Home > Cocky Doc(34)

Cocky Doc(34)
Author: Samantha Lind

“I’m sure they’re working on it, but in the meantime, we’re swamped,” Lucy says.

We fall into watching the movie we put on and devouring the takeout we had delivered. Once the first movie ends, she pulls out a container she brought that is filled with every color of the rainbow and then some, along with everything else we’ll need to do our nails tonight. “I was thinking that instead of giving ourselves pedicures, that we could go get one tomorrow morning at the place up the road.”

“I’m all for that,” I tell her.

“Perfect, it’s a date then,” she says, giggling some. I’m sure the wine that we’ve been drinking all night has gone to her head by now, aiding her on.

“It’s a date,” I agree.

“So, how’s Drew been this week?” she asks as we each clean our nails off with polish remover.

“He’s good. He’s been doing a lot of hiking and exploring. Some swimming and time out on the beach. I guess the place he’s staying at has private beach access, and he can walk out his patio door and right onto the sand. The views he showed me when we’ve FaceTimed are amazing. I so wish I could have gone with him, but alas, I’m here with you,” I say, jokingly.

“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m just chopped liver,” she teases me right back.

“Hey, if I’d have gone then we wouldn’t have ever thought to have this girls’ night,” I tell her, thinking of the positives this trip has provided.

“That’s true. Plus, doesn’t distance make the heart grow fonder or some crap like that?” she asks.

“So, they say,” I reply just as my phone starts ringing. “Speaking of the devil,” I say, laughing as I answer the phone. “Hello!” I say, just as I hiccup.

“Hi,” Drew’s sexy voice fills my ears. “Are you drunk?” he asks, humor lacing his voice.

“Hello to you, too,” I say into the phone. “And maybe? We’ve finished off two bottles of wine so far.”

His deep booming laugh fills the phone, which causes me to start giggling, fucking giggling. “Make sure you take some ibuprofen and drink a bottle of water before you fall asleep tonight or you’re going to be hurting in the morning.”

“Yes, Dad,” I smart off to him.

“Okay, you’re definitely drunk. I guess I’ll let you girls get back to your night. Don’t do anything stupid, call me when you’re somewhat human tomorrow.”

“‘Kay, I’ll talk to you in the morning. Night,” I tell him before ending the call.

“Did you really call him dad?” Lucy asks in a fit of her own giggles.

“Yes, he was trying to remind me that we need to take meds and drink water before we fall asleep so we’re not hurting in the morning.”

“Ugh. Such an adult. Why’s he got to take away all of our fun?” she says, laughing.

“How about another movie?” I suggest since we’ve both finished painting our nails. Lucy had to help me a little bit, with my right hand, but I did the same with hers.

We fall into silence as we watch the drama unfold on the TV, both relaxing more as the time passes and the wine really kicks in, and we both do what we planned and pass out on the couch. I wake up a few hours later, the TV showing infomercials as they tend to show in the middle of the night. I’ve got a headache and a crick in my neck from the position I was in on the couch. I carefully transfer myself to my chair and head for the bathroom, where I down some ibuprofen and some water. I take some out and set them on the end table for Lucy. She’s stretched out and looks somewhat comfortable, so I leave her be. I turn the TV off, along with most of the lights, and head for my bed, passing out promptly.

I roll over, my head not hurting nearly as bad as I thought it would be this morning, that must be thanks to the water and meds I had in the middle of the night. “Ugh!” I hear coming from the living room. “Kill me now,” follows a few seconds later.

I roll out of bed, and into my chair. After a quick stop in the bathroom, I head for the kitchen and get a pot of coffee brewing.

“I put some water and ibuprofen on the end table for you,” I tell her quietly, not sure if noise is going to bother her.

“Thanks, I found them a little bit ago and got them down. Why did we do this to ourselves?” she asks.

“Sorry you’re hurting so bad. I should have woken you up when I got up in the middle of the night.”

“It’s okay. I’ve only got myself to blame,” she says.

“Coffee should be ready soon; can I make you something to eat?”

“Maybe some toast for now, if you’ve got any.”

“I can do that,” I tell her and head back into the kitchen and pop in four slices of toast. While they toast, I grab two coffee cups and fill them up. I set them on a tray, along with the creamer. Once the toast all pops up, I butter them, adding some strawberry jelly to mine and then add the plates to the tray. I balance it on my lap and head for the living room. Lucy has at least sat up by now, and graciously accepts the cup of hot coffee and plate with buttered toast.

“You’re a godsend,” she says after a few sips of coffee.

“Are you still going to be up for pedicures today?” I ask after we’ve both finished our toast and first cups of coffee.

“I should be. I’m already starting to feel human again. After a shower and maybe a full breakfast, I should be good for the rest of the day.”

“We can grab some breakfast somewhere before pedicures,” I suggest.

“Yes! Have you been to the Jefferson Diner? They have some of the best hangover homemade style breakfasts.”

“Sounds perfect, I’ve never been, but I’m up for trying it out.”

“Okay, I’m going to run home and shower and change then. Want to meet there, in say, an hour?”

“That works for me,” I tell her as she gathers her things from last night, along with some of our trash from the takeout that didn’t get thrown away. “I can do all of that later,” I try and tell her.

“Nonsense, I can help,” she insists as she continues to clean up from our girls’ night. Once everything is back to how it was before our shenanigans, she heads out with the plan to meet back up shortly.





I SIT in the terminal of the airport on the Big Island waiting on my flight to be called for boarding. The past week here has given me more time to relax, self-reflect and think about everything that has been weighing on me these last few months.

I tap the edge of my cell against my chin as decisions about my future continue to swirl in my mind. I got an email this week from Doctors Without Borders, looking for a pediatric cardiologist with surgery credentials—which I happen to have. They’re assembling a team for a six-week trip to some remote parts of Rwanda in the springtime next year. I’ve always wanted to donate my time and talents to the organization but have never had the time to dedicate to the length of time they usually request. But this trip I could potentially pull off. It’s far enough out that I’d be able to have all my patients covered and I’d be able to coordinate the time off with the hospital. They’d love the PR that would come with one of their doctors being associated with such a prestigious organization. But, six weeks away is a long time to be gone. Would Megan support me going? Would she have an issue with me being gone for so long with little to no contact? This week was hard enough with the time difference. We talked a handful of times, but usually they were quick conversations.

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