Home > Cruel Idols(37)

Cruel Idols(37)
Author: Sorcha Black

“Did you honestly think this was over?” Zero said, looking at me like a starving dog salivating over his master’s table scraps.

“Please, no,” I whimpered weakly.

“No?” he asked, propping one hand on the desk to lean in close. “You can ‘no’ all you want. No isn’t your safeword.” He arched a brow at me, looking gorgeous and haughty, the eyeliner I’d put on him earlier now making him look like a pirate along with his long hair which had fallen around us on one side like a silken curtain.

“I’m so tired, and everything hurts.”

“Good, then you won’t try to get away.”

Vandal was back from wherever he’d gone, and he appeared on the other side of the desk, leaning over to grab my wrists to pull them above my head.

“Is she trying to talk you out of using her?”

“No…please, no,” I whined as Zero ran appreciative hands over my breasts. My nipples still hurt. If they didn’t bruise, I’d be surprised. The skirt of my sundress had fallen back into place when he’d picked me up, so he pushed the fabric up again, exposing me to the waist.

“What is it about you that makes me want to bite you?” He bit my nipple, and I screamed, the pain too sharp, and yet pleasure zinged to my swollen clit. He bit the top of my thigh and breathed on my damp pussy, making me shudder as another orgasm aftershock pulsed through me. He bit my stomach too, then my neck, each nip making me yelp and yowl in protest.

“Are you going to use her ass too?” Vandal asked. “All the hard work is done.”

No…no. My ass was aching and stinging, and I never wanted another dick in there ever. At least not today. Definitely not now.

I tugged weakly at Vandal’s hold and tried to push Zero away with my foot, warning him away from my sore hole.

“Please use my mouth instead.”

His hand burrowed between us, his fingers finding my clit and touching me lightly, making me grit my teeth at the hypersensitive throbbing there.

“You don’t get to tell us what hole to use,” he said, amused. “You have a safeword, and that’s all we’ll listen to.”

“Maybe we’ll listen to your safeword,” Vandal amended. “Zero is pretty fucking hard up right now.”

God—would he really ignore my safeword? Zero?

It took a minute for the penny to drop. Fucking Vandal. He couldn’t resist messing with me. He was only messing with me, right?

I felt my brows knit as I anticipated Zero pushing into my aching ass, my safeword on my tongue in case it hurt too much. Maybe Vandal was right, and it wouldn’t hurt as much because he’d loosened me up already. It would have been nice if Zero’s dick was smaller, but unfortunately his was comparable to Vandal’s in both length and girth.

The tip of his dick pressed against my slit, my body so slick there that it wasn’t difficult for him to glide into my pussy in one measured thrust. I blinked rapidly, the sensation of my empty, swollen pussy being filled with his thick cock rapturous even though it made my ass hurt more. My limbs felt like lead, and Vandal had me by the wrists and Zero was over me, groaning with the pleasure of being sheathed in my body.


“How’s her pussy?” Vandal asked, his grin vulgar.

“Hot. She’s dripping down my fucking balls.”

I moaned helplessly, a pleasure haze settling over my mind and body as he started to move inside me, gently at first, and then harder, jarring my whole body with every thrust. He tugged me closer to the edge of the desk and folded my legs across my stomach and tucking them up out of his way. He pressed deeper, taking me in long thrusts, the angle he was at heaven as he grazed my g-spot and hell when he hit my cervix. He used me like a sex doll made of wet rags, Vandal’s grip on me and Zero’s weight the only thing that kept me from flopping around. It felt like my bones had all been turned to liquid, and I wanted to close my eyes, but Zero’s face was too beautiful to look away from.

“Shit, I’m not going to last long,” he said, grunting.

I whimpered quietly under his pummeling, feeling used, my body delighting in his roughness. I’d wanted him so bad over the past few days, and now I was too tired to do anything but lie there as if I was fucking unconscious.

His hand came between us, slick fingers bumping over my clit. I didn’t want to come again, but he wouldn’t leave me be, even though I complained inarticulately, my words slurring.

My orgasm hit with the finesse of a dump truck, and I arched under him, gasping, eyes rolling back, the first spike of it holding me taut for a long, long moment. A thin wail escaped me as my pussy let go of its death grip on his prick and began to roll and twitch and flutter. Vandal let me go, transferring his hold from my wrists to my nipples, crushing them between cruel fingers. I screamed, bucking under the trap of Zero’s body, my orgasm amping up into something harsh and unmanageable. Zero’s cock pounded into me and his trapped fingers were merciless on my clit. I screamed, I sobbed for mercy, but neither of them would give me a moment’s peace.

“Fucking hell,” Zero rasped, pushing deep and holding there while I struggled weakly on his cock, wanting all the sensation to stop. It might just kill me. His cock twitched hard and he gasped loud enough for me to hear above the weird sound I realized I was making.

“That good, huh?” Vandal murmured into the panting, sweat-soaked relative silence. “I think we waited way too fucking long.”

Zero ran his tongue up the side of my face in a weirdly possessive gesture, then bit the apple of my cheek, only hard enough to make me twitch in annoyance.

He growled. “Mine.”

“Get off her. Let her breathe.”

“I want more,” Zero said, kissing me, his belly pressing hard enough against my folded legs that he stole most of my air. His cock was still stiff inside me, and I started to cry in earnest, too tired to push him away. “She’s so little and sweet—I want to fucking eat her.”

“Get off her, you zombie pervert.” Vandal pushed Zero’s shoulder, urging him back until he stood upright, letting me breathe.

Grumbling a bitter complaint, Zero disengaged, his cock sliding out of me so gradually I had time to anticipate how much I was going to miss it. When he was out and my legs had flopped down, I lay there, limp, dripping cum from both lower orifices. Thank God they didn’t have any friends to invite over to use my mouth. I’d tip my hat to any girl who survived a gangbang. Just being with two guys left me feeling like I’d been dragged behind a truck for twenty clicks down a dirt road.

Zero checked me over. “She can take another round.”

“You’re such a fucking bastard.” Vandal laughed. “She probably thought you were the nice one.”

“I am the nice one!”

“That’s what you want women to think, but you’re a sick fuck. She’s tired, and we need to clean her up before she goes straight into subdrop.”

“Listen to you being all noble.”

“And all it took was you threatening to eat her face.”

“That’s not what I said!” Zero laughed, sounding a bit wild.

Someone scooped me up—when I tucked my face against his shirt, it smelled like Vandal, but maybe we all smelled like each other at that point.

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