Home > Steel Princess(6)

Steel Princess(6)
Author: Rina Kent

Aiden strides through the door. As usual, his uniform misses the tie, but he still appears like a magazine model with the tall frame and the tousled hair.

I wish I poured acid on his features when I had the chance.

His expression is casual. Bored even.

As if nothing happened.

As if my world wasn’t flipped upside down two days ago.

Aiden doesn’t even pretend to focus on anyone else and makes a beeline in my direction.

I ignore him and pull out my notebook.

He stops by my desk, looming in front of me like suffocating smoke. “My place or your place later?”

“Ronan’s place,” I continue retrieving my history book. “He’s throwing a party for me.”

He narrows his eyes on Ronan who pretends to whistle before grabbing Xander by the shoulder.

Aiden’s gaze slides back to me with a predatory streak. “Careful there, sweetheart. You’re starting to push me. I don’t have to remind you that I’m not so nice when I push back, do I?”

I lean my elbows on the desk and meet his metal gaze with my hard one. “I don’t have to remind you that we’re over, do I?”

His left eye twitches, but he remains as immovable as a rock. “Hmmm. Is that so?”

“Yes, King. It’s time you accept it.”

“Or what?”

“We have to wait and see.” I smile. “But I promise that you won’t like it.”

He reaches a hand for me and it takes everything in me not to flinch back.

Aiden is Aiden no matter how courageous I am or what I think I know about him.

His calm mode is scary.

No. It’s terrifying.

I just have to learn how to ignore that fear.

He grips a stray blonde strand between his fingers and takes his sweet time to tuck it behind my ear.

It’s never good when he offers this deceptive type of softness.

Bending over, he whispers in dark words to my ear, “By all means, show me what you got sweetheart.”









After school, I find Knox in front of the seventh tower.

Headphones cover his ears and he types away at his phone. His expression is easy, but he appears lost somewhere out of the physical world.

Heavy metal music thrums louder from his headphones as I approach him. Upon seeing me, he drops the headphones around his neck and smiles. With a click, the music comes to a halt.

“I see you’re into metal,” I tell him.

“What can I say? Heavy things speak to me.”


We walk down the uncovered hall separating the seventh and the eighth tower. “Not sure if you know this, but RES has ten towers. From one to three are for the first year. From four to six are for the second year. Senior year students get the four remaining towers.”


“What do you mean?”

“Why do senior year students get four towers?”

I lift a shoulder. “To reflect well on the school since they’ll be the ones admitted to colleges.”

“You sure it’s not because of their rich parents?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “That’s exactly the reason. You’re going to fit in here just fine if you learn the hierarchy of things.”

“Is that important?” He fingers his headphones.

I stop at the threshold of the eighth tower. “What is?”

“Hierarchy. You can switch it up if you don’t like it.”

I resume walking and he joins me. “It’s been this way for centuries. It can’t be just switched up.”

“You never know until you try.” He searches our surroundings. “Where is your friend with the green hair?”

“Ah. Kim. She has to pick up her brother so we can go to a party.”

“Did you just say a party?”

I look Knox up and down, and a crazy idea comes to mind.

An idea that might end the ill-fate between me and Aiden once and for all.

I promised him that he’ll regret it and I meant it.

The more he tries to smother me, the harder I will fight.

The more he suffocates me, the stronger I’ll search for air.

This time, he’ll be the one hurt, not me.

“Do you want to come?” I ask Knox.

“To a party?” He grins. “Hell yeah.”

“Kim and I will pick you up.”

“Can I do that?” He runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t like it when someone drives me.”

“Sounds good.” I laugh.


“We’re the complete opposite. I don’t like driving. I didn’t even apply for a licence.”

“Why not?”

“It makes me nervous, I guess.”

“Well, if you need a ride, I’m here.”

“Aww, thanks.”

“It’s me who should thank you, Elsa.” His eyes soften at the corners. “It sucks to be the transfer student, but you’re making it easier.”

“I’m happy to. You kind of saved my life, remember?”

“You certainly aren’t going to let me forget that.”

“Hell no. I’m indebted to you for life.”

He bends over, grinning. “I’ll hold you to that.”

We resume walking and I show him the best places to find calm and peace, which aren’t much.

I glance up at him. “Can I ask you something?”


“When you found me in the pool, did you notice anything strange? Or anyone?”

He hums. “Not really. I was lost and found myself in the pool area and then I noticed a body floating upside down. Imagine my shock.”


“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.” He pauses. “Did you really trip and fall?”

“Yes.” No. I don’t know.

According to my nightmares and my episodes, the hand that pushed me could be a figment of my imagination.

That scenario means I’m hallucinating and have a worse mental state than I thought.

It scares the shit out of me.

I opt to change the subject. “Where did you use to study?”

“In another private school.”

“Really? Students in private schools rarely transfer, especially during the senior year.”

“We had to move because of my father’s work.”

That makes sense.

As we step outdoors, I lock gazes with Xander. He narrows his eyes on Knox like he’s trying to see past his skull.

Before he can make a move towards us, I tell Knox, “Let’s go.”

He lets me lead him to the garden.

I have no doubt that Xander will tell Aiden all about this.

Doesn’t matter.

Aiden will see the present himself tonight.



“You look hot. Like I’d totally do you, girl.” Kim stares me up and down as we stand in front of the mirror in my bedroom. “Why haven’t you been dressing up before, again?”

I add another clip to my hair, letting the ponytail fall to my back and straighten.

I wore a sleeveless little black dress that hugs my breasts and waist and falls to a little above my knees. I also put on mascara, lip gloss, and Aunt’s Nina Ricci’s perfume.

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