Home > Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(24)

Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(24)
Author: Linzi Basset

“I receive more than one every day. Either by text or email.”

“I need your laptop, tablet and phone to upload a firewall that will block them and allow us to trace where they come from.”

She lifted a trembling hand to her brow. “It never stops.”

Zeke got up and pulled her into a warm embrace, folding her into his arms and wrapped her into a cocoon of muscularity and protection she felt in the strength of his heart beating against her ear.

For the first time in months, a calmness came over her. She felt safe, secure, and protected. In that split second, something inside her changed. Her heart thudded wildly against her chest as she felt her soul bloom open like a daisy to the heat of the morning sun, reaching out to the man holding her so tenderly.

Tears flooded her eyes and she blinked them back furiously. She never cried for heaven’s sake!

“You're safe here, little one, in my arms; I promise to always protect and care for you. No one is going to touch you, Taylor. You have my word.”



Chapter Eight


The wind shrieked like a banshee, uprooting weeds, and shrubs in a fit of all-consuming rage. Rain hammered the ground, an impenetrable salvo of bullets. Livid black clouds reared up like a cobra readying itself for attack. They spat lightning mercilessly onto the pitiful scene below, which cut through the sky not unlike burning venom.

Alan Kezzler’s mind was in symphony with the forces of nature battering the earth. Rage had been his constant companion since he’d received the call from his attorney two days ago. Instead of offering him solace that they had somehow managed to pull a rabbit out of the hat, he gave him nothing! Nothing but a dour outlook of what they believed the judge’s ruling would be.

And with it, almost two years’ worth of hard work and millions of dollars spent to secure underground operation hubs for the secret order known as Special Executive Order for the New United States, or in short, SPEONUS.

Alan wasn’t concerned about the loss of money. Oh no, his annoyance sprouted from having a well-laid plan ousted by negligence.

“It just proves that if you want something done properly, you have to fucking do it yourself.” His voice boomed darkly in the interior of the luxurious Bentley sedan he carefully maneuvered on the wet tar road as he took the turn leading to the restaurant at Burke Lake Park. “Now our entire operation is at risk of exposure.” A growling snort echoed around him. “And that fucking bitch is going to pay for not heeding my warnings. No one ignores Alan Kezzler. NO FUCKING ONE! Especially not a blonde whore fluttering her eyelashes and wiggling her ass at the judge.”

Along with a couple of prominent and wealthy businessmen, and government officials, he was one of the founders of the Order, whose aim was to rule the leading country in the world economy. To achieve their goal, they had to ensure a President under their power would be elected to the United States of America. They had been planning a coup d’état for the past four years. Unfortunately, they encountered a couple of hurdles along the way when certain individuals tried to claim the glory all for themselves.

Something that didn’t sit well with the true leaders of SPEONUS.

Alan had called an emergency meeting for two reasons. First, to brainstorm the predicament insofar as access to the underground bunker was concerned, should his attorney’s prediction on the ruling come to pass. Secondly, to finalize their strategy to guarantee the new President they chose would be a sure win in the upcoming election. It was time for everyone to accept the road they had chosen. Everything had to be in place to ensure a seamless handover of the interim successor now that President James Grayson was about to be declared deceased.

“Fucking brilliant plan from Ivanon to use Darius Spooner as a sacrificial lamb to set off the bomb.”

The explosive device strapped to Spooner’s chest had obliterated the boat as well as sunk the four security navy boats alongside it. It not only killed him but the President of the United States, along with a couple of succession members in attendance who were unsuited to take over. It had been no coincidence that the Prime Minister of the UK had been on the boat either. The power of SPEONUS stretched far and wide. Having the UK securely under American rule and thumb was just an added bonus they’d been planning for years. Without the knowledge of many on the board, of course, which once again secured who the brains and rulers of the Order truly were. Another evil laugh crackled through the vehicle.

“Two flies with one swat, so to speak.” His brows furrowed together. “Now, we need to make sure we have the next President securely in our pocket by the time the announcement is made.”

He had no doubt there would be those in the ranks of SPEONUS who would be opposed at the decision they’d made as to who that would be—the hell with whoever was next in line of succession. That was a very small hurdle to overcome in the big scheme of their plan.

“No one is going to stand in the way of what we want. There’s nothing as rewarding as power.” His eyes glimmered with greed as visions of greatness played like a movie reel through his mind. “It’s time certain members of the board realize they’re nothing but pawns in a much bigger game plan.”

To ensure all their plans fell into place, that was the most important issue to be resolved today. By the time the meeting was adjourned, it would be cemented in everyone’s minds exactly who was in charge and who made the decisions. More importantly, they would realize the repercussions to those who didn’t play by their rules.


I don’t like this fucktard.

Alan’s steps slowed as he encountered the huge frame of Billy Hewitt, the muscle man and feared assassin that Sergei Ivanon had appointed as the military advisor of SPEONUS. Ivanon pushed everyone in the Orders’ boundaries with his bombastic methods but as the Director of Russian Intelligence, he was the best ally they could’ve hoped for.

Hewitt leaned against the wall next to the boardroom door where the board members were already gathered. The way his eyes moved over Alan left him feeling judged and found wanting. He simmered with anger but bit back the words that threatened to cut down the big man. He might not like the assassin but he was an asset they couldn’t do without. Especially not at this critical stage of their plans coming together.

An evil grin splintered across his face. Besides, he had the perfect job for him.

“Is there a reason you’re not inside with the rest?”

Billy’s expression didn’t change but the way he raked a cold look at Alan wiped the smile from his face.

“I don’t like crowds.”

“The meeting is about to start and I need you in attendance.” Alan exerted himself with a crisp tone and gestured at Billy to precede him. He exhaled slowly as the big man conceded with a smirk before he pushed away from the wall and ambled with a lazy rolling gait past him. He took a stance against the wall on the inside of the door, ignoring Alan’s annoyed glare when he didn’t take a seat. He hated his towering presence lurking over him, even from across the room. Why couldn’t the fucking man sit down like the rest of them?

“I call order,” a deep voice boomed from the head of the large table.

The chittering ceased immediately and all attention centered on the silver-haired man looking around the room. As the one individual who was responsible for the most financial influx to the Order’s cause, he had unanimously been elected as the Chairman of SPEONUS. The respect he earned from every individual of the Order wasn’t only because of his large and powerful frame but a natural response to the confidence that oozed from his entire being. He was the personification of drive and success that all of them yearned to achieve.

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