Home > One Hot Crush(13)

One Hot Crush(13)
Author: Anna Durand

 "I love streaming exercise classes. It's more fun than doing it by myself in my living room, and I've never liked going to the gym."

 "Neither have I." He picks up a sheet of paper and hands it to me. "These are the details about the job. You're to report there immediately."

 "This morning?" I lean forward to take the paper, but an icy chill has washed over me. "I thought it would take longer to get a new job. This is so sudden."

 "Yes, I know. I'm sorry, but considering our new relationship---" He freezes for a second, not even blinking, then clears his throat and adjusts his glasses. "I meant considering the business relationship we have. The dating business." He squeezes his eyes shut and hisses, "Bollocks."

 I can't help smiling at his frustration. Every time he stammers or says the wrong thing, I want to hug him. "Take it easy, Dane. I know our dating thing is only a business arrangement. And it makes sense to get me a new position right away."

 But the thought of not seeing him every day makes me a little queasy.

 Which is so incredibly dumb. I've known him for a few weeks, but we hadn't spoken much until this week. I loved our lunch the other day and the kiss that came after it. I loved our dinner last night and the super-hot kiss we enjoyed when he walked me to my door. And that's one of so many things Dane does that no other guy would bother with these days. Walking me to my door. Picking me up at my door. Giving me flowers.

 I read the laser-printed text on the paper Dane gave me. It's a printout of an email from Chance that outlines the details of my new job.

 "Stamford, Connecticut?" I say. "That's, like, forty-five minutes away."

 Or so I've heard, but then, I've never taken a train or driven a car from New York to Stamford.

 "If it's too far for you to drive every day," he says, "I'll pay for you to rent a flat in Stamford."

 "But being your fake girlfriend is my job too. How are we going to date when I'm way over there in Connecticut?"

 "There are trains to and from the city. I checked." He offers me another piece of paper. "This is the train schedule for all the lines that go from New York to Stamford."

 "Oh. Thanks." The way he seems so eager to get rid of me makes me feel like I'm shrinking into an ant-size version of myself. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you last night. With that kiss."

 And the way I forced you to plaster yourself to me.

 He pushes his glasses up with one finger. "I wasn't embarrassed."

 I believe him, which leads to one inescapable conclusion. He'd taken off so fast after our kiss because he'd been as turned on as I was. I'd felt his erection. His big, hard erection.

 "Good," I say. "Thank you for finding me another job. This one sounds like fun."

 "Chance told me Eddie is a decent bloke who will treat you with respect, not like that arse who harassed you at your previous job."

 "Yeah, I don't think anyone else would act the way that jerk did."

 Dane glances at the open door to the office. "Maybe we should say goodbye the way, uh, couples do."

 I glance over my shoulder and suddenly get why he's suggesting that. A man has walked up to my desk---my former desk---and is sitting down in the chair I once occupied.

 "That's your replacement," Dane says. "Not that anyone can really replace you. My new PA is here for a temporary position, with the potential to make it permanent later."

 He's already replaced me. I know he had to do it, but still...I'm feeling queasy again.

 Dane comes around the desk to me.

 I get up too.

 He pulls me into his arms and fuses his mouth to mine. It's not a steamy kiss. Our lips meet, and we hold our mouths like that for a moment without deepening the kiss. It feels wonderful anyway. I love having his body crushed to mine, so I can experience every single one of his muscles.

 Dane lets go of me but doesn't back away. "Good luck at your new job."


 I let him take my hand and lead me out into the reception area. He introduces me to his new PA, Noah Smolak. The guy looks fresh out of college, dressed in khaki pants and a polo shirt. Did no one tell him how to dress for a big-time job like this one? When Dane gives the kid an assessing look, Noah cringes the tiniest bit.

 "Good morning, Mr. Dixon, sir," Noah says, his spine ramrod straight. He even raises his hand like he might salute Dane, but he lowers it quickly. "Sorry about my clothes. I didn't have time to go buy a suit before work this morning. I only had two hours' notice."

 Wow, this replacing-me thing really is a rush job.

 "It's all right," Dane tells Noah. "I know this was last minute."

 Dane kisses my cheek and wishes me a good day, then strides back into his office and shuts the door.

 I hustle to the train station.

 At least my hair will be dry by the time I meet Eddie Masters.

 The train ride gives me time to collect myself. Walking into the office to find out I'm not wanted there anymore was like getting slapped in the face with a big wet towel. Dane still wants to date me, for show, but he doesn't want me around at work. I knew this would happen, but I didn't think he'd leap on the task of getting rid of me with so much enthusiasm.

 The second I step off the train at Stamford, my phone rings.

 "Are you there yet?" Dane asks when I answer the call.

 "Yes, I'm in Stamford. But I haven't gotten to Eddie Masters' place yet."

 "I forgot to mention Eddie is sending a car for you. The driver will have a sign with your name on it."

 Glancing around, I spot a man holding a cardboard sign with my name scrawled on it in big red letters. I wave to the driver, who nods. "I see him. How's it going with Noah?"

 "He keeps calling me 'Mr. Dixon, sir.' It's odd."

 "At least he's being polite." I follow the driver toward a silver Lexus sedan and climb into the backseat. "I doubt you'd like it if he called you 'dude.' Noah seems nice. I'm sure you two will get along."

 "Not as well as I got on with you."

 I get a warm feeling all over when he says that. "You should take Noah to lunch. Make him feel welcome. The poor kid took the job with two hours' notice."

 "All right. I'll take him to lunch." Dane lowers his voice to a husky rumble. "But I absolutely will not be kissing him in the hallway."

 I smile with my lips sealed, holding my fingers to my mouth until the urge to laugh subsides. "Just buy him lunch like the good boss I know you are."

 "Yes, I will." He pauses, like he's thinking about what he wants to say next. "I'd like to have dinner with you again tonight. For extra practice. The publicity campaign starts in earnest in ten days."

 "Guess we'd better get practiced up, then." Practice making out with Dane. Oh, that sounds like exactly what I'll need after a long day of working for a fitness trainer and taking the train back and forth to New York. But there's a problem. I'm already tired from not sleeping well last night. "Um, I think I'll be wiped out after my first day at a new job, plus the commute."

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