Home > Keeping You Away(12)

Keeping You Away(12)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“Wanna join me out here and chat?” he asks, but his demanding tone leaves no room for a discussion.

“I need you to show Tyler around on Monday. Explain how we do things here. I’ll be pullin’ the engines in two Jeeps that day, so it’d be nice if you could help him out on his first day.”

I keep my reaction neutral and nod. “Sure, I’ll tell him how anal you are about oil spills and how dirty rags need to be put in the hamper after every shift. Oh, and I’ll demand he stay off his phone because it might give you an ulcer.”

Dad smiles and laughs. “That’s my girl.”

Noah and I grew up helping Dad in the garage. Not many women can change their own oil, pull a radiator, and rebuild an engine. It got to a point where we needed a trusted person to handle the finances and set up appointments without fucking it up, so after I got my associates degree from the local community college, I decided to do exactly that.

Working closely with Tyler sounds like a nightmare, but I’ll suck it up for my father’s sake because he desperately needs the help.

The rest of the day passes quickly, and I lock up once the floor is swept and my desk is organized.

Once I’m home, I pour a glass of wine and soak in the bathtub. It’s peaceful and quiet, but as much as I try to relax, it’s no use. My mind is too loud with thoughts.

My phone buzzes in the living room, a reminder that it’s time to get out. After I wrap a towel around my head and body, I see several missed group text messages.

Everleigh: Okay, girls. I need to use your pretty faces again.



I instantly smile. Though I’m still kinda annoyed she didn’t give me a heads-up about Tyler, it’s obvious she means well and wants the best for him. Everleigh owns Ever After, a cute boutique around the corner from my dad’s shop. It’s full of accessories, graphic T-shirts, and fashionable clothing for grown-up millennials. She’s worked hard to grow her social media presence, and any time a new shipment arrives, Everleigh asks us to model them.

Katie: When? Do I have time to lose five pounds before you put my picture on the internet again?



Everleigh: Tomorrow night around 6:30ish? All the new stuff that just arrived is so adorable that I want to get pictures posted as soon as possible. Plus, I’ll provide unlimited wine ;)



A chuckle escapes me as I finish my glass. Everleigh knows the way to our hearts.

Gemma: You said the magic word. Wine and I’m in.



Everleigh: I knew that’d work!



Katie: Fine, fine. Let me see if I can find a sitter. I need a girls' night anyway!



Gemma: I guess that means I need to freshen up my hair and makeup beforehand?



Everleigh: Unless you want to look like a hot mess monster on my website and social media, I’d say yes.



I think about the schedule for tomorrow. Considering it’s a Friday, there’ll be mostly oil changes and state inspections. I’ll bring my makeup case and hairspray with me so I can touch up my face and hair before going to Everleigh’s shop. It’ll probably take a couple of hours, considering we fool around a lot when the three of us get together. I’m already exhausted thinking about it, but I’m excited to hang out with them after the week I’ve had. Plus, it helps her get more business. When people see the clothes and accessories on bodies rather than mannequins, they immediately want it.

Shit. I usually spend the night at Robert’s Friday and Saturday nights, but I’m sure he won’t mind if I cancel this one time. Heat rushes to my face, and I’m not sure if it’s the wine or the fact that I’d rather be with my friends.

I sit on the couch as I text the girls, and we chat about how the last time we got together for a photoshoot. We drank too much, then stumbled to Everleigh’s house for more drinking and girl time. Katie was up early to pick up Owen from her parents', but I slept like a brick on her couch.

Once my glass is empty, I notice the sun is setting and decide to text Robert since I hadn’t heard from him since lunch.

Gemma: Hey babe, wanna come over and watch a movie with me? I’ll even let you pick this time! No chick flicks, I promise.



We take turns picking and go between action movies and rom-coms. I happen to like them both. When we first started dating, we’d gone through our list of favorite childhood movies. Since he’s fifteen years older than me, there were quite a few titles I’d never seen before.

Robert: Sorry, darling. Wish I could, but I’m still at the office finishing up some schematics, and I’m hungry and exhausted. It’s been a long day. I’ll be heading home within the hour, and you can meet me at the house, or you know, move in with me ;)



The blood drains from my face as I read his message and feel as if he punched me in the gut again. No matter what I do or say, he won’t stop until I admit defeat and move in.

I send Everleigh a message outside our group text.

Gemma: Robert is getting pushier about me moving in. I tell him I’m not ready, but it’s not enough for him to stop asking, and things get more awkward every time I tell him no.



Everleigh: Stay strong. Enjoy your freedom while you can, because once you move in with him, you’ll lose it all.



I chuckle at her response. It’s so like her, too. She’s independent and fierce, always has been.

Gemma: Sometimes, I wonder if you’re a bad influence or not.



Everleigh: Oh, I absolutely am.



Chapter Five






Everleigh drives me to Mimi and Pop’s house before she opens the boutique Friday morning. I need to borrow Mimi’s Cadillac so I can run errands today. Yesterday, I submitted an address change form at the post office, opened a checking account, and made a list of items I still need to buy. I have some money from before I got arrested, but it won’t last long.

“Send my love to Mimi, okay?” Everleigh tells me when she pulls into the driveway and parks.

“I will.”

“If she baked anything, promise to sneak me a pocketful.” She chuckles, and I shake my head before getting out of the car. As she backs out of the driveway, she lays on the horn, causing me to jump. She speeds off, and I’m sure she’s probably laughing her ass off.

Even though it’s not even eight yet, they’re early risers. I’m sure my grandmother has already drunk a pot of coffee and called a handful of friends all while Pops tinkers in his workshop in the backyard. As soon as I walk in, I’m surrounded with childhood memories. The smell of cookies wafts through the living room, and I hear Mimi chatting on the phone in the kitchen. When I enter, she immediately grins and waves me over.

“Susan,” she interrupts. “Susan, I gotta let you go, honey. Tyler just walked in.”

Seconds later, she ends the call. It’s hard not to smile when I’m around my grandmother. She stands and pulls me into a tight embrace.

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