Home > The Deceptive Twin(10)

The Deceptive Twin(10)
Author: L.R. Jackson

“Okay. Let’s get started,” she responds.

“Jasen, I’m going to start with you. You’re the one who suggested counseling, correct?”

“That’s right,” he answers.

“Why do you feel it was time to see a marriage counselor?”

“Because our marriage has been in trouble for a long time.”

I wonder how long.

“When did you two start having issues?”

He looks over at me, and I shrug. Hell if I know.

When I don’t reply, he answers for us. “When I started my company. Over five years maybe.”

Five years? It’s worse than I thought.

Dr. Keith writes something down before she speaks again. “And why do you think you started having problems?

He glances at me again but doesn’t answer her.

“Mr. Baker, it’s important that you’re open and honest for this process to work, even if it will hurt your wife’s feelings,” she explains.

“When we first got married, it was just her and me in a tiny condo. We were in love. And we made the best of what we had. But once my company took off and the money started rolling in, that’s all she seemed to care about.”

“You feel she only cares about your money?” Dr. Keith confirms.

“No. I know it’s all she cares about. As long as she can shop and splurge, she’s happy. But it’s never enough. I’m married to an ungrateful woman. Nothing I do is ever good enough, and she takes me for granted.”

“What does she do to make you feel this way?” Dr. Keith continues.

“I work hard so she doesn’t have to work. I give her anything she wants, and all she does is need more… more money, more clothes, the newest car. The list goes on.”

“And how does she act when you don’t give her what she wants?”

“Like a spoiled brat,” he answers.

Jasen looks at me angrily, and my heart stops. He’s clearly upset and tired of putting up with Monroe’s behavior. I don’t blame him one bit, and I’m surprised he’s stayed around this long. Damn my sister for putting me in this position.

“Mr. Baker, describe to me exactly how you feel in your marriage.”

He continues to watch me as he speaks. “It feels like she only wants me to provide for her, and no matter how much I buy her or how much money I spend on her, it’s not enough to keep her happy. We spend no time together. We’re not affectionate. We argue like crazy. And we don’t have sex.”

Dr. Keith writes something down on her notepad, and I sniffle to try and avoid the tears from falling down my cheek. This is what I was afraid of. Becoming emotional. Taking on Jasen’s pain. I could kill my sister for this. She has a husband who loves her. A husband who is trying everything possible to save their marriage, while her ungrateful ass is off with Cooper, cheating without an ounce of guilt. My heart breaks for Jasen. I feel no sympathy for my sister.

“Thank you, Mr. Baker. I’m going to ask Mrs. Baker some questions now.”


“Mrs. Baker, how do you feel after hearing your husband describe his feelings?”

Sad. And guilty for pretending to be Monroe. You see, his real wife is really sleeping with someone else and couldn’t give a damn if her marriage was saved or not. Everything Jasen thinks about his wife and marriage is accurate.

“It makes me feel… sorry.”

How else can I describe how I’m feeling? I am sorry that my sister is a selfish bitch who is breaking this man’s heart.


“Yes, I feel sorry. Sorry that he’s upset.”

She writes something else down. “Just sorry. Are there any other emotions you’re feeling?”

I don’t answer her right away. I’m too busy trying to figure out the right words to say. If I’m too emotional, it will seem weird because Monroe isn’t like that at all. I’m supposed to act like her. Nothing more. Nothing less. But I can’t just sit back and allow Jasen to think that she’s that coldhearted. That she doesn’t love him. I’m sure my sister still loves him. She’s just confused right now. She thinks she’s happy with this other guy, but I know better. I decide in this moment to be better on behalf of my sister. I say what Monroe should say in this situation. Make this marriage better for her for when she returns. I grab his hand. “I’m sorry that I make you feel that way. I’m sorry for hurting you. I want you to know that I do appreciate you and I love you.”

Jasen opens his mouth. He closes it. He opens it again. Then he closes it. He’s speechless. He watches me suspiciously, and I hold my breath, fearful that I’ve been busted.

“Jasen, would you like to respond?” asks Dr. Keith.

“I, ahh… it’s just… Monroe doesn’t apologize, and she hardly ever tells me she loves me. This is the second time today she’s said it. I guess I’m just wondering where all this is coming from.”

“Mrs. Baker, would you like to answer him?”

I clear my throat as my body temperature rises. The air becomes thick, and I feel nauseated with the pressure of Monroe’s marriage weighing on my own shoulders. “I’m telling you I love you because I want us to work. I was wrong. I should tell you more often how I feel about you, and I shouldn’t make you feel as though nothing you do is good enough.”

Jasen places his hand over mine. “I’ve waited a long time to hear you say that.”

Dr. Keith seems to be pleased that we’ve made progress. She smiles as she lowers her head and continues to write her notes. When she’s finished, she places the pad and pen on the table next to her. “We’re making progress. That means the both of you are dedicated to making your marriage better. I have a few things I want you two to work on once you’re home if you’re up to it, and if you decide to see me again, we can go from there.”

“I’m all for it. What about you, Monroe?” Jasen asks.

I’m sure Monroe would have answered no. She’s made it clear that she has no desire to save her marriage, and she seems to think that Cooper is the better man for her. But I can’t sit back and watch my sister make a huge mistake. Jasen loves her, but if she doesn’t change, I have no doubt he will leave her. So, I give the only logical answer that makes sense. “I’m all in.”




This romantic getaway is just what I needed. I couldn’t stand another minute being around Jasen. Life has become boring with him. It’s the same thing every day: he comes home from work, eats dinner, and heads to his office to do more work. Outside of the money, I hate his job. He never tells me who his clients are because of some stupid confidentiality clause in his contracts. What’s the fun in being married to a private investigator if he can’t tell you who his clients are? He does everything by the book, he’s predictable, he’s a homebody. I like excitement in my life, spontaneity, and passion. Not predictability and structure. I feel oppressed, like he holds me back from living my life just because he chooses not to enjoy his. He expects me to be the doting housewife, have his dinner ready, keep the house clean, and raise a few kids. Hell no, that’s not the life I want, and he knew it before he asked me to marry him. I hate to cook. I hate cleaning. And I never wanted children. He knows the kind of woman I am, and no ring or vow could change that.

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