Home > Six Nights in Paradise(35)

Six Nights in Paradise(35)
Author: Ashley Cade

I threw off my tie and jacket when we entered my room and turned to face her. She looked worried, like she knew I was going to throw her out as soon as she spilled the beans.

“What’s this about, Gianna?” I asked, exasperated. She pulled something from her purse and approached me warily. What the hell? She handed me the square paper and I looked down. My heart dropped, sinking to the pit of my stomach like a lead balloon.





I called Dalton when I got off work, hoping to spend the drive home talking to him again, but he didn’t answer. All my texts and calls went unanswered the next day, too. I was starting to worry, thinking maybe something had happened to him. He could be hurt or lying in a hospital somewhere and nobody would even know. I considered asking Aiden if he’d heard from him, but then he’d want to know why I was asking. Shit. This wasn’t good.

I paced my room and agonized over what to do. Maybe I’d try calling him one more time. But if he’d already seen all those missed calls from me, it might send him running for the hills. I finally settled on sending him another text.


Me: Hey, let me know you’re okay. I’m about to have Aiden call you.


My phone dinged two minutes later. About damn time.


Dalton: Hey, sorry. I’ve been busy.


That’s it? Two ignored calls and three missed texts and that’s all I got? I huffed out my frustration. Why was he being so weird? I threw my phone down on the bed and headed for the shower. Now that I knew he was fine, I refused to stay glued to that thing any longer and decided to go about my business. I had to be at work at nine tomorrow morning, so I needed to get ready for bed anyway.

When I returned, I had a few messages. I opened my texting app and read them, then dropped the phone as if it had burned me. Shaking, I picked it back up, hoping I had just read them wrong.


Dalton: I think we need to put the brakes on this thing that’s happening between us. It’s too much too soon. I’m sorry.


My stomach clenched and my chest tightened. No. No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. I’d finally gotten my chance with him. It couldn’t be over so soon. My eyes greedily searched out the next message, hoping he’d changed his mind.


Dalton: We’re both coming off of bad breakups and neither of us is in a position to get involved with someone else so soon. I don’t want us to rush into something we’re not ready for. And I don’t want us to be each other’s rebounds.


I could agree with that last part, but he wasn’t really my rebound. He was the one I’d been waiting for my whole life. It just took a few bad relationships and a trip to the Caribbean for us to find our way to each other.


Dalton: I still care about you and hope we can remain friends. But for now, we both need to take some time to get over everything that’s happened. Maybe someday we can try this again.


I crumpled onto my bed, clutching my pillow to my chest. I had my shot with Dalton James and blew it. Tears slid down my cheeks. This couldn’t be the end. I just needed to talk to him in person. He needed to see me, to be close to me so he could feel the chemistry between us and know that what was developing between us was real.


Me: Don’t do this.


Me: We can take things slow. You know there’s more between us than friendship. We can’t just ignore that like we’ve been doing for years.


Dalton: I’m so sorry. I just need some time.


What was I supposed to say to that? No, I won’t give you time? I couldn’t do that. I would lose him forever. So, I texted back the only thing I could.


Me: Okay.




The rest of that week, I looked and felt like a zombie, just going through the motions without purpose or conscious thought. Work was the only distraction I had, and I was desperate for it. I even asked for more hours even though I already had overtime. I was able to stay late a couple evenings and help the servers while the other hostess was on duty. Mercifully, sleep came easily most nights since I worked myself into the ground every day. It was all I could do to shower before falling into bed.

The following Monday, I received an email from the university stating I could register for classes for fall semester. I found the codes for all the classes I needed and plugged them in, praying they were still open. Thankfully, I was able to get everything I needed. I double-checked to make sure Jason wasn’t teaching any of them before hitting submit.

As the week went by, the fog lifted a bit and so did my spirits. It was my second week without Dalton, and although my heart still longed for him, I managed to function more like a normal human being. My class schedule was set for fall semester and I was doing well at my new job. My first paycheck was amazing because of all the hours I worked, plus I’d started earning tips. I was riding high going into the weekend, but Saturday morning, I crashed and burned.

I was updating the computer screen with available tables when the door opened and someone walked inside. The person was almost to the counter when I looked up. All the air left my lungs in a rush and I froze, staring up into the perfectly made-up face I’d hoped never to see again.

“Kayla,” Gianna crooned in fake excitement. “It’s so nice to see you again. I didn’t know you worked here.”

I shook myself from my state of stunned paralysis. “It’s Taylor,” I corrected gently. She knew that. She’d known me for three years. That was just her way of being a spiteful bitch. She must’ve known by now that Dalton took me on that trip, the one she was supposed to be on. Why she would care about it was beyond me. She was the crazy one who called off their wedding.

“Nice to see you too, Gianna.” I plastered on a fake smile and reached for the menus. The door opened again, bringing with it a humid breeze and the sound of rain pelting the concrete outside. “How many are in your party?” I asked, peering down at the computer screen to check available tables.

When I looked up, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. Dalton was standing next to her, his hand resting on the small of her back. He stiffened as his eyes locked with mine. Our gazes remained fixed on each other, both of us shocked at the sight of the other. I fought back a sob and swallowed hard.

This was why he ended things between us and hadn’t talked to me in nearly two weeks? To get back together with her?

“Four,” Gianna answered, drawing my attention back to her. I blinked up at her, my brain searching for meaning behind the word. “There are four in our party,” she explained, put out by my confusion. “My parents are joining us.” She turned her body into Dalton’s and slid her arm around his, resting her hand possessively on his bicep. If it was possible, he tensed even more. The corner of his eye twitched and the muscles of his jaw flexed.

“Right.” I grabbed four menus. I glanced past them, searching for two more people, but didn’t notice anybody else. “Would you like to be seated, or would you prefer to wait on the rest of your party?” My voice shook as I fought back tears, but I’d be damned if I let either of them see how hurt I was, especially Dalton.

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