Home > Forever Love(40)

Forever Love(40)
Author: Brooke Summers

We've been lucky, the tear wasn't as bad as I had thought and I've had bed rest since I've been home. It's boring and I've gone stir crazy but I've done it because it gave my baby the best chance of coming to full term which is three weeks away although the doctor said if he was born soon, he'd be okay, as I'm thirty-seven weeks. We're almost there and I'm grateful that we've got this far, each day that passes gives him more chance of survival. My nerves are kicking in now, I'm scared for the labor. It's the fear of the pain that's going to come.

I slowly get out of bed, Hudson's cell is ringing in the background somewhere. It's weird, now when his cell rings I'm not fearful for what's about to come. Walking to the bathroom, my hand reaches out and I hold onto the wall as a twinge of pain hits my stomach. It hits me hard and takes my breath away. Just as quick as it comes, it passes again.

Gingerly getting into the shower, I can hear Hudson on the phone, it's probably his mom. She calls him every day, it took a while for him to forgive her, and even longer for Harrison but they've done so and their relationships are stronger than ever before. Marline and Harrison have been getting along and I'm curious if something has happened between them. The loving glances that she gives him are a far cry from how she would have looked at him only a few months ago.

I cry out as pain hits me once again. Shit, the baby hasn't moved and I'm getting pains. Does that mean I'm in labor? It's too early, I shouldn't be. I should call Sarah, she'd know what this feels like. I wait until the pain passes before climbing out of the shower. I've never had a pain take my breath away so quickly, the fear I had about the labor has intensified. Wrapping a towel around me, I go into my bedroom and sit down on the bed. Reaching for my phone, I dial Sarah's number.

"Hey Mia," she says chirpily

Sarah and I are able to spend more time together now that there's no longer a threat to my life. It's been good to spend time with her again, and also be around Allie, that girl has grown so much and I love her more and more each day.

"Sarah." I gasp as another pain hits me and I feel a popping sensation, glancing down at my legs, I see water running down it.

"Mia?" she calls, "Mia are you okay?"

"I'm not sure," I breathe, "I keep getting pains in my stomach."

"Mia are you in labor?"

"No, I don't think so, it's too early. Sarah, the baby hasn't moved this morning." I tell her as tears slowly fall.

"Oh Mia, you need to go to the hospital. Now," she demands, I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Okay, I'm going to get dressed and I'll have Hudson drive me." Water is still trickling down my legs, it seems to be getting heavier.

"No," she shouts. "I'm going to get Jagger's mom to watch Allie and then Jagger and I are coming to you and bringing you to the hospital. Hudson's going to be a mess when he finds out you're in labor, you don't want him driving."

Jagger chuckles in the background. "He's going to lose his damn mind."

"Mia, deep breaths okay," Sarah instructs me. "I'll be there soon. Get dressed and wait for us."

I get to my feet. "I will, thank you." I take a deep breath as pain hits me again. "Oh," I whisper as the water gushes down my leg now. "Sarah, I think my water has broken."

"Don't worry Mia, Jagger's mom is on her way now. We'll be there soon."

"Okay." Tears fall faster as my stomach tightens once again and pain hits me.

"Breathe Mia, breathe," she tells me.

I cry out as the pain intensifies. "Sarah, it hurts." Tears are streaming down my face. Where the hell is Hudson?

"I know Mia, I know. It'll be over soon, I promise." She sounds as though she's crying too. "Oh, Jag's mom's here. We're leaving now. I'll stay on the phone and talk to you."

I shake my head, even though she can't see me. My feet are soaked, as is the floor. I need to clean up. "No, go, I'll see you soon."

She sighs. "Okay Mia, I love you. I'll be there soon."

"Love you too." I hang up and throw my cell onto the bed. "Hudson." I yell, hoping he's in the kitchen and not his office otherwise he's not going to hear me.

I get no reply. Thankfully my water seems to have stopped. I quickly waddle over to the wardrobe and take one of my maternity dresses off the hanger. I throw it on, not bothering with a bra. Once I'm dressed, I waddle over to the cupboard and take out a couple of towels. "Hudson?" I call out once again but still no reply.

Kneeling down, I start cleaning the mess I made. Pain hits me again, once again taking all the oxygen from me. I try and remember the breathing techniques I learned while doing Lamaze classes but for the life of me I can't seem to remember them. It takes me a while to clean up, I throw the towels into the laundry basket and walk into the hall. The kitchen and sitting room are quiet, making my way toward the office, I have to stop as once again pain hits me. Once the pain passes, I stand for a couple of minutes to catch my breath.

I open the office door, Hudson's sitting behind the desk, the phone tucked between his shoulder and his ear as he types on his computer. He glances at me, a deep frown on his face. "Aaron, hold on a second will you?" There's an edge to his tone. "Mia, what's wrong?"

I walk toward him. He's focused on me, his eyes never leaving me. "Hudson, Sarah and Jagger are on their way."

His frown deepens. "Okay, is everything okay?"

My hands reach for the chair as pain hits me once again. "Ahhhhhhh." This one is worse than any of the one's before. I close my eyes as I wait for the pain to pass. They're coming almost every ten minutes. I need to get to the hospital.

"Mia!" Hudson calls out, I can hear his feet moving but I don't dare look at him. "Princess, talk to me," he whispers, his hands on my face.

Opening my eyes, he's staring at me, searching to see what's wrong. "Hudson, he's coming," I breathe once the pain has gone.

The color drains from his face, he shakes his head. "Mia, it's too soon. Are you sure?"

My eyes widen. "Hudson, my water broke and I'm having contractions. Of course I'm sure."

His thumbs caress my cheeks. "Mia, I don't mean to be an ass. It's too soon."

"I know, Jagger and Sarah are on their way. They're driving us to the hospital."

He kisses my forehead. "Okay princess." His arms tighten around me, I rest my head against his shoulder, loving his protectiveness.

"We haven't got the crib for our room ready yet," I whisper against him.

"Don't worry, it'll be done. David and Aaron will do it."

I raise my head. "David's back?" I smile, I've missed him. Even though he's usually silent, he's one of Hudson's men I really like.

"Yeah, baby he's back. He's with Aaron right now."

David was due back a couple of months ago but he found out something's about his wife that devastated him. It was then that I was worried about him the most, he stopped checking in with everyone and had gone radio silent. I honestly believed he'd never return.

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