Home > Torrid Rush (Bad Boy Studs #3)(17)

Torrid Rush (Bad Boy Studs #3)(17)
Author: Scarlett Avery

The chic room reserved for those in need of something a little more mellow looks like an enormous living room. Just like the rest of the hotel, it’s decorated beautifully. Thank God, the music isn’t so loud you can’t hear yourself think.

“I’m still dizzy from all the big names,” I say.

“I can’t believe we’re part of the audience as opposed to watching all the action on TV or catching the highlights on YouTube or Facebook. What a privilege. And I have you to thank.”

“Honestly, I’ve never been happier to bail out a client than I am now.”

Callum is a real trooper. He’s at the bakery to oversee the small team on standby—that’s why Ainsley is my date for tonight. Everything should be as smooth as butter, but just in case Ryan Hammerstein needs an extra batch of donuts for whatever reason, we can deliver at the drop of a hat.

“Mazel tov, to you cuz!”

“You’re hilarious, Ainsley.”

“Enough chitchat. Let’s move on to something important.”

“Like what?”

“Like our fave celebs!”

She’s so excited about tonight. I won’t lie, so am I. “Denisa Luka, Belinda Knowles and Taylin Shiftt in the same room as little ol’ me and little ol’ you?” She places the back of her hand against her forehead. “I nearly died,” she says theatrically.

“I agree. I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Belinda is so much taller in person. And, can she ever rock a pair of five-inch heels!”

“Hear, hear!” I cheer.

“Vickie Sky is absolutely gorgeous.”

“Love, love, love what she’s wearing,” I say. “She has such impeccable taste.”

“Says the woman who’s been turning heads all evening,” Ainsley purses her lips and waves a manicured finger up and down the length of my body. “You’re rocking this look.”

I blush furiously.

“I don’t know about the turning heads part, but thank you for the compliment.”

“Tsk. You’re blind.”

“I had some professional help,” I laugh. “I owe it all to Skylar. The second she saw this outfit, when we went shopping together last month, she declared it would be a crime for me to walk out of the store without buying it. So I did.”

“Ahhh. Our little MD fashionista,” Ainsley laughs.

“She is.”

“Oh!” Ainsley suddenly clamps her hands around my forearm. “Did you see Bryant Harris? Lord!” she says with an almost suffering sigh.

“Apparently, he’s back with Amber Rae. It’s pretty hot and heavy again.”

“No way?”

“Way!” I even crank my neck for effect.

“And did you see sexy action-star-slash-fitness-model-slash-man-candy Collin Dennison?”

She’s hilarious.

“Did I ever.”

“I nearly passed out when he stepped on stage to present an award.”

“What about his equally sexy older brother, Shane?” I ask.

“Dreamy!” we say in unison.

We lose it in a fit of childish giggles.

“You’ve arrived, darling! It's one thing to hobnob with my socialite peers, but it's a whole other thing when you're able to rub shoulders with artists and celebrities. Bravo!” she grins wide.

“I still can't believe I got this contract,” I say.

“This calls for a toast. Again,” she says, snatching two glasses of champagne from a passing waitress before handing me one.

I beam with pride. “Okay!”

“Here’s to you, the indisputable queen of donuts. May your sugary goods keep opening doors for us! Long live the queen!”

I explode in laughter.

“It’s rude for you not to clink your glass with mine,” she says with a feigned scold.

“Cheers!” I say, when I find my composure.

“Cheers!” she parrots. “Seriously, you’re the best at what you do. You deserve this.”

“Thanks for saying that.”

“I only speak the truth,” Ainsley says.

My donuts have been featured at some pretty notorious birthday parties and weddings. Until recently, I thought the apogee of my career was to be associated with Food TV famed chef and personal trainer to the stars, Shane Dennison. I still can’t believe I was out running errands when he came into my shop. Six months ago, when Ryan Hammerstein called to thank me for his last-minute rushed order, I never imagined he’d end the conversation by telling me he wanted me to be part of the dessert table at the StreamTunes Awards. I jumped up and down screaming my head off for a solid ten minutes.

“One thing I’ll say about tonight, the choice of hot men abounds,” Ainsley purrs.

“That was an abrupt change of subject,” I frown.

“Are you oblivious to what’s happening around you?” she says, scouring the room.

“I’ve been blissfully basking in the excitement of the evening. I haven’t been paying particular attention to the men in the room.”

“You should!” she scorns.

“They’re a little out of my league. Don’t you think?”

“Honey, in that outfit, you could easily be mistaken for an up-and-coming starlet no one’s heard about yet.”

“I like the way you think, Ainsley.”

“Do you really want to know what I think?”

“No.” My answer is cautious. That glint in her eye is worrisome. I’ve seen it before and it’s rarely the precursor of something good.

“Illicit and slutty sex with a handsome celeb awaits!”

Clearly, this pertains to her. After all, she looks stunning in her bejeweled emerald gown. “You already have your eye on someone?” I ask.

“Oh no. Not for me. For you, honey. Tonight, you’re fucking for two.”

“Okay, that was German to me.”

“I’m monogamous again. Jesse and I are back together. He did this caveman routine when he found out I was your plus one for tonight. The idea of me standing in a room filled with eligible––and powerful––bachelors didn’t sit well with him. I love it when he’s jealous,” she laughs.

The funny thing is Ainsley hasn’t been with another guy since she had slutty sex with Jesse at the Waldorf. And from what I understand, neither has he. Why they can’t be honest about the way they feel about each other is beyond me.

“Anyway, he’s picking me up in,” her eyes drop to her expensive Piaget watch, “half an hour.”

“And it’s only now you tell me you’re going to leave me here alone. Way to go, Ainsley.”

“Don’t be like that. You’re a big girl. Besides, it’s best if I get out of your hair. Men are intimidated when women travel in packs. Alone, you’ll be able to score easily.”

“There will be no such thing as me scoring tonight,” I tell her.

“What do you mean?” Her long eyelashes are batting a mile a minute.

“Ainsley, I’m exhausted. I swear we must’ve glazed and stuffed more donuts today than we did in the past three months combined. Not to mention I barely slept last night because I was so scared we’d screw up.”

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