Home > Cruel Idols(45)

Cruel Idols(45)
Author: Sorcha Black

He was out of the room and going down the stairs before I’d registered what he’d said. He wanted to hang out after this was over? I smiled to myself. Of course, Vandal might have a different opinion about it, but he didn’t control every aspect of Zero’s life, did he?

I followed him back outside and picked up a second armload. “Just because we get along doesn’t mean Vandal will approve of us hanging out when this is over.”

He grunted, which wasn’t really reassuring.

It was hard to imagine what I’d do after this. I’d have money to last for a while if I was frugal, but then what?

“I might move across the country to be with my aunt,” I admitted.

“You don’t have anyone else here?”

“Just you and Vandal, but I’m sure he’s looking forward to getting me out of his hair.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I’m sure he’d like to get back to having time alone with you.” I didn’t bother adding that Vandal didn’t like me much, since he had to know that.

Zero began breaking down the boxes to put them in the recycling. “Time alone with me? It’s not like that—not really. I mean, he’s my dominant, but we’re not in a romantic relationship. He doesn’t like me like that.”

Hmm. “You don’t think so?”

“Nah. We’re friends, and the rest is…well, it’s hot, and I’m into it, but…it’s complicated.” His mouth twisted, and he turned away to break down the biggest box, and I got the feeling he was hiding his face.

Oh jeez. Really? Was this high school?

Whatever. I wasn’t getting involved. If they wanted to play the ‘we’re just fucking and not catching feelings’ game with each other it was none of my business, right? Lord knew Vandal wouldn’t like me interfering.

I helped Zero finish tidying up, then followed him to his room holding the anti-bark collar. “You’re not really going to use this on me, are you?”

“I guess that depends on how loud or mouthy you are.”

“Are you going to give me a rabies shot too, to be safe?”

“I’m sure I can find something to inject you with.” He leered at me, and I rolled my eyes.

“Let me guess, my immunizations come out of your dick and need to be taken orally.”

“We already got your mouth, so maybe I should put some up your sweet little ass.” He grinned.

I felt my face flush, and I shoved him. In one fluid movement he grabbed my arm and pushed me forward, twisting my arm behind me as I landed face down on the bed. He yanked down the back of my shorts and gave me six swats on the ass hard enough to make me clench my teeth. Doubtlessly he’d left handprints alongside and overlapping the ones Vandal had made earlier.

“Bad girl,” he growled in my ear. “Should you be pushing your owner?”

“You don’t own me,” I snapped, understanding he was already getting into his character’s headspace and going with the flow. I tried to kick him, but he’d moved up too close behind me.

“Oh, but I do. There’s no one around to rescue you.”

“You don’t want to do this, John,” I said, not sure what was going on in his book. That made it difficult to match my words or actions to suit.

“Don’t I?”

There was a bang from outside of the room, and Vandal came stomping in. He was dressed now, and his shirt had fresh lime green splatter. Boo. I hated when he didn’t invite me to watch him paint—he did it with such boyish enthusiasm.

“I don’t know what kind of game the two of you are playing, but keep me out of it.”

Zero stood up and let me go. “Like I said, it’s research.”

“Her using my old name makes me feel...summoned.”

“Like a demon? How fitting.”

Vandal grumbled something, and I used the distraction to squeeze past him. Cackling, I sped down the stairs and out the back door into the yard. I was barefoot and wearing a sundress—not the ideal attire for escaping, but I wasn’t about to stop now.

I paused, not sure which way to go, glancing back to find the two of them coming out the door grinning, their expressions creepy and zealous.

“You shouldn’t run unless you want to be chased,” Vandal warned, apparently having quickly changed his mind about being part of this research. I didn’t know if there were two men in Zero’s book or if I really wanted to play this game with these men, but excitement had me in its evil clutches, and it felt far too late to stop.

I ran. I wasn’t a particularly strong athlete, but adrenaline had a funny way of making up for it. Every fight-or-flight instinct in my DNA spurred me to run for the trees. I had no idea how far Vandal’s property extended, but I went that way anyway, trying not to give voice to the shriek that rattled around in my brain or the nervous laughter that kept trying to burst free. There was no doubt my fear was real even if the scenario wasn’t. Just because it had started off as a game didn’t mean either of them would be able to control themselves when they caught me.

How would I know when the game was over, and it was safe to go back?

I stepped on something sharp and hobbled the next few steps, stopping for a moment to make sure I wasn’t bleeding before running on, trying to be more careful about where I put my feet. Part of me wondered if they were even following, but from what I knew of them this was probably turning them on...and that, of course, was turning me on. I fled through the woods, leaping over fallen logs and getting whipped with branches, my breathing loud and labored. Eventually I hurt my foot again, forcing me to slow.

I came to a high fence and followed it until I got to the lake, wading in to go around it. I slipped in the mud underfoot and dampened the hem of my dress. On the other side there were more trees, but I ran along the grassy shore to make better time even though I had no idea where I was going.

Exhausted, I eventually angled into the trees and stopped, leaning against an oak to catch my breath. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been running, but it was probably time to head back soon. Maybe they hadn’t chased me very far, and I was doing this for nothing.

“All you’ve done is turn me on and make yourself tired,” a voice whispered almost in my ear. I whipped my head around to find Zero right behind me. I screamed, and he grabbed my arm roughly, covering my mouth with his other hand. I struggled, and he swept my legs out from under me and lowered me face down to the ground. He bit the back of my neck hard enough to hurt.

“You little bitch. You thought you could get away from me that easily?” He fumbled between us, hiking up the back of my dress and shoving the crotch of my panties aside to spear two fingers into my sodden pussy. The finger fucking was rough, more to humiliate me and show me who the boss was, rather than bring me pleasure.

I cried out against his hand and tried to crawl out from under him, clawing at the leaf mould and deadfall, lodging dirt under my fingernails. Primal fear screamed through my body, but I couldn’t buck him off. I could barely breathe, between the big, calloused hand over my mouth and nose, and my face being half buried by old leaves and pine needles.

“I’m going to uncover your mouth now. If you scream, I’ll hurt you worse.”

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