Home > The Deceptive Twin(2)

The Deceptive Twin(2)
Author: L.R. Jackson

“So, tell me more about your work.”

I finish chewing. “I’m just a substitute teacher for now. Hopefully, I’ll transition to becoming a full-time teacher soon.”

“Sounds like you love what you do.”

“I do. I love making a difference.”

He nods in agreement. “So do I. It’s something about helping people that makes me sleep well at night.”

He has a good heart. Shame on me to judge him.

“You have no idea how happy my customers are after they leave with a new phone or new data plan,” he continues.

“Your company helps with phone technology?” I ask, eager to hear more. I grab my glass to take another sip.

“Yeah, I mean, we’re the number one network in America. You can’t get any better with Verizon.”

I almost choke on my water. “Excuse me?”

“Are you okay?” he asks with concern.

“I’m fine. You mentioned Verizon. What exactly do you do again?”

He straightens in his seat with pride. “I’m the number one salesman at Verizon store 486. You should swing by sometime. I’ll hook you up with a discount.”

The waitress brings our food, but I’m too angry to eat. “Thanks for the offer. But I’m good.”

“Seriously, you’re missing out. I can get you the new iPhone for half the price.” He smiles with satisfaction, and I want to stab him with my fork. Was anything in his profile the truth? I start to respond, but my cell phone rings. I glance at the caller. It’s my sister, Monroe. I ignore the call and turn my attention back to Randy. If that’s even his real name. “You told me you own a technology firm.”

“I was speaking it into existence. That’s the goal eventually. Once I work my way up to manager, I’ll be as good as gold.”

I place a strand of hair behind my ear as he continues to talk. “I’ll have it all one day. A big house. A beautiful wife. A nice car. And I can’t wait. Especially for the car. I’m so tired of taking the subway.”

“Wait a minute. You said you drive a Mercedes, but it was in the shop. Remember, you offered to pick me up, but I agreed to meet you here instead?”

He waves me off. “Oh yeah, I was going to drive my friend’s car, but I accidently rear-ended someone when I was on my way to the sperm bank. Needed the extra bucks, you know?”

My eyes go wide. This is the date from hell. And to make matters worse, my coworker Linda hasn’t called me yet to see if I need a date bailout. The waitress places the check beside him, and he reaches in his left pants pocket. He removes his hand, then reaches into the right one. He winces as he pulls an empty hand out. “I must have lost my wallet.”

My phone rings again. I grab it quickly, hoping it’s Linda so I can pay the damn bill and bail out quickly, but it’s Monroe again. “Guess I’m paying,” I respond as I pull cash from my purse and place it on the table.

My phone rings again, and this time, I know something must be wrong. I haven’t heard from Monroe in months. And she never calls me back-to-back like this.

I stand to my feet. “Excuse me. This might be important.”

He nods as I turn and walk quickly to the bathroom. I push the door open and walk inside. I pace back and forth a few times, pissed that Randy has basically wasted two weeks of my time. I should have never agreed to this date. I stop in front of the mirror closest to the door and take a deep breath. I take one glance at my reflection right before I dial Monroe. She picks up on the first ring. “Thank God you called me back.”

“What do you want,” I reply dryly.

“That’s the greeting I get from my own twin?”

“Just answer the question,” I reply.

“I need a favor, sissy.”

“You need a favor from me?”

“Yup, and it’s a big one.”

“What makes you think I would do anything for you after the way you spoke to me?”

There’s a moment of silence before she speaks. “Listen, I’m sorry, Mo.”

“Don’t call me that,” I respond.

I never liked the nickname she chose for me, and she knows it. But that’s Monroe, always looking to get under my skin somehow.

“Okay. Morgan, I’m sorry for the things I said.”

“You’re only saying you’re sorry because you need me for something.”

“No, I’m not. I really am sorry… and I miss you.”

I can’t deny that I miss her too. I thought about calling her a few times, but there’s no way I would give her the satisfaction of me reaching out first. And trust me, she would have gloated about it. But it’s been a little over two months, and she’s my sister. It’s time we make up and reconcile. Besides, this is the longest we’ve been mad at each other, and I’ve hated every second of it.

“What’s the favor?” I ask.

Monroe instantly becomes excited. “Oh my gosh, I have so much to catch you up on.”

“Can’t wait.”

“How about I book a flight to Philly and we can discuss it then? I’ll start packing.”

“Wait, you’re going to fly here all the way from California, when you can just tell me now?”

“Hell yeah. I haven’t spoken to you in months. Besides, what I have to ask of you will require lots of wine.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

She squeals one last time before ending the call. I fix my hair in the mirror before I head back to my table. I’ve decided I’m never going to see or speak to Randy again. He’s a liar. And I hate liars. I plan to tell him to lose my number. I plan to tell him that what he did was wrong and that playing with people’s emotions is immature. Shame on him for catfishing me. By the time I reach the table, I’m furious. So furious, I’m about to give him a piece of my mind. Only I don’t get the chance. Because Randy is gone, and so is the money I left on the table.



Three Days Later

“You’re kidding right?” I ask.

I watch Monroe shake her head as she pours us both another glass of red wine. It’s way too early for us to be drinking, but she was right—this was a conversation we needed to have over wine. She arrived early this morning and took it upon herself to catch an Uber to the house and let herself in. The downside of living in the family home meant that both of us had access to it at any time.

“You’re asking me to fly to California, switch identities, and spend the weekend pretending to be you?” I clarify.


“That won’t work, Monroe.”

“Yes, it will. Jasen will have no idea,” she argues.

My thoughts transition to Jasen Baker. I had such a huge crush on him in high school. I was borderline obsessed with him. He and I shared Chemistry class together as well as English. I spent most of my time in class fantasizing about him. Despite his popularity, Jasen wasn’t arrogant or shallow. He was smart, and very friendly. He would say hello to me every single day while everyone else ignored me. I wanted so badly to tell him that I liked him, but I was too nervous to say anything. Besides, I was shy and awkward. He wouldn’t have been interested in me anyway.

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