Home > The Throne of Pain(5)

The Throne of Pain(5)
Author: Stella Andrews



Chapter 5






What’s happening to me? For some reason I loved everything that just happened. It felt good being washed in the most luxurious of ways and then fed the most delicious food without having to lift a finger. My whole body feels so alive because it’s anticipating more of the same. I can’t see, speak, or move and that alone feels amazing. I don’t have to think. I’m not in control and the only decision I have to make is whether to do as I’m told. It’s actually quite liberating and feels strangely good to let go of the whole sorry mess that I’m in for a brief moment of the purest delight.

I may not be able to see him but I am fully aware of every move he makes. Will it be now? I know it’s coming because why else would he have brought me here? Do I want it to happen, that’s the part of all this that sickens me the most? A simple yes. I do want it to happen because for the first time in my life; I feel alive. This whole situation is frightening on the one hand and so exciting on the other. It’s the unknown that’s driving this because now all I’m thinking of is what’s going to happen next? I feel ashamed as I feel the slick juices of my own betrayal coating me below as I anticipate receiving something I should be disgusted by. I feel my pussy clenching with need and my nipples hardening as I imagine the pleasure that man could bring me. Then I feel the fear as I wonder if he’ll be disappointed and turn his attention to punishing me. Maybe I should try and think of a way out of this mess because that’s what a normal person would do—surely?

But I’m not ready to go.

That shocks me more than being here in the first place. I have become a monster because what sane person craves this fucked up situation? Maybe someone who has never really lived on the edge before. Maybe a girl who has always done everything to please others before herself. I expect it’s because I’ve always lived my life like a painting by numbers, following the instructions to the letter and not coloring outside the lines. That’s why I’m mildly curious to discover what happens next because for once in my life, I am living.

I’m not sure how long I kneel for but I must tune out because when I hear him enter the room it comes as quite a shock. I don’t think I’ve moved a muscle since he left and he says in a deep voice, “Good girl.”

For some reason I feel proud of myself which makes me want to laugh because why should I care for his approval, which shows me just how far I’ve fallen?

Every inch of me is wired as he moves behind me and says huskily, “You have earned one privilege for obeying me, what’s it to be?”

I’m taken aback because I wasn’t expecting this and for some reason, I only want one thing.

“What’s your name?”

My voice is soft and holds none of the terror I feel inside and for a brief moment there is silence as I wait for him to speak. He sounds almost surprised as he says, “Lucian.”

I breathe a little easier because now the monster has a name and it strikes me how much it suits him because if there was ever a living incarnation of the devil, it’s this man.

I feel his breath on my neck as he crouches behind me and I try reciting the national anthem, anything to shift my mind from the man holding me captive. He brushes his lips at the base of my neck and I hold my breath, disgusted with myself for craving his touch more than anything.

He laughs, a low sound that should strike terror in my heart but does the opposite. I love hearing him speak. It reminds me that I’m not alone and I wonder if I’m going slightly mad. Is this what happens when one human being is forced into slavery? Does their mind shift into another gear where it becomes acceptable?

Every part of my rational mind is telling me this is wrong and yet there’s a part of me that’s addicted to this game and wants to see it through to the end.

He says in a gentler voice, “You could have asked me for anything and you wasted it on a name. You surprise me again, my angel.”

I feel his mouth touch my skin and gently nip at my neck and I almost come apart where I’m kneeling. God this is so intense and I am loving every minute of it. The fact he’s the hottest man I’ve ever met probably has something to do with that but it’s the element of danger that’s driving this and I am so turned on right now, I don’t even recognize myself anymore.

I almost feel like screaming for a different reason now because I want him to get on with it. Show me why he brought me here but I can sense it’s all about the game for him, which is like a drug in itself.

He moves my hair aside and I feel the cool breeze of the air conditioning calm my skin as he bites my neck like a twisted vampire, sucking, biting, feeding. It feels as if he wants to mark me and it hurts. I make no sound because I’m guessing he likes it this way. If he does, I don’t want to give him that satisfaction because he will not break me. Whatever he does, I will want. However he treats me, I will learn from it and however this ends up, I will not be broken.

He says huskily, “I knew you were perfect the moment I saw you. I’ve been waiting for you, Riley.”

Immediately, I snap out of my trance and say quickly, “You know my name?”

“I know everything about you, Riley Michaels.”

A prickle of fear runs through me as he laughs softly. “I know your name, where you live and where you work. I know your family’s in Europe and you have just left your boyfriend. I know you are here on vacation—alone and are mine without question for the next two weeks. I also know that you like songs from the 90s and classic movies. You love animals and had a dog named Tiger when you were ten. I also know that your favorite food is sushi and you have a yearning to travel. You see, Riley, I know you and if you run, I will find you because you are not going anywhere until I say so.”


He laughs softly as I shrug, “You know me through Facebook, it’s obvious. That’s public information because I was stupid enough not to protect myself from predators. You got my name from the reception because you own this hotel, Lucian Romano and now I know who you are, I have power.”

“Power, you think you have power, think again. You see, Riley, you are the one bound and blindfolded in my fortress. You are naked and waiting for me to make my move. The fact I know so much unnerves you because you were not expecting it. I’m guessing you like that. I’m guessing you are enjoying this way more than you thought you would and you are wrong if you think you hold the power here.”

He grabs my hair, forcing my head back and whispers, “I own you Riley Michaels and what happens next in your life is out of your control. If I wanted to, I could re-write your history and take away your future, you see, where I come from, I can do whatever the hell I like. So, accept one thing before we move on. You have no power.”

My head hurts so much and brings tears to my eyes and I just whisper, “I accept.”

As soon as the words leave my lips, he crushes them to his in a brutal kiss. He is not gentle and I taste blood in my mouth as he bites my lower lip and groans. Then he pulls back roughly and growls, “Now I will punish you for daring to think you have power over me.”

I’m terrified as he flips me across his knee and I feel the blow hit my ass hard. I bite my lip because I will not scream. I will not show him that he has beaten me and so, as the blows keep coming, I cry silently inside. It hurts so much and yet after a while I tune out and just accept my fate. I’m not sure how long it goes on for before I am pulled roughly to my feet and dragged across the room. With a sinking feeling, I hear the crunch of metal as I hit the side of the cage and hear the key turn in the lock as he leaves me right back where I started. Imprisoned, alone and even worse, still bound and blindfolded. If I thought this was a game, he has just proved that it’s one I am never going to win.

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