Home > YURI (Her Russian Protector #3)(5)

YURI (Her Russian Protector #3)(5)
Author: Roxie Rivera

When their businesses had started to struggle, I'd pitched the idea of the two of them throwing in together to buy a food truck that offered a delectable mix of their Asian and Mexican cuisines. I'd used my social media platform to push customers their way during those first crucial weeks. They'd become such a huge hit that they were about to launch a second truck that would cater to the downtown medical center crowd.

As always, I tapped on my phone's screen to update my status and location. Something stopped me. Glancing at Yuri, I asked, "Would it be a really bad idea for me to tag you in this post?"

Reluctantly, he confirmed my suspicion. "I try to be careful about that kind of thing. Houston is an incredibly safe place, and I've never had any problems here but one never knows." His gaze jumped to the window and the shadowy form waiting there. "My bodyguards wouldn't be pleased to have my location broadcasted."

I switched up my posting and made no mention of Yuri. I could only imagine what kinds of loons probably wanted to hurt him. A man with his money and his reputation in business had likely made some real enemies along the way.

When we stepped out of the car, the two bodyguards who went everywhere with him surrounded us. Yuri motioned for them to give us some space. As we joined the long, winding line for the truck Chuy and Tai owned, I couldn't help but ask, "Doesn't that feel weird?"

He glanced back at the intimidating bodyguards in their matching dark suits and with half-hidden earpieces twirling down their necks. "You get used to it."

Sadness gripped me. It couldn't be easy to live in a fishbowl, constantly followed and watched. "I'm sorry you need them."

He shrugged. "It's the trade-off for the success I've enjoyed. I'll happily accept it for all the other opportunities I'm afforded."

Yuri reached out and swept some of my hair behind my shoulder. His fingertips brushed my skin, the very touch searing me. The shuddery flutter in my lower belly accompanied an uptick in my heart rate. It stunned me how easily the man affected me.

When his gaze dropped to my arm, Yuri's eyes narrowed and anger flashed across his face. Carefully, he ran his fingertips along my skin. "Who did this to you?"

I glanced at the ugly bruises forming there and winced. "It's nothing."

"Yelena." He used my full name, his Russian accent so thick as he emphasized the syllables. "Please don’t lie to me. Did someone hurt you?"

"It was just a stupid work thing. Danny grabbed me but I got away from him. It's one of the reasons I quit."

His square jaw visibly tensed. Rage etched hard lines into his handsome face. "Has he touched you before this?"

Taken aback by his outrage, I insisted, "Yuri, I handled it. It's no big deal."

"No big deal?" He practically gawked at me. "A man grabbed and bruised you. It's unforgiveable. It's disgraceful."

Indignation welled within me. "Yuri, I can take care of myself."

"I didn't say you couldn't." His gentle fingertips moved over my sore arm. "If you were mine—"

"I'm not yours," I interjected without thinking. Almost instantly, I hated myself for it. He flinched, his cheek pulling tight for a millisecond, and dropped his hand. "Yuri, I didn't—"

"No," he said softly. "It's fine. I understand."

Desperate to make him understand and certain I'd just really stepped in it, I grasped his hand and tugged him out of the line. We were already attracting eavesdroppers and I wanted some privacy. The bodyguards shadowed us but I figured there was no losing those two.

For a few seconds, I simply held his hand and stared at him. He seemed confused and I couldn't blame him. I was throwing out mixed signals like crazy.

With a noisy exhale, I confessed, "You scare me, Yuri."

His eyes widened. Concerned, he stepped toward me. "Have I done something to upset you?"

"No," I hurriedly assured him. "It's not like that." I searched for the right words. "You're big and sexy and powerful and wealthy and I just—I don't know what you want with me. I'm a big nobody and you're—"

"You are not a nobody," he interjected roughly.

I was taken aback by the emotion in his voice. Swallowing hard, I asked again, "What do you want with me? Is this just a game? Are you chasing me because you think I'm playing hard to get?"

"Are you playing hard to get?"

I shook my head. "I don't like games, Yuri."

"Neither do I." He dared to reach out and caress my cheek. "Lena, you tempt me in ways I cannot even describe. You make me want it all."

My heart thudded in my chest as his fingertips trailed along my skin. I tried to swallow but my mouth had gone dry. "All?"

Nodding, he cupped my face with one hand. His mouth curved in a sinful smile "But we can start with a kiss."

As his mouth lowered to mine, I experienced a quicksilver flash of panic. More than anything in the world, I wanted to feel Yuri's lips against mine but I was smart enough to know we were playing with fire. He wanted it all and I wanted—well—I didn't really know what the hell I wanted.

But I closed my eyes and jumped in with both feet.

Yuri's lips brushed mine, just briefly, and then disappeared. A little disappointed by the chaste kiss, I gazed up at him in confusion. A teasing smile played upon his mouth. He cupped my nape and lowered his mouth to mine. This time his kiss was more insistent, almost commanding. I whimpered a little and clutched at his arm, my fingers gripping the fabric of his blazer.

I'd been kissed plenty of times but I'd never been kissed like this. The tips of my toes tingled and my belly did crazy flip-flops as Yuri nibbled my lower lip and flicked his tongue against mine. It wasn't a very long kiss, and it ended much too soon

Trembling inside, I inhaled a steadying breath and stared into his eyes. I didn't know what to say. I sensed he didn't either. Instead, he dropped his hand to mine and interlaced our fingers. With a little tug, he urged me to get back into line. I noticed a couple of curious stares but most people seemed too interested in their own business to nose into mine.

I'd never been the kind of girl who enjoyed holding hands but there was something comforting in the way Yuri clasped mine now. Was this what Erin and Benny craved so much about their big, sexy Russians? Though Yuri wasn't quite as tall or muscular as Ivan or Dimitri, he still towered over me. His dominating presence made me feel…secure.

Standing here with Yuri, our hands entwined, I felt as though I could let my guard down a little. His hawkish gaze moved around the crowd, constantly assessing for trouble. Normally, I was the one doing that. Growing up in one of Houston's hardest neighborhoods, I'd been baptized by fire, so to speak.

Though I doubted he'd eaten street food in years, he surprised me by just rolling with it when it was our turn to order. We picked out a few tasty things from the menu and slid down the line. Yuri found a cozy spot at one of the picnic tables. Sitting across from one another, we tucked into our late night dinner.

"This is very good."

I laughed at how shocked he sounded. "Did you think I would bring you to a total dive?"

"No! Of course not," he quickly replied. "I didn't mean—"

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