Home > Rockstar Romeo(7)

Rockstar Romeo(7)
Author: Abbie Zanders

Her chest heaved. I had known she was curvy, but I hadn’t fully appreciated just how much in that loose-fitting blouse she wore earlier. My gaze latched on to a bead of sweat that dripped down her neck and over her collarbone before it disappeared into all that luscious abundance.

She snapped her fingers, the sharp sound like a crack of a whip. “Why are you in my house?”

I shrugged, raising my eyes to hers. “Because you’re here,” I answered honestly.

She looked at me as if she didn’t quite know what to do with that, partly vexed and partly amused. I had a few ideas. They involved a prompt removal of that sportswear—enticing as it was—and additional hours of vigorous exercise.

I tried to force my lizard brain back into submission, startled by the intensity of my desire for this woman. I wasn’t usually prone to such vehement caveman urges, but something about her was proving to be quite a trigger. It was unnerving and definitely warranted further study.

“Ted is going crazy, looking for you guys,” she said, her tone admonishing.

“Ted’s young. He’ll get over it. And it serves him right for taking us to a cat house.”

She narrowed her eyes. “So, this is payback?”

I shrugged.

After we’d ditched the kid, I’d enlisted Kurt’s help, thinking maybe Eva would be more likely to accept an invitation to dinner if he was along. Eva wasn’t here when we arrived, but her kids were, and apparently, they were fans. We hadn’t planned on sticking around, but when they’d invited us in and offered us a home-cooked meal, neither Kurt nor I were going to pass that up.

“Is Kurt here too?”

“Yes, Kurt’s here too. He’s been teaching Brian the solo to ‘Angel Eyes.’ Your boys are awesome, by the way. They’ve got a lot of natural talent.”



Chapter 3


Dear Ida,

I met a woman. She’s amazing. Gorgeous, smart, sexy. She’s clearly into me, but refuses to acknowledge her feelings. What should I do? – Anxious Rocker

* * *

Dear Anxious,

Get a clue. Sounds like you’re the one refusing to acknowledge her feelings. Smart women can spot insincerity a mile away. Ditch the sense of entitlement and try being a decent human being.

~ * ~


“Thanks,” I mumbled, my mind struggling to accept these latest developments.

1. Jace Logan was in my house.

2. Jace and Kurt were safe and accounted for, which meant I wasn’t going to have to do any kind of major damage control tomorrow.

3. I was a hot, sweaty mess, and he’d just seen me shaking my ass and verbally abusing the people in my workout video.


“Hey, Jace! You coming?” Tommy’s voice said from somewhere beyond the doorway.

“Yeah, in a sec,” Jace called over his shoulder before turning back to me. “We’re playing Rock Band now,” he explained with mock seriousness. “The kid’s beating me at my own songs. I have to redeem myself, or he’s going to think I’m a total poser.”

Surreal—that was what it was. I was standing in boy shorts, sweating profusely—and not in an attractive, radiant, glowy way—while Jace Logan, who had been voted last year’s Sexiest Rocker, was grinning at—mocking?—me. Old insecurities I kept locked and tethered in my mental dungeon reached out with gnarled hands and rattled their chains.

Jace gave me another roguish grin. The virtual titanium bars bent against the strain of my inner demons, who’d gathered together in ghoulish curiosity to peer wide-eyed at their tormentor.

While I stood there, trying to process, my son appeared in the doorway next to Jace. “I got more snacks ...” The words died on his lips when he noticed me, a look of total mortification overtaking his handsome features. “Jesus, Mom! We have company!”

Shaking his head in disgust, Tommy walked away. Jace’s smile, however, grew exponentially.

“For what it’s worth, I think you look hot. Thank God you were doing Tae Bo tonight and not Zumba. I don’t think I would have survived it.”

He turned and walked away, leaving me staring at the back of his broad shoulders and sculpted behind.

I gathered my things and went quietly upstairs before I did something else I might regret.

After a long and hot shower, I’d calmed down enough to put things into perspective and focus on the positives. In this case, Jace and Kurt were safe, well fed, and obviously enjoying themselves in such a way that I would not have to deal with any negative press tomorrow. There would be no incriminating photos, no mess to clean up, no bail to post. Additionally, my sons got to spend an evening jamming with two of the most accomplished musicians in the business, and Jace and Kurt had gotten their payback for me shoving them off on Ted.

The only downside, it seemed, was the blow to my professional image. How could I expect Jace Logan to take me seriously after seeing me flail about in boy shorts and a sports bra, flinging vicious but heartfelt verbal assaults against a flat screen?

Well, if nothing else, I’d at least given him a good laugh at my expense. And—potential silver lining—maybe Ross would think twice about asking me to step in for him again in the future.

Somewhat brightened by that thought, I towel-dried my hair and pulled on a pair of loose drawstring pants and an old T-shirt. There was no sense in trying to pretty myself up now. With any luck, Jace and Kurt had satisfied their need for vengeance, grown bored, and headed back to their hotel.

I padded down the circular stairs to make myself a cup of herbal tea. The smell of popcorn and the deep rumble of male voices drew me toward the family room. Peeking in, I saw the opening scenes of Van Helsing flashing across the giant flat screen, one of my favorite movies. And there, seated comfortably on the two L-shaped matching sofas along with my sons, were Jace Logan and Kurt Wentzler.

Well, hell.

~ * ~


I was the first to notice Eva. Everyone else had their eyes on the big flat screen.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose, and I felt what was becoming an all-too-familiar tingling whenever Eva was near. I saw her shadowy silhouette in the doorway just moments before her scent hit me. Clean and fresh and delicately feminine, it conjured images of springtime and new beginnings.

Unfortunately, my good friend, perpetual wingman, and sometimes-bastard, Kurt, noticed her shortly after I did.

“Eva,” he said, rising. “Thanks for letting us hang out tonight.”

A soft growl nearly escaped my chest. Kurt was standing too close to Eva, his six-two frame towering over her. I did have to give him props for his initiative though. Why hadn’t I thought to thank Eva earlier instead of riling her like I did?

“You’re welcome,” she said, shifting her weight.

Her clothes were less provocative than before. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d donned them because she believed we’d left or because she was attempting to downplay her desirability. Either way, she’d miscalculated. We were still here, and she was still quite adorable.

“I hope we haven’t made terrible pests of ourselves,” Kurt continued, “but I have to tell you, this is way better than what Ross usually plans for us.”

She blinked, clearly surprised. “It is?”

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