Home > Cocky Contender(6)

Cocky Contender(6)
Author: J.M. Kelley

“I haven’t told them yet.” I stare into my beer, feeling my stomach coil. It’s not going to be pretty when I tell them.

We sit in awkward silence for a moment, and I take a considerable chug from my beer. This shit is stirring up all sorts of emotions. More than that; so is this woman Mila, and it surprises the shit out of me. I’ve been hung up on Soraya for so long…and boom. I meet this mystery woman, and all thoughts of Soraya are erased. I wonder if she has one of those Neuralyzers, like in the movie Men In Black?

“You need to stop this crazy idea about fighting again. It’s going to break their hearts. Maybe find a good woman like me. Preferably one who likes your sorry ass.”

“I plan on it,” I chuckle, with hesitation on how much I should say. “I just might have found her. I met someone today.”

He surveys me for a moment before his eyes narrow. “Holy shit. You look like a lovesick puppy dog right now.”

“She came in this morning looking for a job, and I felt like I met my future. I haven’t felt this alive in a long time, man.”

“And…what if this woman doesn’t feel the same about you?”

“She will…don’t you worry.”

“Where have I heard that one before?” His eyes shoot up toward the ceiling with an exaggerated eye-roll.

“Fuck you, asshole.”

He glances at an incoming text on his phone. “I’m out, Cupid.” He drops a twenty on the bar and rises from his stool. “I wanted to make sure you were good. I think Soraya’s heading out of town for a few days, so she can figure things out.”

“Come on, man…buy me another beer.”

“Can’t …the old ball and chain summons.”

“Sounds like a real hardship.”

“You have no idea how hard Delia makes it, brother.” He winks before he slaps me on the back and makes his way out of the bar with a stupid grin on his face.

I drop another twenty on the bar and make my way home. As I walk the few blocks to the gym, I can remember growing up here. The area used to be industrial warehouses and working-class folks. It’s morphed into a family and professional town with a relaxed hipster vibe.

No matter how I try, I can’t get this mysterious woman out of my mind—I breathe in the warm summer night with a bright look on my face. I’m not sure why she’s left such a lasting impression. Yeah, she’s hot as fuck, and my dick stirred in my shorts the moment we met, but there was more than that when I looked into her enchanting eyes.

I push the key into the lock of the side door of the gym. I’m concerned when I hear a noise emanating from the parking lot behind the building, like a car door slamming. I sneak down the alley, curious to see what the commotion is.

The neighborhood is relatively safe at night, but it’s not unheard of to find vagrants fighting or a few punks dealing drugs behind a dark building.

I peek around the corner of the brick wall, trying to make out the tiny shadow standing over by the only car in the lot. I watch for a few minutes and assess the situation. The pint-sized silhouette continues to fumble around under the open hood, kicking the tires like they’ve done her wrong.

As I position myself closer to get a good look and finally make out her face, I know my night is about to get interesting.

High-pitched groans echo through the humid evening air. I surmise with a grin she’s a woman truck driver by the large number of profanities spilling from her mouth. Her car is probably stuck, and I don’t think twice about helping her out.

I jog over to the corner of the lot where the parked car sits underneath the lonely light post.

“Fuck my life!” the woman rants on, slamming the hood closed before she storms to the back of the car where the trunk is still open.

“Need some help?”

She lets out a loud shriek, simultaneously slamming her head on the side of the trunk. “Ouch!” she hisses, rubbing the back of her head. Backing away, she quickly ruffles into her pocket and pulls out a small, pink object, displaying it high in the air. “I have pepper spray.”

“Mila?” Jesus, she’s adorable, standing there all feisty in her dark yoga pants, and a tight white tank top—a line of grease smeared across her cheek.

“M-marco…is that you?” she stutters, dropping the minuscule plastic weapon to her side. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry, are you okay?” I say, stepping closer to get a better look at her face. “I heard a noise.”

“I’m fine; it’s...this piece of shit car that sucks.”

A noise on the other side of the lot, behind the dumpster, startles the both of us. I glance over but don’t see anything, so I ignore the sound, assuming it’s a raccoon or something. I turn my attention back to her. Her chin quivers for a split second, and I think she’s going to cry.

“Why are you back here, all alone in the dark?”

“My piece of shit car crapped out today, and I was trying to get it started.”

“Let me take a look,” I mumble, making my way over to the front of the clunker. “Pop the hood.” I glance inside the vehicle and notice a pillow and blanket in a ball in the back seat. When I look closer, I notice loose clothing strewn around, along with some scattered food wrappers. I step back and peek into the trunk. It seems like everything she owns is in this car.

“Are you…living in your car?”

“I…just for now,” She lets out a harsh breath, studying the ground.


She looks back up at me, and her brows snap together. “You shouldn’t judge people.” Her hands fly to her hips.

“Whoa…I’m not judging you at all.” I hold up my palms in surrender. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m sure you are, but I’m not going to get a minute of sleep knowing you’re out here, sleeping in your car, behind a dark warehouse in the middle of Brooklyn.” I slam the trunk closed and collect her blanket and pillow from the back seat. “Grab whatever you need. You’re coming inside with me.”

“Uh…no. I’m not.” She tries unsuccessfully to pry the pillow from my clutch.

“You don’t have a choice, Mila. Either you come with me inside the gym, or I’m sleeping out here with you.”

She glares at me for a moment before her shoulders sag with defeat. “Fine...but no funny business. I still have pepper spray.” She glances up to the heavens before grabbing a small black duffle bag from the back seat, letting out a harsh breath.

“Wait…the…” Mila cries out as I slam the driver door shut, “...keys.”


“Jerk! You locked my keys in the car.”

“Shit. Don’t worry about it tonight. I know a guy. I’ll call him in the morning and take care of it.” She lets out a huff and slings her bag over her shoulder, mumbling under her breath as she begins walking ahead of me.

“You live here?” she questions, as I push through the door and motion her through.

“There are two separate apartments upstairs. Mine is finished—the other is still a work in progress. I was going to rent it out eventually, once the work is done.” I explain as we make our way up the dingy, narrow stairway. I’m not one bit sorry I let her climb the stairs first, since it gives me a great view of her perfect heart-shaped ass.

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