Home > Lawful Mates(15)

Lawful Mates(15)
Author: Liam Kingsley

I’d called him moments earlier to try to settle my nerves. I wasn’t usually one to be nervous about a date, but it seemed like there were a lot of firsts in my life lately where Percy Rivers was concerned.

“I don’t know. I can’t decide.”

Jamie’s laughter filled the room as I put him on speaker and went to my closet to rifle through my wardrobe for the eighteenth time.

“How about that baby blue linen shirt? With some dark jeans? It brings out your eyes.”

“Aww, sweetheart,” I said, teasing. “Do you really think so?”

I could just imagine Jamie rolling his eyes. “Honestly, you’ll look good in anything, and you know it. So don’t pretend. But I will give you one piece of unsolicited advice.”

“Oh, perfect.” I grabbed the clothes Jamie had suggested and hung my towel on a hook, wondering what the hell Jamie would say next.

“Don’t put out on the first date.”

I let out a shocked laugh. “What?”

“You don’t want him to think you’re easy, do you?”

“Oh my god, Jamie. Honestly, it was the last thing on my mind.”

“Don’t lie. I know you better than that.”

My cheeks warmed. Maybe I had thought about sex with Percy, but I definitely hadn’t considered it as anything more than a fantasy. And one I hadn’t even wanted to have at the time…

After all, Percy and I didn’t have much in common. We were basically complete opposites. Percy was cold and distant, an unfeeling robot—or so I’d thought—where I was warm, open, caring, quick to give my love and affection. Although that had gotten me into one too many toxic relationships in the past. I’d always been the one who gave and gave, never receiving anything in return. It was what had eventually made me swear off relationships. Until then.

It was crazy I was even considering the idea of it. I mean, I knew that opposites being attracted to each other was a thing, but I wasn’t sure if that would be the case with us. We might just be too different.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” I told Jamie. “This entire date might just confirm what I already suspect—that we aren’t right for each other.”

“Still lying,” Jamie said jokingly.

I laughed. “No, I’m being realistic. Besides, even if I were the type to put out on the first date, I’m pretty sure Percy isn’t.”


I felt pretty certain of that, though. I might crave affection, and I loved expressing myself physically, but Percy didn’t strike me as affectionate at all. Sex and affection weren’t necessarily the same thing, but—

My doorbell rang, and I glanced at my watch.

“Oh shit, gotta go, Jamie. Percy’s here. The time got away from me.”

“Good luck!” he called out before I ended the call. I tugged on my clothes then ran a hand through my hair, double-checking my appearance in the mirror before running out to answer the door.

“Hey,” I said, slightly breathless as I pulled open my door to find Percy standing on my doorstep.

“Hey.” He ran his gaze slowly over me, from head to toe and back again before meeting my gaze.

Several beats of silence hung between us, and I tried to get a read on him. He seemed a little distant. Nervous? Maybe a little frustrated? I couldn’t tell.

“You look nice,” he finally said, but it sounded strained.

“Thanks.” I bit my lip. Great, this wasn’t going very well. “Do you want to come in?”

Percy shook his head. “I made reservations, so we should get going.”

I nodded. “Let me just grab my wallet.”

I turned to get it from the entry table, and when I spun back around, I found Percy’s gaze on my body once more. I couldn’t stop myself from checking him out either. He was wearing khaki pants and a button-down shirt cuffed at the elbows.

I felt an immediate pull to him, and the urge to step closer and press a kiss to his cheek was almost overwhelming, but I managed to resist. Things might feel a little awkward, but the attraction between us was as strong as ever, as evidenced by the heat in Percy’s eyes when he looked at me again.

“Shall we?” I asked.

He nodded and waited for me to lock up before walking to his car. He opened the door for me, and I took a steadying breath while he rounded to the other side. Had I made the wrong choice by agreeing to this date?

He remained silent as he climbed in and started the engine. The already close quarters felt even smaller, the tension in the air thick with uncertainty and apprehension on both sides.

After a few minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned to Percy and studied his profile. “Let’s both just try to relax, okay?”

He quickly cut his eyes to me before looking back at the road, and then he gestured sharply with his head, which was an affirmation of sorts.

I sighed and tried again. “Look, I want you to know I have no expectations here. We’re just getting to know each other tonight. I don’t want you to feel like there’s any pressure or a specific outcome I’m looking for. Let’s just try to enjoy ourselves and see how things go, yeah?”

Percy’s jaw ticked, then he nodded. “I’m not entirely sure why I’m so nervous,” he said.

I smiled at the admission, at him letting his guard down even just a bit. “It’s okay. I am too. But everything is fine. Seriously. Just be yourself, and we’ll go from there.”

Percy drew in a breath, visibly releasing some tension as he let it out. “Okay. I can do that.”

I smiled again. “See. That wasn’t so hard.”

He cracked a smile then, and I felt some of my nerves dissipate too. Maybe this wouldn’t turn out to be a total disaster after all.

It didn’t take us long to arrive at our destination—a steakhouse just outside of town that was one of my favorites.

“I love this place,” I said as we made our way to the entrance.

“Yeah?” Percy glanced at me but kept a couple of feet between us. “Me too.”

Once inside, he gave his name to the hostess, and we were seated right away.

“Would you like to start off with some beverages?” the server asked, gesturing to the wine menu. “We have several house specialties available tonight.”

Percy looked at me and arched an eyebrow, leaving it up to me.

“Sure,” I said, scanning the wine list and pointing out one of my favorites. “How about this?”

“Great choice.” She turned to Percy. “And for you?”

“We’ll share a bottle,” he replied.

“Great. I’ll be back in just a few if you have any questions about the menu.”

Then she was gone, leaving us alone once more. I looked at Percy. He looked at me. And I had no idea what to say.

“So, um, how was your week?” I finally asked.

“Good. Busy. You?”


Another awkward pause.

“So, you look nice tonight,” Percy said.

I smiled at the compliment, and even though he’d said that when he picked me up, it still made me feel good.

“What, this old thing?” I fingered the fabric of my shirt.

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