Home > A Tainted Claim(2)

A Tainted Claim(2)
Author: Zoey Ellis

Ryden’s shoulders lifted. “He may have. I wouldn’t necessarily have been told everything about the incident since I’m not a formal representative of Redcrest,” he admitted. “But the fact he was attacked badly enough to owe his life to Maddoc is a disgrace.” He turned to face Ana and remained quiet for a long moment. “Ana, I know you love your father and I respect him a great deal. But it is time for you, and him, to come to terms with the fact that he is no longer fit to rule. He should step aside and let us take the throne."

Ana’s eyes widened in alarm. "Us? But we're not ready for that kind of responsibility!"

"I disagree. What your father has made you go through is inhumane. It has caused more damage to our future, our children’s future, and the future of the crown than any other single act. He is a detriment to us and himself. I don't think we should wait to succeed him." He paused, taking in Ana's panicked face. "I know that is hard to hear, but the crown isn’t just about one man, it’s about Allandis. Take some time to think about it, Ana.”

Ana could barely reply. She slumped back in her seat, a lump building in her throat. Usurping her father would be considered an act of violence. It would cause much discontent in the kingdom and wouldn’t be an easy thing to do, especially on the basis of her father being incompetent for an incident in which he was ambushed. How could Ryden use that as the sole basis for him being an unworthy king? It wasn’t a wise argument to make.

She watched the buildings passing by her window without really seeing the scenery. Maddoc suggested that her father did things in court that she wasn’t aware of—things that made him unlawful like Maddoc. “Do you go to many court events?” she asked after a while, still watching the skies.

“Yes, quite a few.”

“What did you think of my father’s decisions and approach?”

“They’ve been good,” Ryden said hesitantly. “But that doesn’t mean he should remain king in light of what happened with Maddoc.”

Ana turned to him. “Would the kingdom agree?”

Ryden’s expression became guarded, but he said nothing.

“Because that is what we will be fighting against,” Ana explained. “The Allandis people like familiarity. My mother and father are proven leaders who have kept the kingdom stable for years—we don’t have that track record. They may strongly rebel against any suggestion that we take over.”

Ryden watched Ana carefully. “Did you learn that from your studies?”

Ana frowned. “Learn what?”

“About usurping and its consequences.”

“Yes, and from reading.”

“I thought your studies focused around history.”

Ana looked at him in confusion. “All instances of usurping come from the past. What does it matter?”

Ryden was silent for a moment. “I’m not saying it will be easy, Ana. We will meet resistance, but it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. The fact remains that the king owes a debt to Maddoc. We do not.”

“But if I had gone through with tonight—”

“I didn’t want you to,” Ryden said sharply. “And you didn’t either. It is not our burden, Ana.”

Ana lowered her gaze. As her father’s daughter and heir, she’d felt it was her burden. And maybe it had been before tonight. But as her Alpha enforcing his intention to wed her, Ryden had every right to insist that she not be involved, or at least dispute it with her. It was not unreasonable that the circumstances would upset her mate. The destruction of the crown wasn’t as personal an offense as his Omega being used by another man. Now she had chosen to go with him, she’d ultimately chosen his needs and opinions over those of her father’s. “I suppose not,” she murmured, her gaze returning to the window.

The carriage continued its travels as the sky morphed from the muddy blue of dusk to velvety navy, encrusted with twinkling stars.

Finally, just as Ana’s head drooped on Ryden’s shoulder, the carriage slowed and lurched to a stop. Ryden assisted her out of the carriage and led her up to his mansion.

Ana had visited most of the royal house mansions before, when she was getting to know the families, prominent figures and their status’ within Allandis, but she didn’t recall Ryden’s home. It was more modern and smaller than the palace, but no less grand. Each of the houses owned a castle in the kingdom, but the representatives of each house lived in mansions near the palace for when the royal assembly gathered. Even though Ryden wasn’t an official representative, Redcrest was one of the wealthier houses, so it could afford to give promising dukes like Ryden such accommodation.

Ryden assisted Ana to the semidark entrance hallway before releasing her arm and heading back to the carriage to instruct his staff. Inside, a smoky, charred odor from a fireplace mingled with the tang of polish, but the building was mostly dark with only a few candles dotted along the walls. Nerves jittered in Ana’s stomach. This would be her new home now, at least until she was crowned and could move back to the palace. She looked around, wondering if she could really make this place her home, but memories of Milly, her library, and her parents made it difficult to imagine… It could never be the same.

"Princess Ana."

Ana turned to see an older man leaning in a doorway that led off from the hallway. "Duke Aldous," she greeted in surprise. "What are you doing here? I didn't expect anybody to be visiting Ryden so late."

"Waiting for you, Your Majesty," Aldous said, his eyes twinkling as he raised the tankard in his hand in greeting. "I'm glad you agreed to come. We are pleased to have you onboard, Ana. Your contributions to this alliance will be invaluable."

Ana eyed his tankard, wondering if he was drunk. "We?"

Aldous gestured behind him. "The houses that have come together to support you and Ryden’s efforts."

Ana’s brows raised in shock. "Who else is here?"

"Come and see," Aldous said, nudging his head for her to follow him.

Ana followed him, her stomach dropping as she realized the lounge beyond the doorway held several visitors, all waiting for her and Ryden. In the low candlelight, she recognized two representatives each from houses Thorneshaw and Goldfrost. "Good evening," she said nervously. She ran her hands down her dress, wondering if she was appropriately dressed. She hadn't prepared herself in any kind of elaborate fashion to meet Maddoc for the third night, and she certainly wasn't expecting to meet several important dukes and duchesses from the royal houses.

"Good evening, Princess Ana." Duke Everard stepped forward. He stood next to Duke Theodore, both from Goldfrost. "We don't mean to alarm you, but this alliance was made at significant risk to us, and we want to be sure you are fully in agreement with what is planned. Things will commence quickly now that you have left the palace, and we will need to move swiftly. Everyone will need to play their part."

Ana blinked, looking around the room as she tried to process what he was saying. "Ryden explained the general plan in the carriage on the way here, but I would appreciate knowing what part I am to play."

Duke Everard nodded. “Of course."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ryden greeted as he entered the room. "Let's not move too quickly and overwhelm Ana. She has just been traveling for a couple of hours to get here, after narrowly escaping a night with that savage. Let us please allow her some time to familiarize herself with her new home, or at least rest and have a drink for a moment."

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