Home > To Love Again(4)

To Love Again(4)
Author: Bertrice Small

Brenna took her daughter’s hand in hers and patted it comfortingly. “Let us not seek out difficulties, or see them where none yet exist,” she said wisely. “Perhaps this Quintus Drusus will be the perfect husband for Cailin.”

“Husband? What is this talk of a husband, Grandmother?”

The two older women started guiltily and, swinging about, came face to face with the main object of their discussion, a tall, slender young girl with wide violet-colored eyes and an unruly mop of auburn curls.

“Mother? Grandmother? Who is Quintus Drusus?” Cailin demanded. “I want no husband chosen for me; nor am I yet even ready to wed.”

“Then you had best tell your father that, my daughter,” Kyna said bluntly. Although she had worried about broaching this problem with Cailin, it was not her way to beat about the bush. Plain speech was best, particularly in a difficult situation like this. “Your father has sent to his family in Rome for a prospective husband for you. He thinks it is time you were married. Quintus Drusus is the young man’s name, and he is, I surmise, expected at any minute.”

“I will certainly not marry this Quintus Drusus,” Cailin said, with stony finality in her tone. “How could Father do such a thing? Why should I be married off before Flavius and Titus, or has he sent to Rome for brides to wed my brothers too? If he has, he will find they are no more eager than I am!”

Brenna could not help but laugh. “There is far more Celt than Roman in you, my child,” she said, chuckling. “Do not worry about this Quintus Drusus. Your father has said if you do not like him, you do not have to have him; but perhaps he will turn out to be the man of your dreams, Cailin. It is possible.”

“I cannot imagine why Father thinks I need a husband,” Cailin grumbled. “It is too ridiculous to even contemplate. I would much rather stay at home with my family. If I marry, then I must take charge of a household and have babies. I am not ready for all of that. I have had little enough freedom to do anything I really find interesting, for I am deemed too young, but suddenly I am old enough to wed. How absurd! Poor Antonia Porcius was married two years ago when she was just fourteen. Now look at her! She has two babies. She has grown fat, and she always looks tired. Is that what Father thinks will make me happy? And as for Antonia’s husband, well! I hear he has taken a very pretty Egyptian slave girl to his bed. That shall not happen to me, I assure you. When the time comes, I will choose my own husband, and he will never stray from my side, or I will kill him!”

“Cailin!” Kyna reproved her. “Where did you ever hear such salacious gossip about Antonia Porcius? I am surprised at your repeating it.”

“Ohh, Mother, everyone knows. Antonia complains about her husband at every turn. She feels put upon, and she very well may be, though I think it her own fault. The last time I saw her at the Saturnalia, she was unable to stop talking about all her woes. She pinned me in a corner for close to an hour chattering.

“It’s all her father’s fault, you know. He chose a husband for her. How smug she was at the time, too! She loved lording it over us other girls when we met at the festivals. Sextus Scipio was so handsome, she bragged. Handsomer than any husbands we’d ever get. Why, there wasn’t a man in all of Britain as handsome as he was. He was rich, too. Richer than any husbands we’d ever get. By the gods, how she carried on! She’s still carrying on, I fear, but now ’tis a different tune she sings. Well, that’s not for me! I will pick my own husband. He will be a man of character, and of honor.”

Brenna nodded. “Then you will choose wisely when the time comes, my child.”

“Like I chose,” Kyna said softly, and her companions smiled in their agreement.

When they came together that evening for their meal, Cailin teased her father. “I hear you have sent to Rome for a very special birthday gift for me, Father,” she said. Her large violet eyes twinkled with humor. She had had the afternoon to cool her temper. Now Cailin thought it very funny that her father believed her ready to marry. She had only begun her moon cycles a few months ago.

Gaius Drusus flushed nervously and eyed his daughter. “You are not angry?” Cailin had a fierce temper. Even he could be cowed by it. Her Celtic blood was far hotter than that of her twin brothers.

“I am not ready for marriage,” Cailin said, looking her father directly in the eye.

“Marriage? Cailin?” Her brother Flavius hooted with laughter.

“The gods pity the poor fellow,” said his twin, Titus. “Who is this sacrificial offering on the altar of matrimony to be?”

“He comes from Rome,” Cailin told them. “One Quintus Drusus, by name. I believe he is escorting the maidens chosen to be your wives, dear brothers. Yes, I am certain he is. We’re to have a triple wedding. ‘Twill save our parents a fortune in these hard times. Now, what did Mother say the brides’ names were? Majesta and Octavia? No, I think it was Horatia and Lavinia.”

The two sixteen-year-olds paled, only realizing it was a jest when their entire family burst out laughing. Their relief was comical.

“You see, Father,” Cailin said. “The thought of anyone choosing their spouses is abhorrent to my brothers. It is even more abhorrent to me. Is there no way you can stop this Quintus Drusus from coming? His trip will be a wasted one. I will not marry him.”

“Quintus Drusus will be here in two days’ time,” Gaius said, looking distinctly uncomfortable.

“Two days!” Kyna glared at her husband, outraged. “You did not tell me until this man was but two days from our villa? Ohh, Gaius! This is really too intolerable of you! Every servant is needed in the fields for the spring planting. I have no time to prepare for an unexpected guest from Rome.” She glowered fiercely at him.

“He is family,” Gaius replied weakly. “Besides, our home is always pristine, Kyna. You well know it.”

“The guest chamber must be cleaned and aired. It hasn’t been used in months. The mice always take up residence there when it is shut up. The bed needs a new mattress. The old one is filled with lumps. Do you know how long it takes to make a new mattress, Gaius? No, of course you do not!”

“Let him have the old mattress, Mother,” Cailin said. “He will leave all the quicker if he is uncomfortable.”

“He will not leave,” Gaius Drusus said, recovering his equilibrium, and his dignity as head of this household. “I have promised his father that Quintus will have a future in Britain. There is nothing for him in Rome. My cousin, Manius, begged me to find a place for the boy. I have given my word, Kyna.”

“You did not approach him first with this silly scheme to marry Cailin off?” she demanded. She was beginning to see the issue in a different light now.

“No. Manius Drusus wrote to me two years ago,” said Gaius. “Quintus is the youngest of his children. If he had been a girl it would have been easier, for they could have married off a girl with a modest dowry; but he is not a girl. There is simply no place for Quintus in Rome. The sons of Manius’s first marriage are all grown with children of their own. Manius parceled off his lands to them as each married. His daughters were well dowered, and wed as well.

“Then, after having been widowed for several years, he suddenly fell in love. His new wife, Livia, bore him first a daughter, and Manius was rich enough that there was enough for her dowry. Then Livia bore Manius a son. My cousin determined that the boy would inherit their house in Rome. His wife agreed that there must be no more children, but …”

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