Home > The Backup Plan(12)

The Backup Plan(12)
Author: Mary J. Williams

 “I don’t mind standing as the butt of the joke from time to time,” he said. “But some subjects just aren’t funny. Not to me.”

 “Do you see anyone laughing?” Mac asked. With an exasperated shake of his head, he handed Levi a sheet of paper. “Here’s the official press release. The Knights’ P.R. department sent out the notice fifteen minutes ago.”

 The announcement was straightforward. The Seattle Knights are happy to announce… Yada, yada, yada. The usual jargon used by every sports team for as long as anyone could remember. The one glaring difference, the thing Levi’s eyes couldn’t move past, was the sentence that, win or lose, would forever change his life and legacy.

 Ownership and management are proud to announce that Levi Reynolds will take over as the Knights’ starting quarterback. He has our full backing and support.

 The wisest thing would have been to shake everyone’s hands, say thank you, and get his ass out the door before common sense prevailed and they changed their minds. However, Levi—fool that he was—couldn’t leave well enough alone.

 “You know that I’m a thirty-two-year-old career backup. Right?” Displaying a sense of cool he didn’t feel, Levi held Gaige’s gaze. “I haven’t started a game since college.”

 “Worried you forgot how?” Gaige asked.

 “Nope,” Levi answered with all the false bravado he could muster. “Just figured it wouldn’t hurt to address the elephant in the room.”

 “Here’s the truth,” Mac said while wearing his best, I’m in charge so don’t give me any backtalk, expression. “You’ve always had what it takes to be a starting QB. Maybe bad luck, or lousy judgment by the teams you were on? For some reason I’ll never fathom, you were relegated to spending your career on the sidelines.”

 With a sigh, Levi thought of all the times he’d wondered why the football gods that loved him like a favored child during his college days had deserted him the second he turned pro. He’d never come up with a satisfactory answer. Mac’s theory that the problem had been bad luck or lousy judgment by those who had the decision-making power worked on some level.

 However, at this late date, the reasons for Levi’s failure to achieve his dream of starting at QB for an NFL team mattered less than the reality. Certain his window of opportunity was firmly shut, he couldn’t quite wrap his head around the idea that, after a decade of wondering what might have been, he would finally get his chance.

 “I wish you had some time to assimilate your change in fortune,” Darcy said with a sympathetic shrug. “Unfortunately, because of Monte’s poor decision making, none of us are blessed with the luxury of time.”

 Mac tossed a book onto Levi’s lap.

 “I already have a copy of the playbook,” Levi said with a frown.

 “We’ve added a few wrinkles. Nothing radical,” Mac assured him when the line between Levi’s brows deepened. “Just a few plays geared toward your abilities.”

 The next game is only six days away,” Levi reasoned. “Is now the time to throw in something new to the game plan?”

 Six days. The more the truth of Levi’s new reality sank in, the more it felt as though someone’s fist was wrapped around his heart, squeezing. Harder. Harder.

 “You already know the plays backward and forward. You could make the calls in your sleep.” Mac raised an eyebrow. “Am I wrong?”

 Knowing the plays and executing them were two different kinds of beasts. Like trying to make a giraffe with an aardvark. Not impossible, per se. However, the process of working out the logistics and technicalities was daunting—to say the least. Especially for the poor animals who were expected to perform a freaking miracle with little notice.

 Levi didn’t know who he was in the story—the giraffe or the aardvark. One thing was certain. If he wasn’t careful. If he put one foot wrong. He could be well and truly royally fucked.

 “If you don’t think you can do the job, speak now,” Darcy said, crossing her arms, her expression all business. “As your friend, my heart is with you all the way, Levi. But as the Knights’ general manager, I don’t have time for sentimentality. Either you take the field on Sunday, mentally and physically ready to play, or I find someone else who can and will lead our team.”

 Levi raised his chin, a cool glint entering his eyes. Yes, the news that he would start on Sunday had been a shock. He hadn’t been prepared and he’d let a few doubts creep in. But he understood the chance to play football at the highest level would never come his way again. Now or never.

 “You can count on me.” Levi looked Darcy in the eyes. “Just one thing you should know. A warning.”

 Darcy placed her hands on her hips then shook her head as though amazed that someone in his position could be so arrogant when he should be on his knees giving thanks.

 “I’m listening,” she said.

 “I’m grateful. Really,” he added when Darcy didn’t look convinced. “You just handed me a precious gift—one I’d given up on ever receiving. However—”

 “Here we go,” Mac growled. “Why are quarterbacks so goddammed arrogant?”

 “Not arrogant,” Gaige corrected, quick to defend the position he’d once played with the kind of skill players and fans still talked about with awe and wonder. “The word is confident.”

 “Finish what you have to say, Levi,” Darcy said. “You have a warning for me?”

 “If you decide to change drivers before the season ends, you should be prepared.” Levi’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I won’t give up the wheel without a fight.”

 “Damn, son.” Gaige grinned. Looking like a proud parent, he slapped Levi on the shoulder. “Now you sound like a quarterback.”

 “We have a lot to do before Sunday,” Mac said—almost cracking a smile. “You’ve always been a hard worker, Levi. Now, you need to take your commitment to another level.”

 “Whatever it takes, Coach.”

 “Tomorrow, we start.” Mac gave a firm nod. “Etch the words crack of dawn into your brain. Don’t be late.”

 “He could sleep here,” Gaige said, tongue in cheek.

 “Hey.” Looking thoughtful, Mac latched onto the suggestion. “Not a bad idea.”

 “Stop feeding the beast,” Darcy told Gaige with a warning frown. “You know how obsessive Mac can be.”

 “I’m prepared to bunk down with him,” Mac said.

 “I’ve become accustomed to having your warm body next to mine.” Darcy smiled. “And since I prefer the comfort of our bed to the Knights’ locker room, I veto your idea of a slumber party.”

 “Fine. We’ll stay home.” Mac sighed. “But neither of us will get much sleep tonight.”

 “Promises, promises,” Darcy teased. A second later, she was all business. “You aren’t alone, Levi. Gaige has offered to be your mentor.”

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