Home > What's Left of Me(12)

What's Left of Me(12)
Author: Kristen Granata

Josie heaves a sigh. “I hid them in my closet so Brandon wouldn’t find them. The kid’s a little pyro.”

“I’ll get them,” Callie says. “You stay here.”

“What’s the point?” Josie lifts her arms and lets them fall, her palms smacking her thighs. “I have plenty out there to keep me occupied, right, Cole?”

She storms past Callie who turns to me with a confused expression pinching her features.

I shake my head and toss my empty bottle into the sink.

“She feels guilty, you know,” Callie says. “She feels like she wasn’t there for you when your parents were sick.”

“Wasn’t much she could’ve done while she was popping out babies on the other side of the country.”

Callie lifts her chin. “Look, you can resent her all you want, but don’t take it out on her kids.”

My head jerks back. “Excuse me?”

“Miles wanted to ask you to play volleyball in the pool earlier, but Brandon told him not to. His exact words were ‘Uncle Cole doesn’t like us.’”

My gut twists.

“I don’t know you, but I’m going to give you some advice. Those kids are your family, Cole, and they’re wonderful. Don’t take them for granted.”

She’s gone in the next second, leaving me standing there with the guilt grenade in my hands.



It takes me thirty minutes to muster the balls to show my face outside.

As much as it pains me to be around people like this, I don’t want my nephews thinking I don’t like them. Callie’s right. They’re just kids. They don’t deserve my anger and bitterness. I have to suck it up. They’re the only family I have left.

I took the people in my life for granted once before. Can’t let that happen again.

“Hey, Uncle Cole!” Miles runs up to me as soon as I step outside. He holds out an unlit sparkler. “Want one?”

“Sure, kid. Thanks.”

His toothy smile beams. “Dad’s lighting them over here by the pool. Mom wants us close to the water in case we get lit on fire.”

I smirk. “That’s because your mom got burned by a sparkler when we were kids.”

“She did?” He swings his wide-eyed gaze to his brother. “Brandon! Uncle Cole said Mom got burned by a sparkler when she was little.”

Brandon throws his head back and laughs. “Can you tell us the story, Uncle Cole?”

I lower myself into a lawn chair beside him, and Miles plops onto the grass in front of me.

“Your mother thought it was a smart idea to pretend the sparklers were lightsabers.”

“Lightsabers?” Brandon asks.

“Yeah. Your mom and I used to love Star Wars.”

Miles cocks his head. “What’s Star Wars?”

My jaw goes slack. “I’m sorry. What did you just ask me?”

Dan shakes his head as he tosses me his lighter. “You’re lying. There’s no way my wife was into Star Wars.”

I twist around, scanning the yard until I spot my sister talking with Callie and a few other guests. “Josie! You need to come over here right now.”

Josie’s eyebrows draw together as she makes her way over to us with Callie in tow.

“What’s wrong?” she asks. “Did someone get burned?”

I heave a sigh for dramatic effect. “I was just telling your boys about that time you got burned by the sparkler, and then I told them how much you used to love watching Star Wars. Do you know what they said?”

She shakes her head, eyes bouncing from Brandon to Miles.

“They asked me what Star Wars was.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Your children ... have never seen Star Wars?”

Callie stifles a laugh, clamping her hand over her mouth.

Josie blinks rapidly. “I ... well ... we haven’t had time to sit down and watch movies.”

I scoff. “Brandon is almost a teenager! You mean to tell me that you haven’t had time to watch a single movie in twelve years?”

Dan folds his arms over his chest, feigning offense. “Didn’t even know you liked Star Wars, babe.”

“Uh, neither did I,” Callie says, raising her hand.

Josie hisses. “Don’t encourage him.”

“Well, that’s it.” I rub my palms together. “We’re going to have a Star Wars marathon this weekend.”

Brandon and Miles shoot up from their seated positions.


“This is gonna be awesome!”

“Watch the sparklers!” Josie yells as the boys run in circles, waving their sparklers over their heads. “Your eyebrows won’t grow back in time for school in September!”

My gaze skates over to Callie, though I’m not sure why I’m looking for her approval.

Also, I’m not sure why my chest swells the way it does when I find her eyes already on me.

She shoots me a wink. “Nice job, Uncle Cole.”

I drag my fingers along the back of my neck. “Yeah, well, the princess gives good advice.”

She smooths her hands over the back of her dress as she lowers herself to sit on the grass. “Really wish you’d stop calling me that.”

“I won’t say it anymore if it really bothers you.”

“It does.” She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “But not because you’re wrong.”

Ah, shit. “Hey, listen. Forget about what I said. I was angry.”

She’s quiet as she continues worrying her lip, plagued by whatever thoughts are looming in her mind.

Thoughts I want to hear.

I’ve asked myself why all day. Why am I drawn to my sister’s friend? She’s a pretty face, nothing more.

But then I feel more. Like the brokenness inside me can somehow detect another lost soul. Someone who can understand me.

Or maybe misery just likes company.

The still water in the pool reflects in Callie’s green eyes. Her gilded curtain of hair falls over her shoulders, blond wisps blowing across her delicate features in the warm breeze.

I know I shouldn’t be staring. She’s married for fuck’s sake.

But Callie Kingston, in her stained dress and white sweater to cover her bruised secrets, is beautiful.

Breathtakingly so.

“Do you miss New York?” Her soft voice breaks the silence between us.

I pick at the label on my beer bottle. “That’s tough to answer.”

Her head turns, the full weight of her stare landing on me. Try, she silently tells me.

And for some reason, looking into her vulnerable eyes, I want to.

“I’ve lived in New York my whole life. Always loved it. The hustle and bustle, the busy streets and crowded places everywhere you go. I love the full effect of each season, hot highs and freezing lows, and everything in between.”

A smile dances on her lips. “Sounds amazing.”

“You’ve never been?”

She shakes her head. “Been a Cali girl my whole life. I’ve always wanted to see the snow.”

“You should go in January then. Most of the tourists leave after the holidays.”

“Paul has no interest in traveling to New York.”

I arch an eyebrow, the words burning my tongue in defiance as they fight to escape. “So that means you can’t go?”

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