Home > You Promised Me(4)

You Promised Me(4)
Author: Lucy Scott Bryan

My thoughts turn to St Joseph’s. I am really excited to be going. It is an exclusive school, most families in the upper echelon use it as an academic finishing school, a gateway to the top tier Universities. St Joseph’s College does provide full academic services from middle school, but most kids only do a maximum of two years. It’s a strange set-up, but one that works.

Eventually though, I think back to my childhood. It’s in the quiet times that I think about Hunter and today is no exception. I physically shake my head to stop the Hunter loop continuing. As always he is a good distraction from the growing ball of nerves at starting a new school away from my family.

I turn the radio on and tune out, focusing on the road.

The afternoon sun is getting lower in the sky, the colours ranging from tangerine to an electric Fuschia, when I finally turn into the private road that will take me to St Joseph’s, I am blown away by the stunning scene in front of me. St Joseph’s College is impressive, to say the least, the main building is a beautiful old graystone that hugs low to the ground, with old dormer windows, large wooden doors, and a grand staircase dominating the facade. The architect certainly pays homage to the splendor and grandeur of the rich. A collection of matching buildings stand in the distance and are taller, while in the middle are a series of newer additions to the campus. The gardens that curl around St Joseph’s are equally breathtaking with sweeping landscaped lawns, large oaks dotting the edges, and smaller cypresses marking the pathways in front of thick garden beds bursting with colour. It is captivating in its complexity and visually very pretty. I have no doubt many art students have tried to capture it and I already know that I will be spending time studying amongst the beauty.

I nearly stomp on my brake, getting lost in the scene before me, but the cars behind me keep me moving forward and I eventually park at the end of the queue of expensive cars waiting. St Joseph's staff are incredibly organized in their welcoming procedures, and the lines of traffic keep moving at a considered, practiced pace. My head is down and I am fiddling with the volume button, trying to put all my things back into my bag when a gentle knock on my window startles me. I jump and turn quickly to see what the noise is.

It was, or should I say, is him.

Nothing could have prepared me for when I saw Hunter again and judging by the shocked look on his face, he is not expecting me either. My hand flattens automatically against the driver’s side window in my greeting, without thought, my scar on display to him. His crystal blue eyes dart to my hand before flashing back to my face. Hunter’s eyes are wide in his shock, his look of bewilderment matching mine no doubt, and his hand squashes up on the glass over mine. I sit up straighter, the weariness I am feeling after the drive, all but disappearing as the biggest smile ever breaks over my face. Hunter’s reaction though is different from what I expect, it stills my reaction instantly, my eyes squint in query. The change in him is scary. He pulls his hand away from my window as if it is suddenly burning hot, the look of amazement is replaced by searing anger that takes my breath away.

I go to get out of my car but he slams his fist on the roof of my car making me jump, “Stay in your car! Didn’t you get the email? Open your window,” he growls loud enough for me to hear over my thumping, racing heart.

My window opens about a quarter of the way before he all but barks at me, “Name?”

“Hunter?” I say softly, looking at him, not understanding what is going on here. He ignores both me and my question, snarling at me instead.

“What is your name?” his blossoming fury, confusing me as much as his words do.

“Hunter, holy shit, is it really you?” I ask him, my hands desperately unlatching my seat belt before they eagerly search for the door handle.

He stops my progress as he leans down into the car, getting his face so close to me. So close to me that I can see how long his eyelashes are, even smell his unique scent. He is exactly like I remember. Summer days, home, and happiness.

“Answer the question. What. Is. Your. Fucking. Name?” The anger that follows his words shock me into silence and stilling my movements.

“Ummm,” I stutter back. My lack of response is at the surprise of seeing him, or maybe it is his displeasure.

He stands back and looks at me with venomous eyes. I catch on slowly that he intends for me to answer his question, play this strange game.

“Verginius Bellafonte,” I finally offer him quietly, my eyes dropping from his nasty glare.

“Wow, that wasn’t so hard now was it,” he replies coldly. “Move your car to the last carpark,” he inspects the clipboard, flaring when he reads something before he scribbles a change on the paper. “You are assigned car space W23, that is your designation until you graduate. Once done, make your way back to the administration, there is a path that indicates which way. For the stupid, oh, sorry, our new students, we have flagged it. Don’t dawdle. Rooms are already assigned and Mrs. Montgomery will have that information along with your keys and security tags. Welcome to St Joseph’s, we hope you enjoy your time with us,” his insincerity and sarcasm seems to peak as he continues his pre-prepared speech. His face hardens again. I have never witnessed in real life, tv or movie, anything like it before. Then he walks away.

What the actual fuck?

Hunter is here at St Joseph’s? And for some reason, in the blink of his eye, a touch of our hands, he has exploded in vexatious resentment. It really did steal away my everything. Even in my astonished state, after all this time, I know that I will never be the same person that I had been just minutes ago. Reacting instinctively, the air in my lungs suddenly disappears, I can’t even swallow as a burning panic sweeps from my feet exploding out the top of my head. My hands quickly fly to my throat, my fingers scratching at my skin as I desperately try to stop the feeling that I am being strangled from the inside out.

The horn of the car behind me blasted a couple of times but even that didn’t stem my panic or help me catch my breath. My heart, at last, caught up with my inability to breathe, it starts beating erratically, black dots appearing in my vision and the sound of the radio and the cars and the people all moving about seems to focus in and out of my head. The intense feelings surprising me, until the gray threatens to rob me completely of my consciousness.

All of a sudden the sound of my door being wrenched open assaults my ears, and then he is back squatting in front of me, the open door at his back. Hunter’s huge hands wrap around my face, angling it so that he fills my sight completely, all I can see is him, all I can hear is his words guiding me back. I am not this weak, flighty person, my out of character response to him only makes me spin further out of control.

“How did I miss seeing your name? You always made me lose my head. This is a one-off Gigi,” he says softly as I finally start to draw air back into my lungs, his breath blowing softly over my face. My hands find his again as he holds my face, my eyes searching for my Hunter.

“I won’t do this Gigi. It’s best if we just say we don’t know each other. I won’t have anything to do with you. Not today, not anymore, not ever. Go park your car and settle in,” his thumb obviously didn’t get the memo of our doomed friendship. Despite his nasty words, his fingers keep gently tracing over my face, offering me comfort that I greedily accept. I don’t think he even knows what he is doing. But just as quickly as he flipped the first time on me I again start to feel his growing irritation and this time it scares me. I need to act quickly so I don’t freak out in front of him again.

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