Home > The Proposal(29)

The Proposal(29)
Author: Maya Hughes

“Fine. Let’s shake on it.”

His gaze darted from me back to the road. “What’s with the look?”

“What look?” My voice was sugary sweet, dripping with un-ironic dedication to our task.

He swirled his finger in front of my face before putting both hands back on the wheel. “The Stepford Wives look you’ve got going on.”

“Whatever do you mean, dear?” I put the backs of my hands against my chin and batted my eyelashes at him.

“Don’t look at me like that.” His hands tightened on the wheel.

I leaned in closer. “Like what?”

“Come on, Zara. It’s creepy, all doe-eyed...”

Laughing, I flopped back into my seat. “Fine, I’ll save it for Winthorpe. But I agree to your terms as long as you agree to mine.”

His unnerved glances ended. His lips tightened and he held out his hand. “Your terms are accepted.”

Our hands clasped, his enveloping mine whole like an animal out on the savannah wolfing down its prize. The rough pads of his fingers brushed against my wrist.

My pulse jumped, kickstarted by the heat and strength of his hold. I tugged my hand away and sat straight in my seat. All that tension and barb-laced energy was playing tricks with my head. The enemy of my enemy in this case wasn’t exactly a friend, but I’d play along.

A bump of my head against the window woke me up. I squeezed my eyes closed and covered my yawn. I’d fallen asleep? It wasn’t often I was a passenger in a car. Public transportation and walking got my everywhere I needed to go, unless I was flying to see Tyler. Growing up, I’d always fall asleep within a few minutes of pulling away from the curb, even if it was a short ride. Something about the steady rock of a car meant nighty-night for me.

I rubbed my eyes and sat straighter, stealing a glance over at Leo.

He didn’t make any comments about me taking an unscheduled nap, so maybe he hadn’t noticed. Or maybe he was holding it back since we were on the official teamwork train.

We drove down a tree-lined entrance. The branches of the trees created a twenty-foot-tall tunnel effect, driving up to the main building of the estate hotel. Glamping on steroids. There were fancy yurts sprinkled around the property. Each filled with plush carpets, electrical outlets, the best camping bathrooms I’d ever seen. Not that I’d ever really been camping, but I could certainly use my imagination.

Instead of heading to the large double doors at the top of the white and slate gray lobby, we pulled into the parking lot.

My phone and tablet were filled with unread messages even though I’d cleared them all before I’d gotten in the car.

Leo tensed when his gaze hit my screen. “Are all the vendors here? Has the paint tag company messaged you?”

I quickly scrolled through messages. “They’re here and getting set up. Everyone is here. No emergencies. We’re good to go.”

Leo’s body relaxed and he nodded, looking out the windshield although the car was in park, staring like he was getting ready to head into battle.

I set my hand on his arm. “Calm down. We’ve prepared. We’re going to kick ass today.”

He glanced down at my hand on his bicep. “You’re out of bounds, Gingersnap.”

Sliding my hand off his arm, I bit back my retort. I’d have to be the grown up for both of us, if he couldn’t. All my electronics went back in my bag into their padded pockets. Turning around, I grabbed my things from the back seat.

My passenger side door opened, flooding the interior with fresh forest smells and a cool breeze. Had it been this hot in here the whole time?

Leo stood in the open door, leaning against the metal before taking the bags from my hand. We were stalled in a silent tug-of-war with my hands still wrapped around the handles being tugged up to his height. His scrutinizing gaze raked over me.

Don’t let him see you squirm. He’s just fucking with you.

“Don’t forget the ring, Gingersnap.”

A breath escaped my lips. A mental head shake followed. I looked down at my bare finger. Ducking back in the car, I rummaged in my bag for the gigantic ring and slipped it on. “Ready, dear.”

He shuddered. “Don’t call me that. It freaks me out.”

“You keep calling me Gingersnap, I get ‘dear.’”


“Wow, you love pushing my buttons that much, you’ll let me call you the shudder-inducing ‘dear’, so you don’t have to give up Gingersnap? Are you so commitment-phobic you can’t even pretend to be in a relationship?”

He slammed the door closed behind me. “You know about my relationship history?”

I didn’t need to. “You don’t scream ‘long-term committed guy.’”

“You don’t know the first thing about me. Maybe I’m Monogamy R Us. Wouldn’t that blow your mind?” He touched his fingers to the sides of his head and moved them outward like an explosion.

“So are you?”

He squeezed the back of his neck, avoiding my gaze.

“Exactly.” I forged ahead, my shoes sinking into the soft grass. One thing I’d say for this whole camping thing we had going, it meant I wasn’t trapped in sky-high heels. Jeans, a blouse, and black shoes. It wasn’t the ideal combo, but everyone else was going to be in jeans, so it would be okay.

Even Leo in his jeans and button-down looked more laid back than I did.

Maybe my top was a bit too formal. Looking from him to me, I had the realization we weren’t playing pretend for ten minutes in front of Kathleen. We’d be interacting with how many people today? At least no one was supposed to know we were together—we wouldn’t have to flaunt anything. That helped me relaxed. No one was supposed to know we were together. No one would notice. Everyone would be too busy being blinded by paint balloons, relaxing in a massage chair or eating the amazing food to spare me or Leo a single glance.

We were the help. Background noise put here to ensure things ran smoothly.

I scrolled through my phone, checking on all the messages rolling in. Lucky me, handling this job and still being required to keep up with all my normal work, which seemed to grow every day. Andi at least shared memes of her interpretation of Valerie’s facial expressions and attitude when I was away from the office.

Simply Stark had become a safe haven in many ways. Would kissing the ground when I showed up there next be an overreaction? No. No, it would not.

Kathleen’s voice broke through the serene landscape. “You’re fired. Pack your things and go.” A woman in a business suit with a gold nametag stared at her, slack jawed.


“No buts. You’ve mixed up two guests’ key cards since I’ve been here. That’s unacceptable.”

“Kathleen, it’s her second day.”

“And you’re the manager. I’d have hoped you’d have chosen better staff... Do I have to do everything around here?”

Leo and I exchanged looks. Dread settled deep in my chest.

Kathleen turned from the two shocked employees and broke into a wide smile.

“I’m so happy you’re here.” She bounded up to us the second we made it to the bottom steps of the lobby building like she was lighter than air, not like she’d just fired one employee and threatened to fire another. “I love this place. You know how things are in the hotel world. You’re growing or you’re dying.” She laughed.

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