Home > Letters For Phoebe(15)

Letters For Phoebe(15)
Author: Sally Britton

She found herself including the dough ball duel for just that reason, and if she described a certain oddly named gentleman with more detail than anyone else, it was only because he had proved so amusing.

Halfway down her paper, Phoebe realized she could not reveal information about her mysterious friend. Not in a letter. Perhaps in person.

Daphne, would you be willing to come for tea later this week? As much as I can tell you in a letter, I can divulge so much more in person. Especially as there is one topic of a most delicate nature I would address, seeking your advice. Do say you will come.

She finished her note with a suggestion for an afternoon three days hence, then signed her name with a flourish. After she sealed the letter, she looked again at the one for her secret friend.

If only she knew his name. But no. It was better not to know. If she knew, she would be far too tempted to seek him out. Instinctively, Phoebe felt they would get along quite well. Especially if he was a bachelor.



To A Charming Lady,

Each time one of your notes is slipped into my hand, I cannot help but be glad. Your observations are intriguing, your wit appreciated. While our communication is certainly unusual, I am grateful I dared send that first note.

I have given more thought to your new list of eligible gentlemen. There are men in London whom I believe capable of such devotion and attentiveness as you would wish in a potential suitor. They are men of honor, from good families where the qualities you seek are present. I hope that by providing you this list you will find the right person to make introductions for you.

Mr. Walter Elton, of London, a Barrister

Mr. Griffin Fenwick, of the Watford Fenwicks

Mr. William Nelson, of Hampshire

Mr. Peter Thackery, of the Kenwick Thakerys

Mr. George Waverton, of Bristol

This list will give you a place to start. These gentlemen are all known to me, and I would trust them to treat any lady with respect and gentility.

Is London to your liking this Season, P.K.? I do hope you have taken time away from your busy schedule to enjoy the art collections, theaters, and other cultural delights. I myself will go to the theater to see a revival of Cumberland’s play, The Eccentric Lover. It is a comedy you may perhaps enjoy, given that it is based upon a courtship which goes horribly awry. It will be the first time the play has been performed at Covent Garden Theater since its rebuilding.

I wish you good fortune, my dear friend.

Yours, etc.,

A Friend



The risk Griffin took was calculated when he sent that letter. He had, as promised, provided Phoebe with the names of eligible gentlemen. Slipping his own in among them would at least give her pause. If she had not yet considered him a candidate for courtship, her mind might at last bend that way on the word of her anonymous friend.

He gave the letter to the girl selling flowers along with several extra pennies if she would abandon her flowers and deliver the note immediately. She happily tucked the note in her basket of posies and skipped away, leaving Griffin to follow behind. He would wait no more than five minutes after the note was delivered to call upon Phoebe. He had not called upon her the day before, as the other men she had danced with would have been there during her at-home hours.

Though normally not one to plan out things, Griffin knew winning Phoebe Kimball would require an effort. She would receive the note from her anonymous friend, read his name upon the list, learn of the play, and then Griffin would arrive inviting her to the theater that very same evening. Her mood would already be favorable, if she truly enjoyed writing to him.

When the requisite time had passed, Griffin passed the smiling flower girl, paid her for a posy, then went up to the door and knocked.

He entered the parlor where Phoebe sat, the letter folded in her hand, and his heart began beating at twice its usual rhythm. She tucked the letter behind her back, a blush fading from her cheeks as she curtsied. Today she wore a gown of white, with a teal shawl around her shoulders and the red beaded bracelet again on her wrist. The jewelry must hold some sort of personal meaning for it to be upon her person so often.

“Mr. Fenwick, I was not expecting you.”

Griffin chuckled and bowed. “I hope my visit is not as unpleasant as it is unexpected.”

Caroline’s voice surprised him from where she stood near the window. “How could your company ever be unpleasant, Griffin?” He had not even noticed his friend. Phoebe had taken all his attention at once.

“Caroline, I am glad to see you. Have you recovered from the ball sufficiently?” He darted a quick look at Phoebe when she lifted a book from the couch, tucking the letter inside the cover. He cleared his throat. “I—I recall you were quite tired when you left.”

“Yes, thank you for your concern.” Caroline’s sly smile had returned. She looked from Griffin to her sister-in-law. “Phoebe enjoyed herself immensely. I think she would have gone to another ball the very next evening had I not begged for an evening at home.”

That remark gave Griffin permission to turn his attention fully back to the unmarried lady. “It was a fine evening. I do not think I saw you without a partner even once, Miss Kimball.”

“Indeed, I was quite fortunate in partners.” Phoebe clasped the book in one hand and gestured with the other to a chair. “Will you sit with us, Mr. Fenwick? Perhaps take some tea and cake?”

“I would very much like that.” Griffin took the chair, and Phoebe resumed her seat upon the couch. Caroline came and joined her. “I must apologize for not calling right away. I am afraid some family matters arose which required my attention.” That was at least in part true. He had entertained his mother when he ought to have been paying his call. “But I do have a peace offering for you ladies, if you will accept my apology.”

“Is it an offering then, or a bribe?” Phoebe asked, her eyebrows raising while her rosy lips slowly tilted upward. The woman’s smile proved most distracting. Griffin had to look to Caroline to gather his thoughts again.

"I am to take my mother to the theater tomorrow evening. If you ladies are not engaged elsewhere, I thought you might wish to join us.”

“The theater?” Caroline said at the same moment Phoebe asked, “Which theater?”

“Covent Garden,” he said, noting the way her eyes widened. His plan seemed to be working. “There will be a pantomime and then a comedy. The Eccentric Lover. Have either of you heard of it?”

Caroline started to shake her head, but Phoebe moved closer to the end of her seat.

“I have only just had it recommended to me,” Phoebe said, her tone bright with excitement. “By a friend. I should very much like to go. I do not believe we are yet engaged anywhere else, are we Caroline?”

“I am afraid Joseph and I have already accepted a dinner invitation.” Caroline tilted her head to the side, regarding her sister-in-law with care. Phoebe’s shoulder slumped, and Griffin held his breath. It had been a gamble, to think they would have no plans on such short notice, but there was still a chance.

Phoebe’s smile disappeared a moment before she seemed to remember herself under scrutiny. “Oh. That is a shame. Perhaps another time, Mr. Fenwick?”

Griffin did not get the chance to respond.

“Oh, Phoebe.” Caroline giggled and took the younger woman’s hand. “You need not come to a dinner full of strangers. I will make your excuses. If Mrs. Fenwick and Griffin will take you in their carriage, I believe you will be well chaperoned and looked after. There is no reason to miss a play you will likely enjoy.”

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