Home > To Love Again(96)

To Love Again(96)
Author: Bertrice Small

At her command, he climbed sheepishly into the tub. He was astounded when she stripped off her own clothing and joined him. “You mean to make my bath a pleasant experience, I see,” he said, grinning lecherously at her.

“I mean to make it a thorough one,” she countered sternly. “ ‘Twill not be easy. A Roman bath is best, but this is better than nothing.” She took up her strigil and began to scrape the sweaty dirt from his neck, shoulders, and chest. The water in their tub just barely concealed her breasts, but Wulf’s body was exposed from his waist up.

Reaching out, he cupped the twin orbs in his big hands and began to play with them as she worked. “We must begin to bathe again every day,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss her earlobe.

She giggled. “Behave yourself, Wulf Ironfist. How can I do a proper job of bathing you if you distract me so?”

“Am I indeed distracting you, lambkin?” he said softly, his tongue swirling about the shell of her ear. He slipped a hand below the waterline to give her right buttock a gentle squeeze.

Her violet eyes twinkled at him. “You are very distracting, my lord,” she admitted to him, “and you must not be, or I shall never get done. If I do not, we shall never reach the solar, where our newly prepared bed space is awaiting us. There is food and wine there aplenty, my love. Once we have gained the privacy of that chamber, and drawn the ladder up behind us, no one will be able to reach us.” Then she pressed herself against him teasingly. “Do you not wish to be alone with me, Wulf, my husband?” She ran her tongue over his lips and then kissed him quickly.

His aquamarine-blue eyes smoldered at her. Their look was eloquent beyond measure. “Finish your task, lambkin,” he ground out. “It is far past time Aurora had a brother, and if you are not finished quickly, we shall begin our endeavor right here in this tub!”

Cailin smiled alluringly at him, and without another word began to smear soft soap over his skin with gentle fingers. She bathed him and then sent him from the tub to dry himself while she washed her own body. A fresh tunic, barely covering his thighs, was set out for him. Cailin, exiting the tub, dried herself under his hot gaze and slipped on a long camisa.

“We must have a special place where we can bathe,” she said. “It is too difficult for the servants to have to be constantly moving this great tub. Do you like it, my lord? I had it made.”

“Aye, I like it,” he said. “It is pleasant to wash with warm water and not cold. There are some things from your old civilization that I enjoy. We will have a bathhouse built next to the hall, where the tub may remain, and there will be a fire to heat the water.” He took her hand in his. “Come, lambkin. I would see the solar now.”

The hall seemed strangely deserted as they made their way to the ladder leading up into their chamber. Wulf climbed behind Cailin, and having gained the room, he leaned over and drew the ladder up behind him. Then he shut the trapdoor, shoving the iron bolts hard into their casing and laying the ladder across the door. Turning about, he inspected the room. The last of the sunset was coming through the two narrow windows. He could see the stars beginning to speckle the sky.

“Are you hungry?” she said. There was food laid out for them on the table. “You have worked hard.”

“Later,” he told her. “It will keep,” and then he pulled his tunic off, nodding at her to do the same.

Cailin removed the shapeless gown she had put on after her bath. “Your hunger is of another kind,” she observed softly.

“I have waited long,” he said quietly, “but seeing you like this now, lambkin, I find I cannot wait another moment longer. I fear I am past the niceties.”

She could see he was almost trembling, and his male organ was engorged and eager. Reaching out, she caressed him with gentle fingers, and he shuddered. “I will show you a pleasure I learned in Byzantium,” she told him. “In a way, it is similar to something we did when I was carrying Aurora.” She was surprised to find that she was as eager for him as he for her, despite their lack of foreplay. Taking her husband’s hand, she led him to their bed space, but instead of entering it, Cailin knelt upon the bedding and instructed him, “Find my woman’s passage, my love. Enter me this way, and see the delights you gain.”

She felt him seeking carefully, and then she felt the tip of his weapon touching her wet and pulsing sheath. His big hands grasped her hips firmly, and he rammed himself home, groaning with undisguised pleasure as he realized he was deeper within her than he had ever been. For a moment he simply enjoyed the sensation of warmth and tightness. Then, unable to help himself, he felt his buttocks begin to contract and release, contract and release, as he propelled himself with ever growing urgency and impetus within her feminine channel, actually feeling her expand to accommodate his yet swelling, throbbing member. His fingers dug into her soft flesh, holding her firmly that he might have more of her.

Kneeling upon the bedding, Cailin arched her back, thrusting her hips up at him that he might delve even deeper. She had gasped at his entry, having forgotten how big he was, but then the rhythmic thrust of his weapon began to communicate its passion to her. She whimpered as he filled her passage, the torrid heat of him astounding her. She cried out at the fires he was arousing. The culmination of their combined passions exploded almost as rapidly as it had begun. He collapsed atop her, nearly sobbing with relief.

Cailin was almost smothered in the feather bed by the weight of him, but she somehow managed to squirm from beneath him. Rolling onto her back, she lay quietly, allowing her own heart to cease its frantic pumping. Finally she said softly, “I had almost forgotten how wonderful a lover you can be, Wulf Ironfist. You have restored my memory admirably.”

He raised his head up, his blue eyes solemn but his words were humorous. “You will surely not forget again, lambkin.”

Reaching over, she gently yanked a lock of his long corn-colored hair. “I will not forget again,” she promised him with utmost seriousness, “but in return, you must promise not to let me be stolen away ever again.” She righted herself in the bed space and encouraged him to do so as well, taking him into her arms so that his golden head rested upon her bosom.

He nuzzled the soft flesh gently. “I will never let you go, Cailin, my wife,” he assured her. “Never! Ever!”

They made love again, this time in a more gentle and leisurely manner. She took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately as they reached the peak of their mutual desire. Then they fell asleep, exhausted.

When they awoke in the middle of the starry night, it was to discover that they were both hungry, but this time their hunger was for food. Cailin had brought a roasted capon, bread, cheese, crisp apples, and a heady wine to the solar. Together they shared the feast, returning to their bed space to kiss, and to caress, and to love some more.

The happiness that they had gained in finding each other again quickly communicated itself to all the inhabitants of the hall. Aurora, who had been so withdrawn and frightened, was now a laughing, happy child adored by both of her parents. Her unpleasant memories were fading, thanks to her relatively young age, and her third birthday was celebrated with much festivity, and not just a little excitement. Aurora had not been expected until at least the end of August, but she had chosen to be born on the nineteenth of that month.

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