Home > Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(5)

Zeke (Castle Sin Book 6)(5)
Author: Linzi Basset

“I have to get to Key West today and you’ll make sure I get there.” This time her tone warned the frazzled airport clerk that she had reached the end of her tether. She tipped her chin back haughtily. “Without charging me an additional arm and a leg.”

“Miss, you have to understand—”

“My apologies for interrupting but I couldn’t help but overhear.” Zeke stepped forward to lean against the counter next to the woman. He smiled engagingly at the clerk. “I’m on the same flight as this lady. Correct me if I’m wrong, but since the delay is longer than the norm, should I decide to cancel my ticket, there won’t be a penalty and I’ll receive a full refund, correct?”

“That’s correct, sir.”

Zeke turned to look at the fuming woman. For a moment, he was struck mute as he drowned in the sapphire sparks of her eyes. “There you go. Cancel your ticket and book a new flight, problem solved.”

She made no effort to hide the ire at his interference. One foot tapped on the ground as her nose inched up a little higher. Zeke’s smile broadened as he felt the Dom inside him stir at her open defiance.

“I’m quite capable of handling my own problems, thank you very much.”

“Of that, I have no doubt.” He noted with interest a shudder ripple down her body as his voice deepened. He felt the quick flick of her pink tongue over her full, pouty lips in the twitch of his cock. He leaned forward, deliberately encroaching on her private space. Her eyes flared but she didn’t retreat. “I have an even better proposition.”

Her shoulders straightened as the warmth in her eyes chilled over. With a boldness he didn’t expect, she leaned in, so close he could feel the warmth of her breath against his lips. “You can take your proposition and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine,” she all but spat at him in a sharp whisper. “If I wanted a … a …” She stuttered and her cheeks flared hotly as his one eyebrow crawled lazily toward his hairline.

“Wanted a what, little one?”

She huffed irritably and took a step back before she heaved in a deep breath and stamped her foot. His gaze dropped to her full breasts jiggling in response. “I’m anything but little, you big oaf.”

His eyes narrowed as he detected the sharpness in her voice and then they trailed lazily over her body—all the way to her red painted toenails peeking out of open toe high heel pumps and back up to linger on her heaving breasts. A muscle ticked in his jaw as his gaze shifted higher. She was exquisite, with delicate features that reminded him of the white orchid growing on the highest mountain top at The Seven Keys Island. She was beautiful—yet fragile, even though she had a little added padding to her delicious curves. He once again became lost in her eyes; like a bottomless ocean, they were pools of iridescent blue, like glittering sapphires, radiant and beautiful—perfect jewels to enhance her flawless, creamy skin. Strands of molten gold cascaded down her back and surrounded her heart-shaped face. A smile etched its way back onto his lips as her straight little nose tilted upward. It was evident she didn’t appreciate his open scrutiny.

“Excuse me, is this going to take long? There are other passengers requiring assistance,” the ticket clerk snipped, having gained confidence since the flashing anger of the woman was now directed at someone else.

“I’m canceling my ticket and leaving in the morning on a private helicopter. You’re welcome to join me. I’m sure my cousin won’t mind dropping you off at the airport in Key West.” He leaned in and whispered, “No strings attached, Miss … that’s the proposition I was about to make.” His grin taunted her openly. “Then again … if you have something else in mind, I’m open to—”

“When is the earliest flight you have available to Key West?” She cut him off and snapped at the clerk. Zeke didn’t miss the way her cheeks turned a bright pink under his continued regard.

He couldn’t remember when last he had so much fun teasing a woman. She even managed to make him forget his grief for a short time.

“Unfortunately, many of the passengers already changed their tickets, Miss. The first available seat is on the nine pm flight the day after tomorrow, which is an hour after your current flight departs.”

“That’s too late! I have to get out of DC.” She floundered as she looked around.

Zeke noticed her fingers wringing together and detected a twinge of fear in the blue eyes that darted at him. The dark broodiness of his gaze underlined by a desultory smile sent another shudder through her. She clasped her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes.

His breath snagged in his throat at the implication.

She was a submissive, unconsciously reacting to the Dominant power he exuded. It pleased the hell out of him. He leaned his hip against the counter and waited.

“Only a seat on a chopper to Key West. That’s what you offer. Nothing else?” Her voice sounded firm and confident; the flash of fear he’d detected nowhere to be seen.

“And dinner tonight.” He shrugged as her eyes narrowed. “I hate having dinner alone and since we both have to eat, why not together?”

She didn’t respond but turned to the impatient man behind the counter. “Cancel my ticket, please,” she lilted as she handed him her credit card for the refund. A cursory glance at Zeke showed no indication of glee from his side. His expression remained that of a friendly Samaritan reaching out to someone in need, or in her case, distress.

It was almost two hours later before their luggage was released and they could leave the airport. Zeke hailed a cab and suggested she stay with him at the same hotel. She immediately balked at his suggestion.

“Does everything have to end up in a debate, little one?”

Zeke’s dulcet tones sent a shiver up her spine as it combed over her and once again triggered the submissive awake inside her. It irritated her to no end that she didn’t seem to have any control over her reaction to this formidable man. One she’d immediately recognized as a Dom.

He was gorgeous. Her eyes met his and became lost in the gunmetal gray orbs that returned her gaze unabashedly. She wondered about the sorrow she’d noticed in his eyes earlier; a melancholic veil that cloaked his expression even now.

“I’ll get my own hotel room, thank you,” she snipped.

His chuckle caused her cheeks to flush with color.

“I wasn’t suggesting anything else, Miss Sassy.” His smile widened as she darted a sharp look at him. “Only that we stay at the same hotel since we’ll be flying out together.”

She glanced away, overcome by her reaction to his physique. His broad shoulders tapered into narrow hips, which were encased in a pair of tight black jeans. His buns were toned, as were his thighs. He was muscular, but not bulky; a lean, contoured form that belied the strength underneath. She was tall and even though she was wearing high heels, he towered over her.

For the first time in her life, she felt small and vulnerable next to a man, which for her was a first, seeing as she wasn’t a fragile, skinny porcelain doll. She had a fair amount of padding. Something she had come to accept as who and what she was … until the moment his eyes had roamed over her. Then she’d wished she had the same gorgeous body as the women she had no doubt swarmed all over him.

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