Home > Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(18)

Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(18)
Author: Linzi Basset

“I find it strange that she ignored your calls,” Stone mused.

“Actually, it’s possible she didn’t receive them.” Parker’s fingers rat-a-tatted on the table. “Remember, I’ve been doing system checks and security upgrades on our satellites for the past two weeks. There were times that all in-and-outgoing calls were blocked.”

“Ah yes, I forgot about that.”

Stone smiled and all Taylor could do was stare, completely shocked at the surge of heat that settled in her loins as a result. The man was just too damn gorgeous for words. It was no wonder Peyton was head over heels for him.

“So, what’s your intention, Taylor? To stay in a hotel and visit with Peyton a couple of hours a day?”

Taylor was hard pressed not to snort at the amused expression on Stone’s face. He was goading her and wasn’t even subtle about it.

“Not exactly. I was hoping to get hold of you one way or the other and depended on your compassion of two besties not having seen each other for a long time.” She shrugged. “I had actually hoped you’d allow me to visit her on the island.”

“The island isn’t open for visitors, Miss Banks,” Parker said with a sharp glance at Zeke.

“Please, I promise I won’t be in the way. I just want to spend some time with Peyton.” Taylor was desperate enough to beg and the pleading look in her eyes abetted her quest.

“I’m afraid Parker is right. We have very strict rules in place and good reasons for them.”

“I know about Castle Sin and the BDSM training academy,” she blurted out and then clamped her mouth shut when Stone’s dark gaze pierced through her. “I’ve known since Peyton started investigating you. I haven’t said a word to anyone; why would I now? You can trust me, Stone.” She looked at Zeke. “I’m sorry I kept the truth from you, but I don’t trust easily and in truth, I didn’t think any of you would know about me.”

Zeke’s expression remained impassive but Taylor felt a tremor race down her spine at the evil glimmer in the depths of his eyes.

“There is a way we’ll allow you access to the island.”

Stone and Parker glanced at him in surprise. They had strict rules in place to protect the members and the submissives who were employed by Castle Sin.

“Methinks our cousin has something up his sleeve, Stone,” Parker said with a growing smile as he identified the possessive glint in Zeke’s eyes. It was exactly how he’d felt about Ava, his sub, and the woman he’d fallen in love within a blink of an eye. It seems Zeke had fallen prey to the same fate.

“What do you mean?” Taylor asked warily, in light of the enlightenment she could see flashing across the two brother’s faces. She hated to be kept in the dark.

“We’ll allow you on the island as my permanent sub. Of course, it also comes with a couple of provisos.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Taylor gaped at Zeke. She was more concerned with the pleasure rushing through her at the thought of being his submissive than the provisos he’d mentioned. Truthfully, she should be cutting him down at the suggestion, not entertaining the possibilities of such a union! “I have no desire to become anyone’s permanent sub.”

The smile that curved his full lips with such enticing invitation was testimony that her voice carried no conviction whatsoever. A fact that echoed back at her in the breathless croak filling her ears.

“Like Zeke said, it’s the only way you’ll set foot on the island.” She squirmed under Stone’s intense regard. It felt like he could see past all her defenses and unwrap the secret desires in her soul, which had come to life the night before. She started at the realization. A need to get to know Zeke better, to become the submissive the powerful Dom in him would care for and protect … maybe even come to love.

Fucking hell, Taylor. Get a grip! She railed at herself, completely unraveled by the thoughts running through her mind. It was too much to comprehend and too soon to even consider anything other than lust for the gorgeous dark blond man. Most definitely not anything closely relating to emotions of the heart.

She swallowed hard, still staring wide eyed at Zeke. “What provisos?”

“You’ll have to attend certain training sessions in the academy and we’ll sign a formal Dom/sub agreement.” He reached out to cup her chin and held her gaze. “Know one thing, Taylor, once you do, you will be mine and believe me, little one, I’ll make sure you know it. Every moment of every day going forward.”

“That sounds suspiciously like you intend to treat me like a slave.”

All three men burst out laughing, completely unconcerned by the searing glares she slanted between them.

“Never fear, my pet, I’m not into slaves but I will expect your full and willing submission to me in anything sexual.” He pinched her chin as he pulled her closer, forcing her to lift off the chair. She gasped as his lips brushed over hers in a teasing caress. “On the other hand, if you wish to dote on me twenty-four-seven, I’d be a fool to deny your plight.”

“That’ll never happen. I’m my own woman and if you think for one moment I’m going to crawl after you like a lovesick puppy, you’ve got a surprise heading your way.”

“Ah, such sweet words, isn’t it, Parker? A sassy brat, all wrapped up in one gorgeous curvy package.” He planted a hard, lustful kiss on her lips. “Let me give you fair warning, little dove. I love a sassy sub but a brat begging for punishment will get exactly what she deserves. Don’t ever push your luck with me … except if getting your ass whipped and your cunt pounded for hours on end is what you’re after.”

“And she blushes too. Quite an enticing little woman you found yourself, Zeke.” Parker grinned as Taylor shot a razor-sharp look at him.

“It’s up to you, Taylor,” Stone said in a quiet voice but the sharpness of his gaze warned her that he wasn’t quite convinced about the reasons she’d given to accompany them to The Seven Keys Island.

You don’t have a choice, Taylor. It’s either give Zeke what he wants or face … death.

She needed no further reminder and said in a strong voice, “Very well, Zeke. I’ll sign a Dom/sub agreement with you.”


“Taylor?” Peyton’s shriek floated toward the four people where they stood in the massively impressive entrance hall of the castle. Stone’s warning growl to be careful as she raced down the stairs fell on deaf ears in her haste to get to her bestie. They embraced and laughed boisterously.

“It is you! My god, I can’t believe it! How did you manage to get here?” She glanced at Stone with a blinding smile on her lips. “Was it you? Did you mean to surprise me?”

“I wish it was,” Stone grumbled as he berated himself for not realizing earlier how much she would be missing the woman who had been her best friend since they were children. “Taylor was on her way to Key West in an endeavor to get on the island. Lucky for her, she bumped into Zeke at the airport in DC.”

Peyton frowned as she glanced at Zeke. “But how did you know who she was?” She looked at Stone. “I never told anyone but you who she was.” She frowned fiercely. “I sure as hell never showed you a picture of her.” She slammed her fists on her hips and tapped a toe in irritation on the floor. “What the devil is going on here?”

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