trees where the sniper firing at Lena was probably hidden. Yuri took advantage of the suppressive fire to dart from one sculpture to the next. When Kelly whistled, Yuri stopped and took over firing into the trees so the bodyguard could get closer.

He caught the Kelly's gaze. The Marine gave a series of hand signals that Yuri easily interpreted. When Kelly was done switching out his empty magazine, he gave a silent countdown. Three, two, one…

As Kelly started to fire again, Yuri darted the twenty or so yards to Lena and Sasha. He flattened his body to the ground next to her and slid his arms around her small body. Sasha dropped to his belly and crouched low against the fountain's curved edge. Yuri put a loving hand on the dog's side. "Good boy. Such a good boy."

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