Home > To Love Again(83)

To Love Again(83)
Author: Bertrice Small

“No!” Justin Gabras grasped Cailin’s other arm in a bruising grip. He had already devised a wicked plan by which he might discredit her.

“Jovian!” Casia appealed to the master of the house.

“Jovian cannot help you, my dears,” Gabras said. “What do you expect him to do for you? You came here of your own free will. I did not force you to come. Now you will stay, and amuse my guests.”

“My lord Gabras,” Cailin said pleadingly, “why do you do this thing? What have I ever done that you should hate my lord Aspar so?”

“I do not know Flavius Aspar well enough to hate him,” was the cold reply, “but I am tired of hearing my wife Flacilla whine for revenge upon him for their loveless marriage. No, do not tell me that she loved him not. She says it often enough herself, but hate—and hers is very strong toward Aspar—is the other side of the love’s coin, Cailin Drusus. Surely you know that. Flacilla’s choler is such that I fear for my unborn child. I want that child! Until this moment I had not the power to give my wife what she claims to desire so dearly. Your foolishness at coming here has given me an opportunity I never expected to have.” He smiled cruelly. “By this time tomorrow, Flacilla will have her revenge, and may rest easy, I think.”

“Spare her,” Casia said, “and I will personally entertain your guests in any fashion you desire! Just release Cailin, I beg you, my lord Gabras! Jovian, have you no say in any of this?”

“I cannot help you,” Jovian said, and his eyes filled with tears. “He would kill me if I tried, would you not, my lord? Even if I dared to send for help, by the time Aspar got here, it would be too late. You should not have come here tonight, Casia, and you most assuredly should not have brought Cailin.”

“Michael!” Justin Gabras called to the servant, who came quickly to his side. “Help me take our guests and lock them up until we are ready for them.” He dragged Cailin into the atrium while she struggled in vain to escape his strong fingers.

“Let us go!” Casia cried as Michael pulled her along in their wake.

“And lock up the whore’s litter bearers until we are of a mind to release her,” Justin Gabras called out to Jovian.

“Lady, I apologize for this,” Michael told Cailin as he pushed her into a sparsely furnished, windowless room behind Casia. He shut the door behind them, and they heard the lock turning noisily.

“Forgive me!” Casia said, flinging herself into Cailin’s arms. “I am a fool to have ever suggested coming here! The gods help us both!”

“It is as much my fault as yours,” Cailin said generously. “If I had let the matter of the Saxon rest instead of pursuing it, we would not be in this predicament. What do you think they mean to do?”

“It is obvious,” Casia replied. “Gabras will give us to his gladiators. It matters not to me. I am a whore and used to taking a variety of men between my thighs, but you, my poor friend!” She began to cry, much to Cailin’s astonishment, for Casia was not a woman given to tears.

“Do not cry,” Cailin comforted her friend. Strangely, she felt nothing right now. Not even fear.

“Gabras will spread word of this incident all over Constantinople,” Casia said, still sobbing. “Basilicus will never forgive me!”

“You love him!” Cailin was again surprised.

Casia nodded. “Aye, the gods help me, I do! He doesn’t know, of course. He is not the kind of man one can confide such an emotion in, sadly. He will never accept being embarrassed by me. I will never see him again after tonight, I fear! I have ruined not just your life, but my own as well!”

“Perhaps we can escape,” Cailin said hopefully.

Casia, her tears finished, looked at her friend and shook her head. “How? This room has no windows, and but one door, which is locked. They will come for us, and that will be the end of it. There is no escape, Cailin. Make up your mind to that right now.”



Chapter 14

The two women did not have long to wait. Four male slaves arrived to escort them to the baths, where they were thoroughly washed and their bodies rubbed with fragrant oils. The bath attendants rubbed Cailin’s auburn ringlets and Casia’s thick, long blue-black hair until they were dry. Their hair was perfumed, Casia’s first being braided into a single plait, and then floral wreaths were set atop their heads. No fresh garments were offered them, and the women realized it would be useless to even ask.

They were then escorted into a large airy room that opened onto the villa’s beautiful gardens. Justin Gabras sat, now garbed in a short white tunic, upon a black marble chair. The gladiators were assembled before him. There were no other women in the room. At their entry, the men turned, their eyes avid with interest. The guards forced Casia and Cailin forward, and reaching out, Justin Gabras pulled both women into his lap, balancing them each upon a single knee. His hands reached up to fondle their breasts, pinching at the nipples.

“You have eaten well, my friends,” he said to his guests, “and now I have a little treat for you. These two women are the most exclusive whores in Byzantium. They are pretty little rabbits, are they not? We are going to have a little game. We shall release these two little rabbits into the gardens, and then you, as randy a pack of dogs as I’ve ever seen, will chase after them. They will hide from you, will you not my beauties? But someone will find them, and whoever the lucky men are will have their pleasure of these women for this entire night. There are no losers in this game, however. The rest of you will have your choice of any other woman in the house after our game is over. What think you?”

The gladiators cheered Justin Gabras lustily.

“By the gods,” the Hun said loudly, “you give us a difficult choice, my lord. Both of these women are real beauties!”

“Which do you favor?” Gabras asked him.

“I am not certain,” the net man replied. He turned to his companion. “What about you, Wulf Ironfist? Which do you prefer?”

“The one I catch,” the Saxon replied, and his eyes met Cailin’s.

Casia quickly looked to her friend. Cailin was paler than she had ever seen her. Her great violet eyes mirrored both pain and shock. Is it he? Casia mouthed silently over the laughter that greeted the Saxon’s remark, and Cailin nodded. If anyone catches Cailin, Casia thought, it must be the Saxon. She looked straight at the Hun and smiled her most seductive smile.

“Are you as good out of the ring as you are in it?” she purred suggestively. “If you are, then I shall be happy to be caught in your net.”

To Casia’s surprise, the Hun turned beet-red as his companions whooped with amusement. So he was shy. But her bold words had certainly made it plain to the others that he was her choice. None of the others would dare to come after her now, for shy though he might be, the Hun would want her. They would not confront him over a woman, she knew. She could see the puzzled way in which the Saxon was looking at Cailin. Now she must make certain of him.

“Cailin Drusus.” She said her friend’s name loudly. “Do you have a preference among these fine men? I think the Saxon would suit you admirably.”

“I think he would,” Cailin replied, having caught on to Casia’s little game.

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