Home > The Hope of Love(3)

The Hope of Love(3)
Author: Meara Platt

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” He felt too good. She would make a fool of herself if she clung to him any longer, inhaling his subtle bay-spice scent. She eased away. “We’ve been friends for a long time. Very well…Angus.”

There was no point in arguing since he had that stubborn, Scottish look about him and would continue to insist until he got his way. What harm could there be? After all, they were more than mere acquaintances. The doctor often stopped by her shop to ask for one book or another, for he was an avid reader.

Calling him Angus was a harmless request, really.

Of course, they would maintain formality when others were present, just as she would with Poppy, Olivia, and Penelope. “Angus,” she repeated softly.

“That sounded verra nice coming from you…Felicity, my bonnie lass.”

Oh, the husky smoothness of his voice!

She cleared her throat. “As I mentioned, I just received a delivery from London but haven’t opened it yet. I’ll do it now. Won’t take me a moment.” She skittered around her desk to retrieve her knife used to cut open the boxes.

She happened to glance out the window.

The snow was falling harder now. She could hear the wind whistle down the street and through the small gap between the bottom of her bookshop door and the floorboards. “Looks like a fairly nasty storm is about to descend upon us.”

He frowned. “Are you well stocked with provisions? It may take a day or two for us to dig out of this one. The earl may have to send his driver with a sleigh to fetch you for the party if it doesn’t clear out by the end of the week.”

“Oh, that would be fun. I’d love a sleigh ride.” Especially if this man were her companion. It would be quite romantic tucked under a blanket while the moon shone down on them and the bells on the reins jingled in time to the horse’s trot.

She was spinning dreams again.

The doctor had no romantic interest in her.

“I am all prepared to last out the storm…Angus. No need to worry about me. I have tea, biscuits, and plenty of books to tide me over until the snow ends. I even have the fabled Book of Love.”

His eyes rounded in surprise. “So, you’re next?”

She laughed. “No, Poppy, Olivia, and Penelope merely loaned it to me, insisting that I read it. They practically shoved it at me. I couldn’t refuse. But it’s meant for Poppy’s sister next. Poppy will hold it in safekeeping until Violet is ready for her come-out in a couple of years.”

“But meanwhile, you have it.”

“Well, yes. But only on loan. My point is, I have everything I need for this upcoming storm. I’ll be quite cozy.” By the time she returned to the doctor’s side, he had lifted the heavy box onto the table standing in the far corner of the shop where she and the ladies held their book club meetings.

“Let me do that for you.” He held out his hand for the knife.

“Thank you.” She placed it in his palm and stifled a yawn.

He grinned at her. “Am I that boring?”

“No! Never. Oh, please forgive me! I don’t know why the day seems to be dragging endlessly. In truth, I feel as though I’ve been slogging through this entire week. Perhaps it’s the impending snow.”

“Or the thought of the holidays alone,” he remarked. “It hits me sometimes, too. I miss seeing my brother.” He cast her a wry smile. “But feel no such remorse for the rest of my family.”

“You’re fortunate. I don’t know who my family is. Perhaps I’m better off not knowing, but I won’t pretend it does not hurt.” She felt herself about to cry again, but fought off her bout of weepiness. “It has hit me hard this year. I don’t know why, especially since I’ll have friends around me for the holidays. I was busy thinking about what to wear for the Christmas party when you walked in.”

He ran his thumb lightly across her cheek to wipe away a teardrop. “Ah, that’s what had you sniffling and nibbling your lip.”

She nodded. “If the town is snowed in tomorrow, I’ll use the quiet time to do a bit of sewing. I have a lovely green silk that I haven’t worn in years. It will need a little fancy stitch work to make it look as good as new.”

“You’d look beautiful even if you wore burlap.” He broke into one of his rare smiles, one that showed off his dimples. Yes, this man was perfect. Handsome, kind, intelligent.

She felt her heart flutter yet again. Why couldn’t he be hers?

Obviously, he did not return the sentiment. Angus Carmichael had never taken particular notice of her or felt anything for her in that way. But as he turned to slice open the box, she suddenly felt a change in the air and her skin began to tingle.

No, it was quite foolish of her to believe he meant anything more by his statement than a polite comment. “Well, if I don’t finish my gown, I may have no choice but to wear that.”

He said nothing as he began to dig through the box, carefully setting aside each book he pulled out until he got to the bottom. “Blast, I don’t see it.” But he took a moment to study the ones he’d lifted out. “Mrs. Radcliffe’s books seem to be quite popular.”

Felicity blushed. “The ladies enjoy her stories.”

“And what about you? Do you read them as well?”

She tipped her chin up proudly. “I do.”

His smile was surprisingly tender. “You are a romantic, Felicity.”

“Is there something wrong with that?” Dear heaven, the man should smile more often.

He set aside the last of the books and turned fully to face her. Up close, he loomed quite large. He was taller than she’d realized and powerfully built. “Not at all. It’s a softer side of you that you rarely show to others.”

Had he not noticed this before? Did she come across as cold and forbidding? Perhaps she did, for she’d never dared open up to others. “It isn’t a sentiment I can afford to indulge in.”

“Because you’ve been alone all your life?”

She nodded. “I have to look out for myself, for no one else will.” She started to turn away, but he held her back gently.

“What makes you think others aren’t watching out for you? You have friends in Wellesford. You can turn to us if you ever need help.”


Had he meant to include himself?

“Thank you, Doctor…Angus…um, Doctor. But you ought to be getting home before you’re stranded here with me.” Oh, that didn’t come out quite as she meant it. In truth, it sounded rather tempting to be stuck in the bookshop with this handsome man overnight. They’d be forced to keep each other warm. They could huddle under the blankets while the storm raged outside.

Perhaps, he would take her in his arms again.

“Yes, it does seem to be coming down harder now. Well, tuck yourself in and be careful. I’ll look in on you once the storm eases.” He turned his collar up about his ears, and with a mumbled farewell, hastened out the door.

She emitted a groan as the bell above the door tinkled to mark his departure.

What was wrong with her? Had he noticed her suddenly turning doe-eyed over him? She had suggested he leave, but hadn’t meant for him to race to the door. Perhaps her gaze had been more love-struck than merely doe-eyed. Is this why he’d run off, merely using the storm as an excuse to get away from her before she made a fool of herself? Was he already regretting their new-found familiarity, one that he’d encouraged? “Angus. How nice to see you, Angus. Won’t you kiss me, Angus?”

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