Home > Unfiltered(60)

Author: Sophie White

Shelly stepped off the red carpet and into the party, waving to several key influencers already inside.

‘Shelly!!!’ Alan, the maître d’, hustled over, elbowing small fry bloggers out of his way. ‘Shelly!’ He pulled her in for an air-kiss. ‘I did not know you were coming tonight. You look stun, hun. STUN!’

‘Thanks, Alan. Any sign of Hazel or Polly yet?’ She flashed guiltily on their names at the top of the list she’d made for Bríd.

‘No, hun, not yet.’ He took her elbow and began to steer her towards a secluded table that said ‘Reserved’ off to the left of the main entrance, away from the bar area. Why is he being so pushy? Shelly wondered as she scanned the ornate bar-cum-restaurant. Then she spotted Hazel and Polly at the far end of the central bar area.

‘Alan, they’re right over there.’ She pointed.

‘Ah … oh … yeah.’ Alan was being very shifty, and Shelly got a pang of fear. What was wrong? Had @__________ released something incriminating? Did Alan know something? She spotted that Hazel and Polly were both staring in complete silence at something in the restaurant area.

Shelly shook off Alan’s hand and rushed forward to get a look at whatever they were so engrossed in.

‘Shelly, I’m sorry.’ She was just about aware of Alan’s pleading voice behind her but one look at the source of Hazel and Polly’s fascination – a couple at the booth by the window – had the effect of turning everything down but the pounding of her own heart.

Dan and a young brunette were chatting over what looked to be dessert and a bottle of champagne. A date. In the middle of one of the most Insta venues in the city. For fuck sake. With a great effort, Shelly stretched a bland smile across her face and tried to look unruffled. Giving a cheery little wave to Polly and Hazel, she beelined for Dan’s table.

‘Hi!’ she announced brightly, sliding into their booth beside the girl and giving her a huge hug.

‘Shelly, what the—’ Dan was clearly shook at her sudden appearance.

‘Everyone play the fuck along,’ Shelly muttered sweetly through clenched teeth. She turned to the brunette. ‘I’m saying it’s nice to fucking see you and you’re gonna say it’s nice to see me and ask me how I’m getting on.’

‘Dan?’ The girl looked like a startled deer. ‘Who is she?’

Dan wearily poured another drink. ‘Do it, Lydia. I’ll explain after, I promise,’ he said quietly, making no eye contact.

‘Wow … it’s so nice to see you. How are you?’ Lydia gave a faltering delivery, but it’d do.

Shelly smiled icily. ‘I’m great,’ she returned peppily, then reached across the table to lay a manicured hand on Dan’s cheek. ‘And how are you, Dan?’

He stiffened but didn’t shake her off. ‘Shelly—’

‘Listen,’ Shelly cut him off. ‘I don’t give a fuck what you’re doing with Lil Lydia here, but I do give a fuck where you’re doing it. Do you realise that The Landing is the venue for Insta-events? At this very moment, a ton of PRs, journos, photographers and other influencers are about twenty feet away wondering why my husband is here on a date. That’s why it’s “so funny”,’ she put on a faux cheery voice, ‘ and “such a coincidence” that you’re here with’ – she glanced at Lydia, assessing her age – ‘your niece to chat about her career plans.’

‘Shelly, I am not lying about my life. That’s really more your buzz.’ His lip curled, betraying a level of disdain she’d become all too familiar with. God, was it just impossible to get through a separation without too much animosity?

‘Well, Dan, if you don’t want me to bring up how you brought young women into our home when you were supposed to be looking after your child during custody negotiations, I’d suggest you play along.’

Dan was clearly raging but didn’t argue further. Shelly pretended to chat nicely for a couple more minutes, then slid back out of the booth. She leaned down and kissed Dan passionately. It was so bizarre to be kissing him after having not touched him in months and she was relieved that there was no sense of nostalgia or longing, just a desire to get this shitty moment and this shitty day over with. She straightened up briskly and walked back to the side of the room reserved for the beauty launch. Hazel and Polly looked utterly flabbergasted. Shelly only smiled and waved. Some lesser influencers were hovering beside them so Shelly was quick to get in her explanation before the other two could say anything.

‘So funny! I knew Dan was out having dinner with his niece but no idea he’d booked in here!’

Hazel nodded her approval at the cover up and they all turned to the podium where the CEO of the beauty brand was preparing to say a few words.



Chapter 23

‘Week thirty-one must be the charm. My tits look amazing!’ Ali grinned, stuffing them into a denim shirt as she came into the early morning kitchen. ‘I suppose they’re gonna deflate the second the parasite has had a go of them.’

‘Yeah, they’re great all right, so veiny, though.’ Liv was groggy despite the nearly empty pot of coffee in front of her. Juggling college work and her new loved-up status with Amy had taken its toll, Ali observed. Though, my God, a loved-up Liv was a very cheery Liv. ‘So, you honestly think you’re going to seduce him at the antenatal course, then?’ Liv sat back looking beyond amused.

‘Stop mocking. It’s not your classic foreplay but I’m an innovator. And at the antenatal class, like, they’ll be talking all about our baby and that’s a big trigger for him. He can get very feelingsy, just like he did back at the scan. He’s been giving me a very wide berth ever since The Kiss – I think he’s all “don’t get sucked back in”, but he won’t be able to hold out for ever. I mean, who could resist these?’ Ali gave her boobs a poke. She and Sam had been texting on and off since the kiss and Ali had been careful to let him go at his own pace, but she’d been planning this day down to her lace knickers for the last two weeks. They were going to talk about adorable lil parasite at the class and then she’d suggest a bit of Law & Order: SVU for old time’s sake and one thing would lead to another.

Liv continued to look dubious.

‘How many weeks did you say you were? Does it not say in the books that you should throw in the towel on sex once it becomes, ya know, a bit bestial?’

‘Fuck you!’ Ali laughed. ‘I say if you can’t fancy me at my most bovine, you don’t deserve me at my … least bovine.’

‘A well-known maxim,’ Liv deadpanned. ‘Well, just don’t smother him.’

Ali rolled her eyes. ‘I’m just so excited to see him. I really hope he is too.’

‘What time is kick-off on this foetus-fest?’

‘Shit, it’s 10 a.m, but all the way over in Harold’s Cross.’ Ali grabbed her jacket. ‘Right, have a lovely Saturday. I will hopefully not see you later.’ She winked and ducked out the door.

Even though she splurged on a taxi, she was still fifteen minutes late rushing into the health and education building, where the one-day intensive course was being held. Sam sat buried in his phone on a small folding chair just inside the large revolving doors.

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