Home > Cocky Doc(8)

Cocky Doc(8)
Author: Samantha Lind

“The trick to it will be to make him think he’s doing it all on his own. Be the silent puppet master in the background, so to speak,” she says. Obviously, she’s given this idea some thought. “I just didn’t think that it would be so easy to get that first date picked and scheduled.” Not sure I agree with her trying to trick him into something like a date, but the thought of Drew seeing me in that light has butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

“First date for who?” Drew asks, pulling out the chair next to Lucy and plopping down into it. My eyes bouncing between the two of them as we both await Lucy’s answer.

“I invited Megan to the fundraiser this weekend and told her she could be your date. I figured you hadn’t found one of your own and she’s new and needs someone to attend with.”

He looks from his cousin to me and back again before replying. “And what if I already have one?” he asks Lucy, flashing me a quick wink, as if in a way to tell me that he doesn’t, he’s just messing with her. That wink has those damn butterflies fluttering just a little bit harder, and giving me an ounce of hope that maybe, just maybe, he could see me that way.

“Well then, I guess you’d just be the lucky guy to have two.”

“Like you’d be okay with being one of two dates with Adam?” he asks her, his left eyebrow raising up in question.

“Do you really already have a date?” she deadpans.

He takes his time answering her, the humor evident in his eyes as he makes her wait for the answer. He opens his sandwich and takes a huge bite, chewing slowly as she sits next to him, impatiently waiting on his answer.

“Drewwwww,” she draws out his name, annoyed at his stalling. “Answer me,” she says, smacking his arm.

“Fine, no, I don’t have a date lined up yet for this weekend.”

“Brat,” she says, sticking her tongue out at him, causing me to laugh at their antics, once again. I love seeing the two of them like this, carefree and giving each other a hard time. I wish I had a cousin to have a relationship that is as easy as Drew and Lucy’s. “It’s settled then, Megan can be your date. Please be a gentleman and show her a good time. Grandmother will be thrilled to know that you’ll have a date to the event.”

“How do you even know a ticket will still be available for me?” I interject, trying to defuse the situation and bring things back to when this was all just a suggestion and not finalized. I never agreed to go and my growing anxiety over attending a formal event with the hot doctor has me once again feeling like I’d be out of place at an event like they’re describing, especially if I’m now going to be attending as Drew’s date.

“We always sit at a table as a family and everyone that isn’t already married has a spot for a plus one, and with Drew not already having a date, that means that a ticket is available for you! See, this is working out perfectly!” Lucy exclaims.

“There’s still the issue of me not having anything to wear to an event like this,” I remind her.

“Let me take care of that. Just text me your dress size and I’ll have some options ready for you by Thursday!” she says. Her excitement is almost palpable.

“Since she’s not taking no for an answer, Megan, would you do me the honor of attending the Montgomery Family Foundation’s annual gala this weekend as my plus one?” Drew asks me, a broad smile on his face.

“I’d be honored to. I’ll just apologize now if I’m not the best date. I can’t really dance,” I state, looking down at my lap and the fact that I’m in a wheelchair. “And I’ll really be out of my element. I’ve never attended a gala or fancy fundraiser,” I tell him honestly.

“You’ll be great, and I’m not much of a dancer myself, so it will be the perfect reason why I won’t be out on the dance floor showing off my two left feet,” he tells me.

“Okay,” I say, accepting the fact that I’ll be going on a quasi-date with Drew. God help me now. The man looks delicious in a set of scrubs, I can’t imagine how good he’s going to look in a tux.





I PULL my tux from the back corner of my closet and lay it across my bed. The yearly gala put on by my family’s foundation is always a good time and done for a good cause. It’s just a social gathering that I usually don’t look forward to. All the pretentious assholes who are out just to flaunt their money so that it can appear like they give a shit about people who need their help. They’ll happily throw down a thousand dollars a plate, then drop another few grand on trips or spa packages, all in the name of helping out some sick kids and getting to slap their name on a donation plaque. It also ends up being a who’s who of Rhode Island.

But with a date to tonight’s event that will not be a who’s who socialite, I’m actually looking forward to it for the first time in as long as I can remember. I’d like to get to know Megan more. Getting to see another side of who she is. I’ve only gotten to see the professional side of her in our few encounters at the hospital, so it will be nice to see her outside of that setting. From the little bit of time I’ve been around her, she seems down to earth and I find that really attractive in a woman. I’ve also noticed that my name doesn’t matter to her, or my family’s social status. It probably helps that she’s not from around here, so doesn’t really know our ties to the community.

I finish getting dressed, spritzing on some cologne, then adjust my cuff links. The ones that my grandfather gave to me before he died a handful of years ago. They’re my go-to when I’ve got to pull out the ole tux, and they remind me of the man that he was. The pillar of our family.

I look over myself one last time in the mirror before I grab my wallet and cell phone from my dresser, slipping both into my pockets. My wrist vibrates, my watch alerting me to a call from my mother.

“Hey, Mom,” I greet her after slipping my phone from my pocket and bringing it to my ear.

“Are you on your way yet?” she asks in lieu of a greeting.

“I’m just leaving my place. I have to stop and pick up Megan, first,” I tell her as I walk out the door, turning to lock it up before heading out into the driveway and into the waiting SUV. I’d usually drive myself or take an Uber, but I ordered a handicap-accessible car service for tonight. That way, if either Megan or I wanted to have a drink or two, we can.

“Okay. Come find me when you get here. I’ve got something for you to look over before you give your welcome speech, and I’d love to meet this date of yours.”

“Will do, and Mom, take it easy on her. We’re not dating. She’s new to town and the hospital. Lucy was just trying to be nice by inviting her and knew that I didn’t have a date. It’s nothing, really.”

“Mhmmm…” she hums. “That’s how some of the best relationships start out, Drew.”

“Mom,” I say on a sigh. What is it with all of my family trying to push me into a relationship these days?

“Drew,” she mimics me right back.

“I’ll see you soon, Mom. My ride is here, and I need to give the driver Megan’s address,” I tell her before disconnecting the call and sliding into the back of the SUV.

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