Home > King of Nothing(7)

King of Nothing(7)
Author: Jacie Lennon

Nope, not going there.

I jerk my eyes up to his amused face, scowling once I realize he caught my perusal, and I hold my hand out.

He steps forward, leaving a trail of water on the floor, and puts the water bottle in my hand, his fingertips brushing my palm.

“Look your fill, little sis. I work hard for this body,” he says, winking, and I want to punch him in the face.

“First of all, I wasn’t looking like that. You are half-naked, so my eyes are going to see—”

“Uh-huh, continue,” he prompts, rolling his hand in the air.

“Second, quit calling me sis. I am not your sister.”

“I feel a little pent-up anger in your tone, sis. That doesn’t sound healthy. Tell me, when was the last time you, ahem, got some?”

My mouth drops open, and I take a second to recover.

He throws up a hand, propping his hip on the island next to us. “Wait, don’t tell me. A year ago, with your boyfriend. You were sooo in love, and he was a two-pump chump. Amiright?” He swipes a banana out of the fruit holder and peels it as I stare at him.

“Don’t think you’ll be getting me to divulge my sex secrets.”

“Sex secrets,” Bodhi mimics with a high-pitched tone. “I highly doubt you have sex secrets.” He snorts and takes another bite of banana.

I peel the top of my yogurt open and start pulling out drawers, looking for a spoon. Bodhi steps back, opening the drawer he was leaning against and producing one from within. His wet hair hangs messily across his forehead, and a necklace rings his throat. I can’t help but notice all these little things about him. He clears his throat, and I realize, once again, I’ve been caught ogling.

He wasn’t wrong; it’s been a while. And the last time was with my ex-boyfriend. I flush with anger as I think about how he was technically right about my last encounter.


“Were you swimming?” I take a quick bite of my yogurt.

“Nope. I was running through a sprinkler in the yard,” he shoots back, and I can’t help but smile at the visual. “Yes, I was swimming.”

“Cool. I’ll probably head out there after I finish breakfast.”

“That’s breakfast?”

We both turn at the voice that interrupts us, looking at Corbin leaning against the kitchen doorframe.

“It’s first breakfast,” I say, and he raises one eyebrow.

“My kinda woman,” Bodhi says, raising his hand toward me for a fist bump before shooting a grin at Corbin.

I swear I hear him growl.

“Well, I’m coming to second breakfast. You wanna come, C?” Bodhi asks.

I finish the last bite of my yogurt before pinning both of them with a look.

“I didn’t invite either of you to second breakfast,” I say as I watch Corbin push off the door.

His eyes stay fastened on me as he steps around us to open the fridge, finally looking away.

I feel naked, as if he could strip off my clothes with a look. I’ve never been this attracted to someone I just met, especially not someone who barely talks and who likes to kidnap me in the middle of the night.

“What’s for second breakfast?” Corbin’s deep voice comes from inside the fridge, and I shiver.

Me, lying open on the table.

“I usually have eggs and maybe avocado toast or something.”

He closes the fridge and narrows his eyes on me.

“It’s a date.” He steps around me, and I slowly turn, my eyes trailing him as he walks out of the room.

My mind jumps to last night, in the garage, as I watched Corbin lean against the car door. After a swim and second breakfast, I’m going to need to fish my vibrator out of the suitcase I still haven’t unpacked. I’m way past due for some me time, and maybe it will take the edge off of this testosterone cloud I’m walking through in this house.

“Damn,” Bodhi says, causing me to jump, as I forgot he was here.

“Yeah …” Damn.



I touch the wall of the pool, and I pop up, laps completed and muscles burning. A wave of water rushes over the side as I emerge, and I take in the sight in front of me. I couldn’t completely appreciate this pool from the vantage point of my room window, but now that I’m out here, I’m booking my next lap session.

The pool is one of those infinity ones, where the water looks like it doesn’t end on one side. It drifts over the edge that drops down, making way for the gorgeous gardens the deck overlooks. I pull my goggles off of my head and spin around, laying my head back and closing my eyes. Resting my arms against the infinity wall, I let the sun dry my face and lazily kick my legs in the warm water.

I haven’t heard from my dad since I arrived yesterday, but that’s not out of the norm. Uprooting my life during my senior year was not in my plans, but here I am. Sighing, I raise my head and open my eyes, shrieking for the second time this morning when I see three guys seated on the loungers beside the pool, staring at me.

“You’ve got to quit scaring me,” I growl, breathing heavily.

I push off the side and swim toward the stairs, pulling myself out and grabbing my towel on the seat next to Corbin. He still stares at me with those hard eyes, and I’m starting to think that’s his normal expression.

“Cute suit, sis,” Bodhi says, smiling at me.

I glance down at my functional one-piece that I swim in. It’s not a string bikini, but who swims laps in one of those?

“Thanks,” I say dryly, running the towel down the length of my hair and squeezing. “What are you doing out here?”

“Waiting for you.”

“What are you, my personal escorts for the year?” I wrap the towel around my middle and walk toward the door.

I can hear the three chairs rustle as the guys get up to follow me. I watch their reflections in the windows that line the patio. There’s no denying how attractive all three of them are. I’d have to be dead to not see their appeal. They all are tall with bed-tousled hair, broad shoulders that taper to a trim waist. Their clothes hang on them like they were personally tailored for their bodies—and they probably were. Tanned skin makes their eyes stand out, and right now, I can tell they are all watching me. I cringe, thinking about my long brown hair that hangs in a wet ponytail and utilitarian one-piece swimsuit.

It’s weird to be the object of their unabashed perusal. I’m not unattractive; I know this about myself. But I also usually fly under the radar. I’ve had a fair share of guys interested in me, but this is a different level. I feel like a specimen they are studying. So, I study them right back.

My eyes skate over the three but land on Corbin. He’s my conundrum. He’s quiet, and he glares a lot, but I swear he feels what I feel. I see him watching me when he doesn’t think I’m looking. How he stood up for me against the twins. The way he placed his hand on my leg the night before. I can still feel the handprint on my thigh, and I glance down for a moment to see if there’s a burn mark where he seared me. There’s tension between us, but maybe it’s hate. But not from me. I don’t know him—I don’t know any of them—but you can learn a lot from observing people.

“Landry,” Mom says as I walk into the kitchen. “How was your swim?”

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