Home > Trick You(15)

Trick You(15)
Author: Tracy Lorraine

Tipping my head back, I let the water run over me while thinking over the events of today, or more so the sass that’s fallen from Danni’s mouth. Every single time she comes back at me, it makes my dick hard.

My semi bobs between my legs, taunting me. It would be so easy to wrap my hand around it and bring myself the release I’ve craved since the moment I found her in the lounge earlier. But I already know that it won’t be enough. I need more.

I need her.

I make use of the complimentary shower gel before stepping out and wrapping a humongous white fluffy towel around myself. The image of Danni, dripping wet and standing right here wrapped in it fills my mind.

Fuck, that woman is messing with my head.

Despite the fact that she’s spent all the time we’ve had together trying to prove that she doesn’t like or want me, it’s easy to see why we got on so well until reality was thrown into the mix. She’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Sass wrapped in a hot little package. She’s not the kind of person to just allow me to do whatever. She’s the type of woman who will challenge me at every turn, and although she’ll probably be a massive pain in my arse, no day will ever be boring with her beside me.

After pulling on a clean set of clothes, I head out to join Zach. He pours me a new drink as I walk towards him and passes it over after I fall onto the sofa opposite him.

“So, what did she do to get you so wound up?”

“I’m not wound up.”

“Titch, I know you too well for you to try to bullshit me. We know you met before you discovered she was my sister. Time to spill, bro. Then I can decide if I need to hurt you or not.”

I down my whiskey, wondering exactly how I’m meant to tell him the truth without ending up with a broken nose. We both know that I could overpower him. I might not have got in a ring for a while, but that doesn’t mean fighting’s not like riding a bike for me. But, I’m the one in the wrong here. I’m the one who slept with his sister, even if it was before I knew who she was. It still breaks the unspoken rules between us.

“Titch?” Zach warns, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees. His blue eyes drill into me, and I swallow nervously. This isn’t going to go down well.

“Firstly, can I just point out that because you kept your family away from business, I had no hope in hell of knowing she was related to you in any way.” His brows rise, although I’m unsure if it’s in impatience or amusement at my trying to shift the blame.

“Go on.”

“Ugh. So got myself back on online dating—”

“Why? You hate that shit?”

“I know. I was just looking for someone… different. Spike said it was a stupid idea, but I used Logan’s picture and said I was a banker.”

He laughs as the ball of dread grows in the pit of my stomach.

“Anyway, I met this girl. Intelligent, funny, hot as fu—” My words falter when Zach’s eyes darken. “Err… really pretty, beautiful. We got on so well, and to be honest, I forgot that I was meant to be pretending to be someone more…”


I shrug, not wanting to look insecure. “Posh, intelligent.”

“Titch,” he says on a sigh, but I cut him off.

“This isn’t about me. Just let me finish, okay?” He nods and gestures for me to do so. “She suggested we meet. I was fucking terrified. She thought I was this suave suited guy, and there I was going to be with messy hair and covered in tats. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so nervous in my fucking life. I nearly bailed,” I admit. “I was sitting there scrolling through our previous chat, knowing that no matter how terrified I was to admit the truth to her that I needed to see her, talk to her in person. Then there she was. Standing in the middle of the place, totally breath-taking and I damn near lost my mind. She was just everything. I walked up to her and…”

“And?” Zach asks, sounding way to invested in this story when he already knows it’s about his sister.

“She opened her mouth and basically ripped me a new one for tricking her, and before I knew my head from my arse she’d walked out.”

His laugh echoes around the room.

“It’s not fucking funny,” I sulk.

“Mate, it’s hilarious. I’ve been on the wrong end of that mouth a time or two, I know what it’s like.”

I stare at him with a blank expression. “She’s fucking relentless.”

“So that’s it, then. You met, she chewed you out, and then you ended up on a plane together here?”

“Err… yes and no.”

I laugh as he leans forward and pours himself a new drink. I think he’s going to need it.









“You let him screw you on my sofa?” Biff screeches at me, her eyes wide in shock.

“Maybe. Think of it as karma for fucking my brother while I was asleep in the next room.”

“Hmph.” Lifting her champagne glass, she tips it to her lips. “He’s a really good guy. You should probably give him a break.”

“He tricked me into thinking he was someone else, B. I can’t just forget that.”

“I get it. But it’s hardly the crime of the century. If there’s chemistry there, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to find out if it could be something?”

“He’s not my type.” I wave her off, going for my own much-needed drink.

“Dan,” she says on a sigh. “Sometimes the things we need the most aren’t the things we think we want. Would it be such a hardship to give him the benefit of the doubt and see if it really is something?”

I think of the way his body moved against mine, and my cheeks flush red.

“No, I didn’t think so.”

“It probably doesn’t matter anyway. The second Zach finds out, he’ll probably kill him.”

“That could very well be the case. He’d better not to do it today though, he needs a best man.”

“So yeah… about this shotgun wedding…”

“He proposed on the beach in LA. It was…” She gets this dreamy look in her eyes and a little green monster rears its ugly head inside me. “So romantic.”

“Zach? Romantic?”

“Yeah. I was so shocked. We’d not talked about any kind of future aside from our living arrangements, so I really didn’t see it coming.”

“And this?” I ask, gesturing to the Vegas hotel we’re currently in.

“Neither of us wants a show. I’m not interested in months of my mother giving me stress about the size of the table arrangements and what flowers should be in my bouquet.”

“That’s if she even agreed to you marrying him,” I mutter and watch as she pales. “Don’t tell me that you’re about to marry him and you’ve not even introduced him to your parents.”

“Guilty,” she admits with a wince.

“They’re going to fucking kill you.”

“Meh, what are they really going to do? Take away my trust fund and my flat? I think I’ll cope. We already agreed that I was going to fully move into his place when we got back, and he’s offered me a full-time job.”

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