Home > To Love Again(29)

To Love Again(29)
Author: Bertrice Small

“Our people,” Berikos said. “Our people who came out of the darkness, and across the plains and the oceans to Britain, Eire, Cymry, Gaul, and Armorica. Our Celtic race!”

“When will you accept the fact that that time is past, Berikos?” Ceara said quietly to her husband. She put a comforting hand upon his arm, but he shook it off.

“No! It cannot be. It will come again!” he insisted.

“Then train your warriors, you stubborn old man,” she said irritably. “When the spring comes, we will see what happens.”

The winter came with its cold winds, icy rains, and snow. Wulf Ironfist worked with his recruits, taking them on daylong marches in all kinds of weather with fifty-pound packs of equipment upon their backs. When they complained at first, he said coldly, “Rome’s legions carry more. Perhaps that is why you are no longer masters of your own land. You prefer drinking and telling outrageous tales to military training.” The young Dobunni gritted their teeth and complained no more. The clang of swords rang in the clear air of the hill fort, along with the thunk of the javelin meeting its target as the warriors-to-be honed their battle and survival skills.

Yet as harsh a taskmaster as Wulf Ironfist was in training his men, he was a completely different man with his wife. Ceara and Maeve both agreed that the Saxon, though he would be a fierce opponent upon the battlefield, was a gentle soul with Cailin and with the children of the hill fort who followed him admiringly, begging for his favor. More often than not he would take two of the littlest ones up in his arms and walk through the village carrying them as he went about his business. There was not a child who did not adore him, nor a young girl who did not try to attract his attention. After all, there was nothing limiting Wulf Ironfist to only one wife. The maidens, however, were doomed to disappointment, for the Saxon had no time for anyone or anything but Cailin and his duty.

Cailin was content with her life. She had an attractive husband who was kind and regularly made passionate love to her. It seemed to be enough, particularly as she quickly found herself with child. She realized that her parents had had a different sort of relationship than she had with Wulf Ironfist, but she did not understand what that relationship had been.

Cailin’s swelling belly pleased her husband. Here was proof of his virility for the Dobunni. Berikos was not pleased. Now he would never get rid of the Saxon. If Ceara and Maeve were determined that he and Cailin stay before this, they would be implacable now. Berikos sighed to himself. What difference would one damned Saxon make anyway? And there was always the chance Wulf would be killed in battle.

Cailin enjoyed the long, dark winter nights spent in Wulf’s arms. Once she divulged her condition to him, he was more careful of her, but no less vigorous a lover. He liked cuddling her spoon-fashion, his big roughened hands cupping her round, little breasts, which were swelling now with her condition. Her nipples, always sensitive, became even more so with each passing day.

“What a little wanton you have become,” he said to her one night as he sheathed his great weapon gently in her passage from behind so that his weight would not harm the child. He fondled her bosom, wickedly teasing the hard buds of her nipples. He then slipped his hands down, grasping her about the hips, drawing her firmly against his belly. He sunk his teeth into the flesh of her neck, nuzzled at the marks, and then placed a kiss on the flesh.

Cailin squirmed against him. “Are wives not allowed to be wanton, my husband? Ohhhhh,” she squealed softly as he probed her more deeply, and her hips began to rotate just slightly against him.

Wulf groaned. He had never known any woman to have the effect on him that Cailin did. She roused him quicker, and brought him on quicker. He wasn’t certain that he liked it, but he certainly did not dislike it. Unable to help himself, he began to pump her, her little staccato cries of pleasure only increasing his own.

Cailin thought dizzily that she should be used to him by now, but each time he took her, the excitement built and built until she could scarcely bear it, it was so achingly sweet. He seemed to grow and swell within her until finally they would both burst with pleasure, and yet the afterglow was delicious as well. Even now when the child moved within her she enjoyed his attentions. “Ahhhhhhh!” she sighed at last.

“Soon we must cease this,” he told her reluctantly.

“Why?” she asked him.

“I fear I might hurt the child,” he replied.

“Will you take another woman?” she asked, and he heard the edge of jealousy in her voice, which pleased him inordinately.

He was silent a long moment. “Would you mind if I did?” he asked, affecting a nonchalant air.

Now it was Cailin’s turn to be silent for a time. Would she mind? And if she did, why would she mind? “Yes,” she finally answered him. “I would mind it if you took another woman to your bed. But do not ask me why, because I do not understand it. I just would!”

“Then I will not,” he told her. “If I cannot keep my desires in check like a man, then I am no better than a green boy. Besides, I have seen the difficulties your grandfather has with more than one wife. I think I should just as soon avoid such difficulties, although I do not promise I will always feel so, lambkin.”

Cailin found herself smiling at his words. There would be no other wives if she could help it. One wife was more than enough for any man, even a magnificent, marvelous man like Wulf Ironfist. She would always be more than enough woman for him. Then a thought struck her. Why did it matter to her? Was it possible she cared for him? Was his thoughtfulness a sign he might care for her? Cailin slid into a contented slumber, her last waking memory that of her husband’s deep sleepy breath humming against her ear. It was a comfortable feeling.

Several days later, on a bright April morning, Wulf Ironfist put his plan to regain his wife’s property into effect. Assembling the young warriors he had spent the winter months training, he asked them, “How would you like to demonstrate your skills to me by helping me take a villa owned by a Roman called Quintus Drusus?”

The young men looked distinctly uncomfortable. Then Corio, Cailin’s cousin, said, “Most of the lads want to return to their villages, Wulf. The planting is already under way, and their families need them. You never really expected that they would form an army for Berikos and carry out his foolish plans, did you?”

Wulf Ironfist laughed. “No, Corio, I did not. However, Quintus Drusus is the fellow who murdered Cailin’s family, and was responsible for Brenna’s death. I promised Cailin when I wed her that I would regain her family’s lands for her, and for our children.”

Corio’s blue eyes widened, and then he grinned. “So that is why you have never pressed grandfather about the lands he promised you! You knew all along that you would have Cailin’s property.”

“I will only have it if you and the lads will help me to retake it, and mete out justice to this Quintus Drusus,” Wulf Ironfist said honestly. “I cannot do it without your help, Corio.”

Corio turned to the other young men. “ ‘Twill only take a few days of our time,” he told them. “We will right a wrong, and Cailin can go home again to raise her children, to give honor to her dead family, to live in peace as we would live.” He looked to his companions, and when each head among them nodded in assent, he turned back to Wulf Ironfist, saying, “We’ll do it!”

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