Home > Keeping You Away(24)

Keeping You Away(24)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“Gemma’s a grown ass woman and can make her own decisions. Marriage used to be a big deal to her, so I doubt she’d jump into a relationship just to do it,” I tell her, though I’m not convinced either after meeting the guy.

Everleigh finishes her drink, then leans back against the couch and looks at me. I can feel her eyes peeling back my flesh as though she’s ready to open me up and dissect my thoughts.

“Do you still have feelings for her? Like you used to?” She narrows her eyes as if she already knows my answer.

“What’s it matter? Even if I do, it wouldn’t change anything. She’s planning a wedding, and I won’t ruin that. After fucking up her life enough already, I promised myself I’d stay away.”

Everleigh grins. “You didn’t say no.”

“I didn’t say yes, either,” I counter. “I’m Switzerland with my answer, completely neutral,” I say.

“Oh bullshit.” She scowls. “You’ve been an opinionated badass my whole life. You aren’t fooling me.”

“Nope, I mean it. She can marry the Prince of England for all I care, and I wouldn’t say a thing.”

Everleigh snorts. “That’s not dramatic at all. Plus, how would she meet a prince in small-town Alabama?”

“I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one who watches all those Lifetime and Hallmark movies.”

She laughs with a nod, then her lips fall into a frown. “Well, I’m just frustrated with the whole thing, even more now that Gemma’s told me some more personal details.” I don’t want to know, but she continues before I can ask her to stop. “When a man is too tired to have sex with someone as hot as Gemma and throws her to the side like she’s some play toy, there’s an issue.”

Well, I didn’t expect that. What the fuck? So Robert’s old and unable to satisfy her?

“When a man tries to buy my best friend’s love instead of showing it, I know something’s wrong. What’s even more annoying is I can’t be the one to save her. She has to save herself and admit he’s all wrong for her, but I feel like she’s already too tangled up with him. The whole town knows they’re engaged. She’d rather go through with the wedding than disappoint her father.”

“Well, then let her make that decision because she’s the one who has to live with it,” I say although I’m boiling inside. Gemma pretends everything is picture-perfect on the outside, but according to what she’s telling my sister, it’s all fake.

Everleigh shakes her head. “It’s not supposed to be like this for her, though.”

“There’s nothing you can do except be there for her and support whatever she decides,” I say firmly, though I’m screaming the exact opposite on the inside. I want to shake some goddamn sense into her and help her realize she doesn’t love him the way she once loved me. She’s jeopardizing her own happiness to make others happy.

“I will be,” she concedes. “I’m just frustrated and annoyed.”

“And drunk,” I add.

“Maybe a tad tipsy but not drunk yet,” she says with a hiccup, and I shake my head with a laugh. She shared more about Gemma with me than I think she was supposed to, but I’m glad she did. Though I want to stay out of it, I’m not so sure it’s possible anymore.

Sassy jumps on the couch and lays her head on my lap. “This is ridiculous. You go from wanting to bite my legs off to claiming them as yours.”

“She likes you.” Everleigh reaches over and pets her head, then uses baby talk. “Because she’s such a good girl, yes she is, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, she’s precious,” I deadpan. “She scratches on the bedroom door until I let her in so she can sleep with me.”

“It seems like she’s training you just fine.” Everleigh bends down and kisses Sassy’s head. “Such a smart dog.”

“Har har. Now all I need to do is teach her to fetch me a beer from the fridge, and then she’ll be the perfect companion.”

“I wouldn’t bet your money on that.”

We continue watching TV until neither of us can stop yawning. I’ve been getting up early to work out, and if I’m frustrated in the afternoons, I go back for round two. Plus, being on my feet all day doing manual labor is exhausting.

“I think I’m gonna go to bed,” I tell her, standing and stretching my arms over my head.

Everleigh agrees with another yawn. “Same. Good night.”

I walk toward my room, but before I can open the door, Everleigh calls out my name. When I turn around, I see Sassy’s on my heels. “I’m glad you came back, brother. I’ve missed you a lot.”

“I missed you too,” I reply with a smile.

Once Sassy’s in my room, she jumps on my bed like it’s hers. Deciding I need to talk to Liam, I pull out my phone.

Tyler: Call me as soon as you can.



I climb under the covers and listen to the message again. Ten minutes later, my phone rings. “Hey.”

“Hi, man. What’s up?” Liam asks. “How’re things going?”

“I got a call from Eric.”

“From who?” he asks.

“Eric. The other bodyguard Victoria had hired to watch Maddie at the cabin with me,” I explain, keeping my voice low so Everleigh can’t overhear through the thin walls.

There’s a thick silence between us, and I can tell Liam is on the move. Probably walking somewhere else to give us more privacy so he doesn’t alarm Maddie. She’s incredibly observant, especially when you don’t want her to be. I think she and Everleigh would be good friends if they lived closer.

“What did he want?” Liam’s concerned voice finally comes through.

“Just said to call him back and that it’s important. I could definitely hear a tense edge in his voice, though. I don’t know, it just feels a bit too coincidental that he’s calling me shortly after I got released.”

“Yeah, sounds fishy as hell,” Liam agrees.

“That’s definitely my thought too. I don’t trust him, and it seems like a trap. I don’t even know how he got my goddamn number. I just want to forget it all, but then reminders like this pop up, and—” I shake my head, unable to finish.

“It’s behind you. You’re in Alabama moving on with your life. Don’t let one phone call deter that.”

I chuckle. “I feel like I’m living in the Groundhog Day movie. I go to the gym, then work for eight hours, maybe work out again after, and then go home. Shower, eat, watch TV, then go to sleep. Rinse, wash, repeat. I’m totally living the life.” My blatant sarcasm causes Liam to chuckle. “But at least I get to choose what I want to do every day, and I’m not behind bars, so I’m grateful for that. Guess it could be worse, right?”

“Exactly, which means anything that has to do with Victoria needs to just stay in Vegas, away from you and me. I don’t know what Eric wants, but whatever it is, nothing good will come of it.”

“I agree.” Eric and I definitely weren’t on good terms. Though I can’t help but wonder what he wants. Either way, I don’t want anything to do with that situation. I’ve already paid my price.

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