Home > Rate A Date(55)

Rate A Date(55)
Author: Monica Murphy

Nope, this is my real life.

We arrive at our house to see the movers are already there, and they’ve started unloading the truck. Most of my furniture is sitting in the driveway, and it’s not the most high-quality stuff. IKEA has been my favorite place to shop, especially on my budget.

“My stuff looks shabby,” I say on a sigh as Mitch parks next to the curb and shuts off the engine.

“We’ll get new stuff.” He grabs hold of my hand and pulls me in close for a kiss. “Come on, let’s get this going.”

Mitch opens the garage and we start going to work. I’m directing movers and Mitch is helping them. They’re all dazzled to be in his presence, and I get it. He’s rather dazzling to me too. He takes photos with them. Signs autographs. Speaks to them in low, hushed tones so I can’t tell what he’s saying, but whatever it is, they kick into high gear and start unloading that truck at a rapid-fire pace. They’re done in less than sixty minutes.

Once the truck is gone and we’re standing in the garage, eyeing the many boxes that are now filling the space, I have to ask him, “What did you say to those guys?”

“I gave them each an extra hundred bucks if they could get it all unloaded in less than an hour,” he explains with a shrug.

“That cost you like…four hundred dollars.”

“Worth it, because now they’re all gone.” Smiling, he walks over to where I’m standing and pulls me in for a bear hug. I snuggle against his chest for a moment, savoring his warmth, his scent. I can never get enough of his hugs.

“We still have to move most of this stuff into the house,” I murmur.

“I’m gonna buy you all new stuff. Furniture, clothes, knickknack shit. Whatever you need,” he says.

I pull away so I can look into his eyes. “Knickknack shit?”

“Whatever you want.” He kisses my forehead. “I love you.”

We’ve only just started saying that to each other, and a thrill moves through me every single time I hear those words. “I love you too.”

“Want to go have sex on the kitchen counter?” He waggles his brows at me like some sort of lecherous perv. Which I suppose he sort of is.

But he’s all mine. And I wouldn’t want him to be anything else but what he is.

“Are you wanting to do it in every room of the house?” I ask.


“That granite countertop is going to be cold on my butt,” I tell him as he grabs my hand and leads me inside.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you warm,” he promises with a wicked smile.

I know without a doubt Mitch Anderson will keep his promises.

Especially when it comes to me.



Want more? Kelsey’s story is next with Wedding Date, coming December 1st! Keep reading for a sneak peek!



Wedding Date Sneak Peek!



Chapter One





As time goes on and I only get older and somehow not wiser, I recently made a secret vow with myself. None of my friends know this, though I’ve said it out loud a few times around them. Problem is, none of them take me seriously. They all just laugh and think I’m kidding.

I’m not.

Anyway, my vow is this:

I’ve sworn off men.

It sounds extreme, I know, and this is a temporary situation but come on. Let’s be real right now. They’re all terrible. And I know I’m painting with a wide brush by saying that, but it’s true. The last few guys I’ve tried to go out with, the dates ended spectacularly—and not in a good way. A while ago, I convinced my friend Eleanor to get on that Rate A Date app with me so we can find someone, and she meets the man of her dreams who just so happens to be a pro athlete.

While I meet a jerk who treated me like garbage and harassed me for weeks afterward.

Yeah. See? Terrible.

One good thing that came out of meeting the harassing jerk (his name is Paul, though that really doesn’t matter) is that I have become friendly with his friend, Theodore Espino. Theo. He’s sweet. Kind. He just got out of a serious relationship—engaged serious—after he found out she cheated on him.

With his cousin.

He’s anti-dating as well. In fact, he’s given up on women. He made that declaration to me a few weeks ago, when we went out for drinks together.

Yes, we’re just friends. That’s all I want from Theo, and that’s all he wants from me, and it is positively liberating.

How did we meet up again after the disastrous double date I had with Paul and Theo had with my friend, Eleanor? Picture this:

I’m at a business mixer on a Wednesday evening at the Wilder Hotel in Pebble Beach, where I work. I’m already bored and wondering when I can leave when I hear someone say my name in this wondrous, questioning tone. I turn to find Theo approaching me, his big brown eyes drinking me in as if I were the best thing he’s ever seen.

It was flattering, don’t get me wrong. But considering I associate him with one of the worst first dates I’ve ever been on, at first I was reluctant to chat with Theo. Plus, I remember him being so sad. He’d only been separated from his ex-fiancée for a few months when I first met him, and he was still in a major funk.

But he was so fun that night at the business mixer. Talking nonstop and making me laugh. Telling me funny stories. Reminding me that if I was interested in investing money, he could help me.

I took him up on that offer and made an appointment with him. He took me to lunch. He convinced me to invest the five grand in savings I had and I’ve seen some growth, which makes me happy. Since then, we’ve gone out for a few dinners, mostly for business-type stuff. We cross paths frequently at community events. I like Theo.

A lot.

But not enough to want to have a relationship with him. I have my guard up. A wall that is solid steel and no one can penetrate it. Like I mentioned, I’ve given up men, and while I know it’s not a forever type of thing, I am making myself do this for the betterment of my soul. So I won’t settle. I need to find a good man. One who’ll take care of me. One who won’t have a wandering eye. One who’ll treat me as an equal. One who’ll give me multiple orgasm.

I might have high standards, but shouldn’t we all?

Theo understands me. He understands what I want right now, and all I want is friendship. Same with him. I don’t think he’s interested in me at all. He doesn’t act like he is, and that’s perfect.


We’re meeting for lunch right now, as a matter of fact. He’s coming to the hotel because he has a business meeting here at two. We’re going to have a long lunch and he’s meeting me at one of the hotel restaurants that has a patio outside with a gorgeous view of the beach. The weather is perfect for outdoor dining. The sun is shining, the water is a deep, dark blue and there’s a slight breeze.

“Sorry I’m late,” Theo calls in greeting.

I lift my head to find him making his way toward me, winding his tall, trim body through the tiny tables scattered on the brick patio. He’s got a smile on his face and his brown eyes are warm and friendly as they meet mine.

He just instantly makes me feel comfortable, and that’s rare.

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